A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing’ Category

Recharge Your #Crystals During the Strawberry Full Moon

Energize your Root Chakra and your Crystals during the Strawberry Full Moon.

The full Strawberry moon tonight will usher in the energy of expansion and good luck. The highly charged energy from this full moon will enhance your power to release the past and amplify your intentions.

The full moon is said to offer a powerful effect on your meditations and affirmations, helping you to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s also a great time to cleanse your crystals.

If you want to cleanse and charge up your crystals, take the opportunity to charge them to match your intentions, before you place them on your windowsill or porch. For instance, rub a crystal lightly between your fingers, then place it on the center of your forehead over your Third Eye Chakra while offering your affirmation or visualizing what you’d like to manifest in your life. As the Strawberry Moon is associated with the color red, choose a red crystal and use an affirmation to strengthen your Root Chakra, connecting your body’s intuition with the intuition offered by your higher knowing through the Third Eye Chakra.

Energy flows where attention goes, so focus on a goal. Take several deep breaths as you visualize how you’ll feel and act as you achieve this goal. Breathe in the security, the strength and the comfort of being in your chosen place.

Crystal healing works because the stones interact with your body’s own natural subtle energies. Each crystal holds a vibration, much like chakras hold a vibration of color and energy. Crystals used to heal each chakra usually vibrate with the same color associated with that chakra.



When the Root Chakra is balanced, you are confident, grounded and secure in your place in the world.

For sound mantras and affirmations associated with all seven of the major chakras, see my book, BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet.


Chakra Energy Centers Blend with #Inka Healing Traditions

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 7.54.02 AMI had the exciting experience to meet Don Humberto Soncco from the Q’ero Nation of Peru and learn how this Master Healer uses the power of nature to heal.

As the translator explained Don Humberto’s healing philosophy, I was struck with the similarities to the philosophy of the Yogic tradition.

Energy centers are places within us where the currents of life’s energies intersect. The yoga tradition has identified several types of energy centers, from the chakras, the major energy centers, to the marma points, the secondary energy centers, to the sandhis or simple junctions. In my yoga practice, we work to balance the chakra centers through meditation, toning, specific poses and affirmations.  As we remove stagnation and open the flow of these energy channels, dramatic healing can occur.

The structure of the Inka tradition includes 7 levels, 7 energy principles and 7 eyes.  As I received a healing from this master, he placed Mesas, energy stones or crystals, at my crown chakra, third eye chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra and other power points. 

His healing was described as removing “heavy energy” and connecting with different nature spirits to fill my “bubble” or aura with the healing forces of nature.  Quite wonderful.  For more information on the Inka tradition, see http://www.WiraqochaFoundation.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet



How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Thanks to guest blogger, Ana Blanche, jewelry enthusiast and founder of Fabbeat.com – a store that educates about the healing powers of natural crystals and offers a selection of handmade chakra balancing items, meditation malas and more. She’s also offering  a 10% discount on her products for the readers of Chakra Blog.

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Natural Stone Tree of Life Charm Bracelet

Crystals are used by many to help the body balance its vital strength. But can you really balance your chakra with crystals? The answer is yes, and in this post, we will tell you how these crystals work.

Crystals and Chakras

Healing crystals and stones in chakra bracelets and necklaces are not just pieces of jewelry. Even if a person just wears them as an eye candy, these crystals do much, much more. The patterns of healing crystals and stones work to help cleanse, align and balance your energy centers.

Crystals and Chakras go hand in hand when talking about our body. Our body has seven chakras or energy centers. Chakras play vital roles and maintain a constant flow of strength in the body. They are also linked to each other and work in sync to strike an overall body energy balance.

Here are the 7 Chakras, with their colors and features:

  1. Root Chakra (Red) – this chakra is about how we feel safe and secure, and controls our basic needs as human beings.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Orange) – this chakra is linked with being creative. It is also our sexual center.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) – this chakra stands for our sense of power and self-esteem. This is the area between your belly button and breastbone.
  4. Heart Chakra (Green) – the heart chakra is about love and kindness. It also unites the upper and lower chakras. It also shows how we relate to ourselves and others.
  5. Throat Chakra (Blue) – this chakra is connected to our ability to speak the truth, and how creative we are in expressing ourselves. It helps unlock our deepest feelings.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) – also known as the “Ajna.” This chakra relates to our intuition and helps us listen to our gut instinct.
  7.  Crown Chakra (Violet) – the crown chakra stands for our conscious self, spiritual health and how we connect with the universe. It helps us feel aware and gives us a sense of love and light.

But what if there’s an imbalance in your chakras? Here’s where healing crystals come in. Like the chakras, they stand for certain colors and support your energy centers.

