A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Posts tagged ‘chakra healing’

Increase your Energy and Lose your Stress – Download a #Free Copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

Did you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. The pandemic has made our stressful lives worse – so take back control.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, FREE for download through August 9, I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, you’ll learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Did the pandemic pull the rug out from under you? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better, and increase your immunity too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet

The Crown Chakra – Nourishing your Spirituality

Screen shot 2012-03-21 at 8.59.47 AMCONNECTING TO YOUR SPIRITUAL STRENGTH (excerpt from The Chakra Energy Diet)

Spiritual oneness is the goal of opening the Crown Chakra, the point of knowing and enlightenment. Many people feel let down by religious institutions and even god, lacking faith in a higher power or universal consciousness.

After my friend Julie died, all my energy centers were affected, but I recognized these emotional or mental issues commonly associated with the Crown Chakra – a feeling of aloneness, depression, and a loss of meaning. I prayed for Divine help and received a deep connection to universal love, to my friend, and a knowing that her spirit lived on.

The Seventh Chakra: The Crown Chakra is our highest energy center, located at the top of the head and extending above it about two inches. It represents liberation, humanitarianism, deep understanding, and spiritual growth, union with the higher self and the Divine.

Opening or balancing your Crown Chakra can bring a profound awakening, a connection to your spiritual nature as well as to cosmic consciousness.

Crown Chakra Healing Foods – Juicing, Purple/Pure Foods

Since the Crown Chakra is more spiritual than physical, it is not nourished with physical foods in the same way that they feed other chakras. The correlation between the Crown Chakra and food is to make it a spiritual experience, whether by purifying the body through fasting for religious reasons during Ramadan or Yom Kippur, giving up a special food for Lent, or adding prayer or grace before meals.

Affirmation or Grace before eating for the Crown Chakra:

“May this food bless and nourish my body and help support my spiritual purpose.”

Detoxifying JuiceDetoxification cleanses, such as juice fasting, can also benefit the Crown Chakra. I especially like juicing mangosteen, grown in Hawaii, with its luscious violet color, for a detoxifying cleanse. Mangosteen contains powerful antioxidants and immune system boosters called xanthones, natural chemical compounds which possess a variety of potent medicinal properties.

Substituting a juice for a meal once a day, or for 3 meals in one day will assist in cleansing and detoxifying the body and in opening the Crown Chakra. But check with a medical professional before attempting a longer juice fast if you have any metabolic or health issues.

Foods that are pure and unadulterated also help keep the Crown Chakra open and integrated with spirit, especially if you choose them with the intention of increasing the greater good. Pure foods include those organically grown without chemicals or genetic modification. For the Crown Chakra, you want to eat with a higher purpose in mind – for the good of all beings, and the good of the environment.

Crown Chakra Healing Activities

The Crown Chakra is connected to meditation and to prayer or devotion to a higher power. Prayer could mean anything from singing religious hymns or reciting formal prayers or psalms, to devotional chanting like kirtan.

Being in nature, breathing in sunlight and fresh air, will also energize the Crown Chakra. While in nature, do a nalu meditation, focusing on something beautiful – when you feel a sense of relaxation, it’s a good time to give thanks and pray for guidance from a higher power.

For yoga poses and a guided visualization that will assist in balancing the Crown Chakra, please see The Chakra Energy Diet.

Free Chakra Energy Diet menu plans for all the chakras are available at www.theChakras.org.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


The Chakra Diaries Takes You on Journeys into Balance

FREE ON KINDLE at http://amzn.to/1JONPPkIn The Chakra Diaries, my first book, I shared how to balance your own chakras as you learn how these “energy centers” affect love and loss, health and happiness, life and death for the participants in a chakra workshop.

Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then download the FREE MP3 CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


FREE TODAY – Chakra Secrets to Love and Happiness

I invite you to download a FREE copy of my memoir, Chakra Secrets, a sizzling story that also offers chakra information and insight…

It’s absolutely FREE for download, today only, Friday, Oct. 19, on Kindle at http://amzn.to/RgxgS3. Even if you DO NOT have a Kindle, you can easily download an app to read Kindle books on your computer, iPad or smartphone: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311.

All I ask is that you try the simple yet powerful chakra healing tool mentioned in Part II and send me your feedback or questions, or leave a customer review on Amazon.com. So far, I’ve heard it helped one woman relieve physical pain for the first time in 2 years!

“I have had some exposure to chakras, yoga and past life experiences. Chakras seemed a little too ‘woo woo’ to me. And yoga so slow and boring. I see now that I did not a have a teacher like Becca. I simply did not understand it. In this case, it is woven into an autobiography that is as thrilling a story as a novel.” ~ Corinne Edwards, Amazon Reviewer

Why should you care about chakras anyway?