How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Chakras need to be open and aligned for energy balance. If your powers are not balanced, you’ll find it hard to keep them open. One way to do this is to balance your chakras with crystals.

Chakra crystals help open, balance, or support the energy of the chakras. This is based on the belief that such stones or crystals have a natural healing frequency.

In short, energy is harnessed and channeled through the crystal. It then resonates with the vibration of the chakra you’re focusing on. And the easiest way to utilize this healing energy is by wearing jewelry containing natural stones. Stones used in a particular healing piece may vary as each crystal has its own properties and resonates the most with a specific chakra.

List of Healing Crystals

Here’s a list of commonly used stones and crystals that heal our chakras:

  • Root Chakra: Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Fire Agate, Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline
  • Sacral Chakra: Moonstone, Coral, Citrine, Carnelian
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Topaz, Malachite, Calcite
  • Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Tourmaline, Green Calcite
  • Throat Chakra: Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine
  • Third Eye Chakra: Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian, Amethyst
  • Crown Chakra: Selenite, Diamond, Clear Quartz

First, you can check the set of crystals that are related to your chakras. Bear in mind that the chakras can be linked to many crystals and you will need to find out which one works best for you.

You may also use your intuition to choose your healing crystal. Observe the glow of the crystals and see which ones are most suitable. You may also feel the energy of the crystal by placing it in your hand. You will feel a tingling or heating sensation.

Benefits of Chakra Crystals

Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 6.04.37 PM.pngWearing a bracelet, such as the one shown here – the Chakra Healing Amethyst Buddha Bracelet, is beneficial for your body and mind in many ways. For instance, in this bracelet, the Amethyst meaning is to purify, heal, and protect; Tigers Eye is included to maintain harmony and balance and help to relieve fear and anxiety; Lapis Lazuli to stimulate the desire for knowledge and truth, etc. Wearing this bracelet, you’ll notice:

  • It balances our energy centers and grounds us.
  • It calms us and relieves anxiety.
  • It clears our thoughts.
  • We feel more stable and secure.
  • It cleanses our body and mind of negative energy. It also removes blockages to promote the smooth flow of positive energy.
  • It helps us focus on things that really matter in our life.
  • It helps us seek enlightenment and awakens our spirit.

The benefits of wearing a bracelet or a necklace with healing crystals are endless and it’s indeed a very powerful item to keep up with our hectic lives.

Fabbeat.com has a great selection of chakra balancing and chakra healing items. If you’d like to give their healing crystals a try, you can enjoy a 10% discount offered exclusively for the readers of Chakra Blog. Just use the code chakradiaries at the checkout.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog



The Chakra Diaries Takes You on Journeys into Balance

FREE ON KINDLE at http://amzn.to/1JONPPkIn The Chakra Diaries, my first book, I shared how to balance your own chakras as you learn how these “energy centers” affect love and loss, health and happiness, life and death for the participants in a chakra workshop.

Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then download the FREE MP3 CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet




I love to use lava rocks to ground my root chakra, placing them between my legs as I meditate, or placing them on my heart chakra to open myself to the healing power of love as I lie in Savasana. Many of my friends use lava rocks to make jewelry that encapsulates the tremendous energy of the earth.

Lava hearts may form as 2000-degree basalt flows from underneath the surface of the Big Island of Hawaii, spurts, ebbs and then cools. Once covered by the sea, marine creatures such as limpets or other snails may attach to the pieces of lava as well. Also, these as-found creations of Nature often contain the yellow-green Quartz crystals called citrine that is created as the lava cools. I imagine that these hearts are bursting with love to be shared.

For lava rock hearts that you can get in time for Valentine’s Day, see www.ETSY.com.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries (watch for my Valentine’s Day giveaway starting February 12th!)


Want to reduce stress and lose weight? Becca Chopra recommends you check your chakras.

Thanks to Tom Rapsas – here’s a re-post of his blog, The Inner Way…

Weebly photoBecca Chopra is my go to-person when it comes to learning about the chakras, the body’s seven “energy centers” of spiritual power. She has written a couple of informative and entertaining books on the subject that teach how chakras can affect everything from your love life to your health, wealth and happiness.

She has a new book out titled The Chakra Energy Diet and this time the topic is how eating right can not only balance your chakras—but help you lose weight, lower stress and gain more energy in the process. So you’ll not only look better, you’ll feel better too.

According to Becca, there’s a simple way to determine if your chakras could use a realignment: If you’re stressed out, feeling not so great, unhappy with the way you look, or out-of-control with food cravings, your chakras are not balanced. That means it’s time for some chakra work.

In the book, Becca moves from chakra to chakra, reminding the reader of the role of each chakra and helping the reader determine if a specific chakra is out of balance. If there is an issue, she talks to how it can be addressed through changes in diet, visualization techniques and yoga poses that can help you get your chakras realigned.

Here’s a quick overview of her approach as it relates to your diet:

Are you financially stressed, insecure or angry? Start feeding your Root Chakra with high-quality protein and foods that vibrate with the same color as that chakra—red foods like cherries and strawberries and root vegetables like red potatoes and red cabbage.

Are you lacking energy? Give your Solar Plexus Chakra a helping hand by eating complex carbohydrates like yellow millet or brown rice.

Want to be more loving and compassionate? Open the Heart Chakra with the help of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy green ones.

Need help with intuition and insight? Invigorate your Third Eye Chakra with dark blue, brain-supporting foods like berries and grapes, and without overdoing it, chocolate.

What about losing weight? Becca believes that one of the leading culprits when it comes to weight gain is stress. She points out that when you’re stressed, it causes a hormone called cortisol to surge, stimulating your appetite. The body decides it needs extra stores of fat or glucose and you reach for something to eat. She writes:

Most people are driven to eat comfort foods when stressed out, even if they’re not hungry. And comfort foods are usually high-fat, sugary or salty foods. You may be eating whatever is within reach to fill an emotional need, or cruising to the closest fast food window because you have no time to shop and cook a healthy meal.

So what’s the best approach to dealing with stress—and the overeating that comes with it? The author admits that the first thing she used to do when stressed was to reach for a bag of potato chips. But she’s found a better approach: take a breath and relax! She advises us to:

Put your hands on your tummy, below your navel, and feel it rise and fall with your breath. We often breathe very shallowly or even hold our breath when we’re stressed. Simple deep belly breathing can both calm the release of stress chemicals in the body and oxygenate your cells.

She then layers in how adjusting your chakras can help as well:

Using chakra colors, imagine breathing in bright yellow energy from the sun into your Solar Plexus or navel area and breathing out your stress. Or pull in inspiration from the heavens, visualizing violet or white light coming in with the breath through the Crown Chakra, and exhale your stress by breathing it out with awareness at the bottom of your feet.

Here’s one more tool that can help keep your appetite in check. Chopra credits Ann Doherty for the following meditation that can help you better manage your diet, by making you more aware of what and how you eat:

Hunger Awareness Meditation

  • Before you eat, breathe in and out of your belly a few times to relax.
  • Focus on your body and how you experience hunger.
  • Rate your hunger on a scale of 1 (none) to 10 (very).
  • If you’re not actually hungry, your cravings may be caused by dehydration – sip a glass of water or cup of herbal tea and see how you feel. If you’re fatigued, take a short nap or listen to a guided meditation (preferably with your feet elevated).
  • If you’re truly hungry, make nourishing choices.
  • Periodically stop, put down your fork or spoon and breathe. A fun idea is to try eating with your opposite hand to slow things down.
  • Chew fully and slowly to give your body time to note satiety or fullness – it usually takes 20 minutes.
  • Using non-judgmental awareness and experimentation, periodically rate your fullness on a scale of 1-10 (very).
  • Stop eating when you feel 80% full or when you reach an 8, still feeling comfortable enough to go for a walk.

This post originally appeared on my Wake Up Call column at Patheos, June 13, 2014.

The Inner Way

Becca_ChopraBecca Chopra is my go to-person when it comes to learning about the chakras, the body’s seven “energy centers” of spiritual power. She has written a couple of informative and entertaining books on the subject that teach how chakras can affect everything from your love life to your health, wealth and happiness.

She has a new book out titled The Chakra Energy Diet and this time the topic is how eating right can not only balance your chakras—but help you lose weight, lower stress and gain more energy in the process. So you’ll not only look better, you’ll feel better too.

According to Becca, there’s a simple way to determine if your chakras could use a realignment: If you’re stressed out, feeling not so great, unhappy with the way you look, or out-of-control with food cravings, your chakras are not balanced. That means it’s time for some chakra work.


View original post 702 more words

Solar Pexus Chakra Balancing with Diet and Exercise

SunWith the Arctic Freeze covering much of the United States this week, I’d like to shed some light on the Solar Plexus Chakra and the foods and activities that can warm and feed your energy and health in that area.

Located right above the navel, the third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, is the focal point of your identity and self-esteem, also known as your power center. It is associated with the digestive organs and metabolism, processing energy and giving you the zest you need to get through your busy day. It vibrates with the energy of the color yellow.