Chakras are our energy centers that affect directly influence everything from our financial security, our sex life and self esteem to how we give and receive love, express ourselves and practice spirituality.

How do you know if your chakras are in balance?

For example, if you are feeling insecure, it’s hard to have a good foundation for a relationship or profitable career, so you’ll want to strengthen your first or Root Chakra. If you feel needy, crave touch and sex and want to feel more passionate and creative, you should work on unblocking your second or Sacral Chakra.

All seven of the chakras have an impact on our lives. In CHAKRA SECRETS, I show how each of my chakras was blocked and share how I was able to move forward through chakra healing techniques that anyone can use to find love and happiness.


I hope you read and enjoy CHAKRA SECRETS. Download your FREE copy today at http://amzn.to/RgxgS3.


Becca Chopra

P.S. If you enjoy CHAKRA SECRETS, please post a review on Amazon.com; it helps authors so much! And if you would like the companion video on how to perform the chakra healing technique I share, simply email me for a FREE link: Becca@thechakras.org.

Balance Your Chakras to Relieve Pain

“I read this book and another of Becca’s, checked out her website, viewed her video that follows this book. For the first time in 2 years, I am pain free. I am more at peace. THANKS!” ~ Amazon reviewer

“Do you know which of your chakras are out of balance? Becca Chopra’s new book starts with a very easy-to-understand explanation of the chakra energy centers in our bodies and how each one affects us differently – physically and emotionally. Then, she shares the “secret” healing technique described in her book, Chakra Secrets, and details how to use “Dynamind” to balance each of the seven chakras, removing any pain or dis-ease associated with each one…. As busy as I am, I know I can fit in a Toner for one of my chakras in just a few minutes each morning… setting myself up for a much better day ahead.” ~ Amazon reviewer

Thank you to these two reviewers who recognized the healing power offered by the Dynamind Process which I share in this book. I learned this technique from Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., a kupua healer and founder of Aloha International, during a Hawaii Health Getaway. With his help, I’ve applied the process to Chakra Healing.

Whether you experience pain, illness or stress, or just want to enhance your energy, you’ll want to learn and practice this simple, yet profound, technique.

According to the ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy, stress plays a part in all illness. More and more, modern medical research links stress and illness to a wide range of maladies from high blood pressure and heart disease to chronic pain and obesity.

Of course, modern everyday life carries with it a grab bag of stress, but we just don’t want it to be chronic and as familiar as our favorite shoes. Personally, I use a variety of ways, including yoga and meditation, on a daily basis to relax my body and mind. But when I feel pain or illness or uncomfortable emotions such as fear or anger, I immediately use the “instant healing” Dynamind technique to release tension, restore my body’s innate self-healing abilities and allow my chakra energy to once again whirl strongly.

Just like regular exercise can keep one’s body and mind toned, using Dynamind Toners every day can keep your chakras and your body in balance. I’ve even produced a Balance & Tone Your Chakras DVD where you can follow along with me and strengthen your chakras so that your life can be the best it can be.

Anyone who purchases my books which explain the Dynamind process, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life or Chakra Secrets can get a free link to the streaming video, now through the end of October, when the DVD will be available for sale.

Becca Chopra


Tapping for Security and Abundance with Serge Kahili King

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

When I met Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., a Hawaiian-trained shaman and teacher of the Huna philosophy, he taught me the Dynamind Process. In Hawaiian, Huna means “secret” and Dynamind is the ultimate healing secret to balancing your life in just minutes a day.

Whether you experience pain, illness or stress, or just want to enhance your energy, you’ll want to learn and practice this simple-yet-profound technique. Dynamind can be used to heal a wide range of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual dis-ease.

You simply state out loud what you want to change – the problem or pain – and tap, breathe deeply and feel the tension causing your discomfort melt away.

The concept is that by physically touching four major points on your body while reciting specific statements, you’re able to take a deep breath and release tension causing disruption in your body’s healing energy. It may sound simple, but the results are often deeply transformative.

Dynamind is a quick and effective exercise, documented in Dr. King’s book, Healing for the Millions. Now, with his help, I’ve applied the process to Chakra Healing.

I use Dynamind each morning, after I scan my body, mind and emotions and see what I’d like to change. Then, I change it quickly using Dynamind.

It’s a good idea to set your intention every day with a ritual. For me, I love the Dynamind Technique. I also use it when I’m off track, when I’m stuck, when I’m feeling negative, disconnected, or just out of sorts. I also use it when I’m feeling positive and want to access or sustain more joy and bliss.