You may recognize some of these emotional or mental health issues commonly associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra – poor self-image, indecision, fear and anger, powerlessness, greed, stubbornness, apathy and compulsive behavior.

Physical health issues include digestive disorders, food allergies, diabetes, ulcers, liver problems like hepatitis or jaundice, gallstones, and adrenal fatigue.

What do you crave? Addictive behavior associated with the Solar Plexus include cravings for caffeine, sugar and carbohydrates.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel energetic, cheerful, willing to persevere and finish your projects, confident in your instincts and abilities, purposeful and organized.yellow peppers

Foods, especially those that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Foods:

oatsIf you want to balance your Sacral Chakra, and reduce cravings that lead to overeating, replace processed carbohydrates that tend to be addictive… most are loaded with just the right amount of sugar, oil and salt to make sure you can’t eat just one, like potato chips or fries. Processed foods also contain GMOs which have been shown to cause inflammation of the stomach lining and poor digestion. Instead, focus on filling, nutritious, gluten-free whole grain dishes and snacks that will fuel your muscles and brain with energy. I like to start my winter day with a steaming bowl of oatmeal with a touch of local honey.

Replace your slice of bread with a half cup of brown rice, oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth, teff, polenta, or buckwheat – experiment with the flavors and textures of the various whole grains, and cooking them together.pineapple

As each chakra is associated with an endocrine gland, the Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the pancreas, so eat to keep your blood sugar and insulin in the normal range and avoid the current epidemic of diabetes. The pancreas is connected to all your digestive organs, so don’t overload them with toxins like alcohol, trans fats, artificial flavors and sweeteners, or pesticided foods. Include yellow foods that provide enzymes for good digestion, like papayas and pineapples, in addition to corn, squash, beans, peppers and poultry, and spices like ginger and tumeric.

Squash & Millet Satisfies your Sweet Tooth

The overconsumption of simple sugars as opposed to complex carbohydrates such as whole grains can cause chaotic blood sugar Solar Plexus Squashlevels, leading to hypoglycemia and even Type 2 Diabetes. A perfect dish to replace white potatoes or white rice (which quickly turn to sugar in your blood stream) is millet. It has a cheerful yellow color and is the perfect complement to sweet winter squashes to satisfy your cravings for sweets without spiking your blood sugar.

Millet is so easy to make – like most grains, simply rinse, add 2 parts water to one part grain, add a pinch of sea salt, bring to a boil, then simmer for 25 minutes. It’s especially tasty and appetizing when served with baked Acorn squash.

Sacral Chakra Healing Activities: Power Yoga is especially suited to the Solar Plexus Chakra. I also like to include the Spinal Twist, the Bow, the Boat and the Camel when I concentrate on balancing the Sacral Chakra.

While the Root Chakra is all about grounding to Mother Earth, and the Sacral Chakra is about reaching out to others in physical movement like dance and swimming, the Solar Plexus Chakra is all about personal strength. Other recommended exercise includes speed walking, hiking or jogging, aerobics or spin classes, and strength building routines like circuit training.

Enter to Win A Personalized Chakra Diet Plan

Just go to my website, TheChakras.org, to sign up to win a free personalized Chakra Diet Plan. All entries will also get a free preview of my upcoming book, THE CHAKRA DIET. You’ll learn how to eat your way into balance, to increase your energy and reach your optimal weight using chakra healing foods. Entries must be received by February 15, 2014, so enter today.


Becca Chopra, author of Chakra Secrets, The Chakra Diaries and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


Which Chakra Needs to Be Balanced?

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 8.04.36 AMYou can use Chakra Stones to place on your body during meditation to strengthen the seven chakras. You can also keep them in the bag to ask the question, “Which chakra do I need to work on?” The stone you pick will give you the answer! Your energy body will always choose the right one.

 Do this anytime you’re feeling less than perfectly balanced, and want to choose a specific chakra to heal using meditation (download my free Chakra Meditation), Dynamind (see my book Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life or free video Balance & Tone Your Chakras), or through other means such as your diet (read The Chakra Energy Diet).

You can purchase an inexpensive bag of chakra stones at TheCrystalShop.US.

Bag of chakra stonesCrown Chakra:  Amethyst – Enhances Psychic Gifts and Higher State of Consciousness.

Third Eye Chakra:  Blue Aventurine – Opens the Third eye chakra and intuition. It is a powerful mental healer that increases vitality and a positive outlook.

Throat Chakra:  Lapis – Represents tenderness, empathy and communication.

Heart Chakra: Green Aventurine – Benefits one in all areas of love, creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Carnelian – Manifests Abundance; Energizes; Heightens Self Discipline.

Sacral Chakra: Orange Carnelian – Increases Concentration, Creativity, Sexuality and Courage.

Root Chakra: Red Jasper – Emotional Protection, Assists with Grounding and Helps to Maintain Boundaries.

Happy Healing!
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


Q: Becca, I’m unhappy with my job, both in my paycheck and the drudgery of the work. Any advice on which chakra I need to balance?

BECCA: I’m often asked how to tell which chakra is out of balance, and there are many ways that can give you an answer. I like using a crystal pendulum over the Bag of chakra stoneschakra centers, using a bag of chakra stones*, or muscle testing – all ways to measure the strength of the energy field. Of course, you can also determine which chakra you may need to balance based on your feelings and experiences.

BUT, and this is a big but, I always recommend starting at the Root Chakra and working your way up to balance all seven major chakras, because it’s rare to have just one chakra blocked or too open. Each energy center affects the others. In your case, it seems you may have an imbalance in both your Root Chakra – not feeling secure with your finances, and in your Crown Chakra – not finding meaning and purpose in your work.


Let’s look at how each chakra center could be affecting your job and life’s work.

First, the Root Chakra gives you a sense of security and belonging. If your first chakra is out of balance, you may have a hard time fitting into a corporate culture if you’re working for someone else, and you may have a hard time finding your niche of customers if you start your own business.

The Sacral Chakra is not only associated with the flow of creativity and sexuality, but the flow of money. So if your second chakra is out of balance, you may experience a problem with cash flow and have a hard time stretching your paycheck to cover the rent. If you’re an entrepreneur, you may have a lack of creative ideas to propel your own business forward.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of your personal power. If your third chakra is out of balance, you may find it difficult to assert your leadership skills. You’ll find it hard to ask for a promotion or raise if working for a company, or to grow a strong, successful business of your own.

The Heart Chakra is associated with love and caring. If your fourth chakra is out of balance, you won’t get along as well as you could with your coworkers or clients. You’ll find it hard to relate to their needs, and therefore, your efforts will bot be sufficient or they will miss the mark.

The Throat Chakra governs whether you are able to speak your truth. Are you able to convince your potential clients or boss of the effectiveness of what you’re offering? Strengthening your fifth chakra will enable you to believe in your own message and be much more effective at selling yourself and your products.

The Third Eye Chakra is where we receive information and ideas. Do you feel inspired at work? If you have your own business, do you feel guided in how to grow your company? Strengthening your sixth chakra will open you up to new channels of abundance.

The Crown Chakra is our direct connection to Spirit. If your seventh chakra is balanced, you’ll feel that you’ve found your meaning and purpose in life and express it in your work or other activities. When you work for the greater good, success will be yours.

So, how should you balance the seven chakras?

Guided visualization may be the easiest way for most people to get in touch with their chakras, and sense where there needs to be more attention paid. I offer a Chakra Meditation from my book, The Chakra Diaries, for free download on my website. When you balance a chakra, you will notice an improvement in all areas connected to that chakra – from physical symptoms to your finances.

If you know a specific chakra needs special attention, I recommend crystal healing, or mind-body healing using Dynamind, described in my books, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life. To balance your chakras along with me, try my DVD, Balance & Tone Your Chakras.

Please feel free to ask any additional questions. Either comment below or email me at Becca@thechakras.org.

Becca Chopra

*Chakra stones are available at http://www.thechakras.org/chakra-crystals.html.


sunriseWant to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Then you’ll want to strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra. I like to visualize the yellow light of the sun streaming into my navel or solar plexus area and feel this golden spotlight invigorating my life and my emotional and physical strength. You can also turn to the golden light of a crystal, and breath the energy emanating from the crystal into your solar plexus chakra.


Crystal healing works because the stones interact with your body’s own natural subtle energies. Each crystal holds a vibration, much like chakras hold a vibration of color and energy. Crystals used to heal each chakra usually vibrate with the same color associated with that chakra. Edgar Cayce recommended illuminating a clear quartz crystal with the color of the chakra you wanted to heal, then to gaze on that crystal as you sang a mantra associated with that chakra (R A M for the Solar Plexus Chakra) or repeated an appropriate affirmation. Even a photograph of the crystal holds the vibration, so feel free to print this out and use it in lieu of the real thing.

Solar Plexus Chakra crystal

Gaze at the photo here while toning R A M and notice how you feel greater confidence, self-esteem and vitality.


I feel the fire in my belly producing more power in my life.”

For photos, sound mantras and affirmations associated with all seven of the major chakras, see my new Kindle book, BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE.

New here? Like TheChakras.org on Facebook to stay up to date with new posts and take part in our special offers and giveaways.

Becca Chopra