All chakra imbalances manifest in uncomfortable physical and emotional problems that you can describe as a “feeling.” Dr. King advises asking yourself what emotion is a problem, where you feel that emotion in the body, and then work on changing that physical sensation to let the healing energy of the body once again flow freely.

Our energy centers affect our emotions and “feelings” in our physical bodies. We can balance these chakra centers by healing our physical and emotional problems using Dynamind. And we can strengthen our energy centers through Dynamind Toning.

Chakra energy centers hold a vibration and color, like a human rainbow, and are affected by every experience, thought, and emotion we have ever had. You can use that vibration and color to enhance the Dynamind Process… follow along as we “tone” the Root Chakra for added security and abundance. A short 2-minute preview of info from CHAKRA SECRETS, the Dynamind Toner for the Root Chakra, is now available on YouTube:

Dynamind for Chakra Healing

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries



Deep breathing is my favorite antidote to stress. I do two-part breathing – first into the belly and then into the lungs and out again – before meditation, during the day during stressful situations, and definitely when at the dentist’s office.

I am also a fan of Piko-piko breathing, used in the Hawaiian healing tradition. It is not only a stress reliever but a great aid in relieving pain as well.

Breathe in with your attention on your navel and breathe out with your attention on any part of your body that is in pain. Your imagination will help move healing energy along with your breath.

Make these deep breaths, moving your belly up and down (deep abdominal breathing oxygenates and relaxes your whole body). In another variation of Piko Piko, breathe in healing energy from the sky above and send any heavy energy with your breath out your feet to the center of the earth. You’ll be moving healing energy through the body, energizing your chakras and unblocking tension so your body can move into balance.

This is a perfect breathing exercise that takes less than a minute, can be done anytime, anywhere you need to relax, and is especially perfect before sitting down to meditate.

Deep breathing is one of the stress-releasing techniques used in the Dynamind Technique, which I learned in Hawaii from Serge Kahili King, PhD, a Hawaiian shaman and healer. It can be used to work on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dis-ease. Get a free preview at www.thechakras.org.

For your free MP3 of my complete 10-minute Chakra Meditation, breathing into each chakra center and energizing it, click here.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries



Do you want to learn special yoga poses and mind-body exercises that can be used to balance each of the seven chakras? In CHAKRA SECRETS, you can follow Rebecca, the workshop leader from The Chakra Diaries, as she tells her side of the story, including explosions of past lives, betrayals, loss, grief and guilt, on her path to becoming a yoga teacher and chakra healer.


I learned an exciting, simple-yet-profound energy healing tool from Serge Kahili King, PhD, founder of the Huna group, Aloha International. Dynamind was like a simplified version of the Energy Freedom Technique (EFT) and it did have similarities to it, Dr. King said. “But in Huna, we try to make things as simple as possible, as effective as possible, so we’ve combined the power of words, breath, movement and feeling into one mind-body healing technique.”

Dynamind can be used to heal a wide range of physical dis-ease, it was explained. You simply stated out loud what you wanted to change – the  problem, pain or discomfort – and tapped, breathed and felt it go away.

Dr. King advised asking yourself what emotion was a problem, where you felt that emotion in the body, and then work on changing that physical sensation to let the healing energy of the body once again flow freely. All emotion manifests within the body with some physical ‘feeling.’ Just as chakra imbalances can manifest in uncomfortable physical and emotional problems.

IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEARN HOW TO USE DYNAMIND, GO TO http://www.thechakras.org/chakra-secrets.html

The Chakra Diaries – FREE KINDLE on Mar 17

Save some “green” this St. Patrick’s Day – download The Chakra Diaries for FREE on Kindle, all day March 17.

It’s a perfect day to share our book, The Chakra Diaries, novel life stories exploring the healing power of love. Green is also the color frequency associated with the Heart Chakra, the center of love and compassion. We love to share the dramatic diaries of those who have overcome insecurities, illness and tragedy through chakra healing.

Here’s the last quote in the book… it says it all:

“After we have mastered the wind, the tides and the gravity, we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, humans will have discovered fire.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Becca Chopra


SPIN YOUR RAINBOWS OF CHANGE – Get your Free Kindle of The Chakra Diaries Today

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi

In The Chakra Diaries, you’ll find examples of negative “programs” that 10 people are stuck in, destroying their happiness and success, until taking a Chakra Balancing workshop. Learn along with them the different expressions of imbalanced chakras, whether addictions, insecurities, anger, physical illness, or a lack of abundance… and how to heal through the power of love.

THE CHAKRA DIARIES are free to all on Kindle today at Amazon.com. If you don’t own a Kindle, sign up to download the book to your computer, iPad or smartphone. We welcome your feedback via reviews, emails, or shout-outs on Facebook or Twitter.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaires

