A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Yoga’ Category

Increase your Energy and Lose your Stress – Download a #Free Copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

Did you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. The pandemic has made our stressful lives worse – so take back control.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, FREE for download through August 9, I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, you’ll learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Did the pandemic pull the rug out from under you? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better, and increase your immunity too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet

#FreeKindle of The Chakra Energy Diet – Lose the Stress and Increase Your Wellbeing

Did you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. The pandemic has made our stressful lives worse – so take back control.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, FREE for download through Sunday, April 18, I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, you’ll learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Has the pandemic pulled the rug out from under you? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better, and increase your immunity too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet

Last Day to Download a FREE Copy of The Chakra Diaries

Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then listen to the CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Please share this giveaway with your friends – everyone can download it to any smart reading device.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


#Yoga Pose to Re-engage with #Joy

The Circle of Joy Breath Integrates Body, Mind and Spirit:

This sequence opens the heart chakra, which is the bridge between our lower chakras and physical self, and our higher chakras that tune into our mind and spirit. As the bridge from the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that are associated with the physical body, to the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, associated with mind and spirit, the Heart Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness.

The Heart Chakra needs to be nourished if we are to remain physically strong, capable of giving and receiving love and able to develop spirituality. The Circle of Joy Breath will calm your emotions and prepare you for deeper visualization and meditation.

This can be done either standing or sitting. First, place your palms together at your heart.

Circle 2

Inhale, interlacing your fingers.

Exhale, press your palms forward and outward, stretching through your shoulders.




Inhale, and circle your hands upward, extending your palms up to the sky and lengthening your spine.

Affirmation: “I am encircled with joy and light to share with the world.”



Circle 3

Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them down behind your back.

Inhale, interlace your fingers again and raise the arms backward and upward, opening your chest.



Circle 2


Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them back in front, clasping the palms and stretching them forward.



CIRCLE 1 and 6


Inhale, bringing your palms back together at the heart.



Now relax in the seated lotus position or lie down in Savasana. This is a good time to do a Chakra meditation or guided visualization. Listen to my FREE guided meditation at TheChakras.org.

For more ways to nourish all the chakras, download The Chakra Energy Diet, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


Holidays Stressful for You? Download the Free Solution…

The Chakra Energy Diet cover

Download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET FREE through Wednesday.

For Thanksgiving, I went to a pot-luck party where some of my friends ate Paleo or ketogenic diets, others were vegetarians or vegan, and others were concerned with allergies to gluten or dairy. But the colorful roasted veggies I brought were embraced by all, and added needed balance to all their plates.

How can you stay in balance during the stressful holiday season? By adding color to your plate and your lifestyle, and feeding and nurturing your chakras. 

First of all, if you’re blaming yourself for overeating or for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is knowing how to stop the stress reactions… and which of your chakras needs to be calmed or strengthened to deal with the extra stresses put on all of us at this time of year.

This information and more is in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, free for download on Amazon through Wednesday, November 28.

THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET explains how stress affects weight both physiologically and psychologically. 

When you’re under stress, your digestion is impaired and you can’t receive the nourishment from the food you eat. Once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” stimulates your appetite to replenish your food stores.

Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

The disruption of cortisol secretion during the “fight or flight” response may not only lead to weight gain, but it can also put that weight exactly where you don’t want it – in your belly. Studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is strongly related to Syndrome X, the cluster of risk factors associated with heart disease.

Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.49.21 AMTake the quiz for each chakra in your FREE COPY of  THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, and learn exactly what you need to do to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight… so you don’t have to crash diet come January 1st.

You’ll find out which of your chakras is under stress, and learn the best foods, relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise to balance your chakras and have a vibrant and healthy life.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

A New Year – A New You: Download a FREE copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

The Chakra Energy Diet coverHappy New Year! Celebrate starting your best year ever by getting tips on how to stay in balance and keep stress at bay. This information and more is in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, free for download on Amazon throughout the world this week.

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

Stress affects weight both physiologically and psychologically. 

When you’re under stress, your digestion is impaired and you can’t receive the nourishment from the food you eat. Once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” stimulates your appetite to replenish your food stores.

Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

The disruption of cortisol secretion during the “fight or flight” response may not only lead to weight gain, but it can also put that weight exactly where you don’t want it – in your belly. Studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is strongly related to Syndrome X, the cluster of risk factors associated with heart disease.

When under stress, doesn’t your willpower go out the window? Most people are driven to eat comfort foods when stressed out, even if they’re not hungry. And comfort foods are usually high-fat, sugary or salty foods. You may be eating whatever is within reach to fill an emotional need, or cruising to the closest fast food window because you have no time to shop and cook a healthy meal.

Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.49.21 AMSo what should you eat? Take the quiz for each chakra in your FREE COPY of  THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, and learn exactly what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight.

You’ll find out which of your chakras is under stress, and learn the best foods, relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise to balance your chakras and have a vibrant, healthy and beautiful New Year and New You.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


DO YOU FEEL ENOUGH LOVE IN OUR WORLD? Balancing the #HeartChakra

LOVEI think we can all agree what the world needs now is love. You feel love when you give love. And you need an open, balanced Heart Chakra to be the compassionate, loving person that is the real you. Following is an excerpt from The Chakra Energy Diet: The Right Food, Relaxation, Yoga & Exercise to Look and Feel your Best! on the Heart Chakra:


If you agree with more than 3 or 4 of the following statements, you may want to look at ways to heal your Heart Chakra…

  1. I’m tired from putting others ahead of myself.
  2. I find it hard to forgive or let go of hurt feelings.
  3. I’m very empathic – feeling other’s feelings.
  4. My heart has been broken in the past.
  5. I have heart and/or lung problems.
  6. I feel numb and a loss of passion.
  7. Connecting with friends or family helps relieve my stress.
  8. I don’t get enough hugs, kisses or massages.
  9. I often get heartburn after eating.
  10. I don’t really like vegetables.
  11. Relationship problems cause me to overeat.

All healing is achieved through the magic of love. We can all benefit by releasing the tension that blocks our healing energy from flowing. Start with self-love, accepting and praising your body and mind for being – yes, just for being here for you, allowing you to be part of life. Go from there, and do Saturation Praise (telling yourself out loud what you love about yourself) for a minute every day – the more you learn to love yourself, the more you will be able to do what’s best for your body, and to show love and compassion to others.

The Fourth Chakra: Located at the center of your chest, the Heart Chakra is associated with the heart and lungs. If your Heart Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, you may experience physical issues with these organs, such as hypertension or respiratory ailments, or feel pain in the upper back and shoulders. You may feel emotional insensitivity, sorrow, depression, and resentment, and develop a dependency on smoking cigarettes or marijuana.

When the Heart Chakra is balanced, you are able to feel love, openly giving and receiving it. You are able to be compassionate without taking on other people’s feelings. You can let go of sadness, release old resentments, forgive yourselves and others, and move forward with emotional empowerment.

The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower three chakras – the Root Chakra which relates to our safety and security; the Sacral Chakra, which relates to our creativity and sexuality; the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the base of our personal power and identity; and the upper three chakras – the Throat Chakra, which is associated with speaking our truth; the Third Eye Chakra, which opens us to our higher knowing and intuition; and the Crown Chakra, our connection to spirit.

Leafy greensHeart Chakra Healing Foods

While the first three chakras are fed by protein, fats and carbohydrates, the Heart Chakra is balanced through phytochemicals or macronutrients, especially those in green vegetables. The rising energy imparted by leafy greens, for instance, feeds our expansion, growth and opening in all directions, like the feeling of love and a willingness to give of ourselves.

Foods, especially that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras. So, nourish your Heart Chakra with the many GREEN vegetables – from kale, spinach, chard, collard, dandelion and mustard greens, to lettuce and sprouts of all kinds, and nourishing and health-protective cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. There’s also bok choy, cabbage, arugula, green peas and peppers, leeks and green onions, watercress, zucchini, and celery.

Take a stroll through your local Farmer’s Market and appreciate the abundance of green veggies and choose your favorites, then open up and try some new ones. Ask how to best prepare them to savor their delicious flavors.

Also, include green fruit in your diet, from green apples, pears, grapes and kiwi, to that best salad ingredient of all – avocados.

Heart Chakra Healing Activities

Use this general affirmation or blessing while cooking and before eating for the Heart Chakra:

“May this food bless and nourish my body and make me more loving and compassionate.”

You can strengthen the healing effect of your food by adding in some green veggies at each meal, for instance, adding some leafy greens to your morning juice or smoothie, or green peppers in your omelet, having a large salad at lunch, and steaming broccoli or zucchini for your side dish at dinner. Make your meal with love and gratitude, for the people who grew your food, to the people you will share it with.

We often overeat to fill a feeling of emptiness or lack of love. If sharing food is one of the major ways your mother has expressed her love to you, or you to your family, think of other ways to feed the longing of your own heart, rather than with food. Instead, pamper yourself with a massage or social activity, or reach out to others through volunteer work.

Exercising with others is recommended for the Heart Chakra. Join in a team sport, an aerobics or spin class at the gym, take a walk with a friend or partner, play catch with your children, and be sure to take a yoga class.

Circle 3Heart Chakra Yoga Poses

I like to open up Heart Chakra energy in the chest by doing the Circle of Joy sequence; and also with the Cobra Pose.

The Heart Chakra will also be energized by the Fish Pose, the head-to-knee Forward Bend and the Head of Cow pose.

Heart Chakra Visualization

In your mind’s eye, see a person who may have hurt you and caused your heart to be blocked to the flow of love and compassion. Imagine sending them blessings as you throw them a ball in a game of catch. See if they throw it back. If not, surround the game of catch or relationship with a green glow, sending that person love and forgiveness, and through magical thinking, have them throw the ball back and forth with you. And then catch yourself smiling.

It’s not hard to let go and forgive someone…wrap that person who has caused you pain in bright green light, cleansing and healing the situation. Release yourself and them from any negative connections, only keeping the good. Let go of anger to have space for love to grow. Now, with love and compassion, envelop yourself and your whole life experience in healing green light.

The Chakra Energy Diet is available on Amazon Kindle for download to any device. Here’s to balance, health, and always, love.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog


Calling All Macho Men to #Yoga Class

Reposted from http://www.Chopra.com:

man doing yoga outdoors

Yoga is popular these days. Very popular. According to a recent Yoga Journal survey, over 20 million Americans practice yoga on a regular basis, up from 15.8 million in 2004. Yoga practice has clearly found its stride and is attracting more followers every day. Yet, while many people are reaping the benefits of yoga, there are countless others who are unfortunately scared off due to ill-founded myths and misconceptions about what yoga is. Like any other popular activity, yoga can fall victim to stereotyping and sweeping generalizations if you’re unwilling to look below the surface to really experience the essence of the practice. Once you dig a little deeper, however, you soon discover a simple and profound truth: yoga is for everyone.

The following are some of the most popular myths and misconceptions surrounding yoga and its practice. If you are a yogi, perhaps you once held one or more of these mistaken beliefs before experience changed your mind. If you’re new to yoga or sitting on the fence and unsure about taking the plunge, explore these myths and see if they may be holding you back from finding your place on the mat.

Myth 1: Yoga Is Just About Stretching

While on the surface, yoga may appear to be a simple stretching or calisthenics routine, it is far, far more. The yoga poses or asanas that most people associate with stretching only make up a small portion of a very thoroughgoing philosophy, science, and way of life. The word yoga means union—the union of body, mind, spirit, breath, and environment. It forms an all-inclusive and comprehensive worldview.

The vast storehouse of Vedic and yogic thought comprises a body of knowledge that espouses yoga as a complete and total path of liberation. The classical eight limbs of yoga enumerated by the great yogic sage Patanjali include rules for:

  1. Social behavior
  2. Personal observances
  3. Mind-body integration exercises
  4. Breathing techniques
  5. Focusing of the senses
  6. Mastery of attention and intention
  7. Meditation
  8. Experience of pure awareness

Myth 2: Yoga Is Only for Women

There’s no doubt that yoga is more popular with women than men. Most yoga classes have far more female than male participants. However, this wasn’t always the case. In the records of time, yoga was traditionally practiced almost exclusively by men in ancient India. With its arrival in the West however, yoga began to draw a large female following. Regardless, yoga is not a gender-specific activity. Men and women alike can practice and benefit from a regular yoga practice.

Myth 3: You Have to Be Flexible and in Shape to Practice Yoga

Many potential yogis get scared off from yoga practice by images of very flexible or fit yogis gracing the covers of magazines or website articles. They see someone in an asana and mistakenly assume that flexibility and strength are prerequisites for the practice. In actuality, flexibility and fitness come as byproducts of yoga, not as requirements.

While it’s true that yoga poses can build strength, flexibility, and balance, you can practice yoga without having those skills or attributes and still receive all the wonderful mind and body benefits. Yoga is for every body, no matter what body you bring to the practice. Tall or short, thick or thin, young or old, yoga is meant to adapt to you, not the other way around.

Myth 4: You Need Fancy Clothing and Mat to Practice Yoga

The popularity of yoga worldwide has created a unique and unexpected offshoot–yoga gear. Entire companies now exist to provide yogis with specialized clothing, mats, gear bags, and sweat towels. While these add-ons can be nice, they are in no way required to practice yoga. Consider that the ancient yogis once performed yoga on beds of leaves in a forest wearing nothing but loincloths. Although you don’t need to be that minimal in your practice, it’s important to remember that yoga is an “inward stroke”—taking your awareness within.

External appearances like that flashy new mat or those trendy new yoga pants exist on the material-level of your awareness, while the actual practice of yoga coaxes you to go deeper. Yoga can be practiced in whatever feels comfortable for you, with or without a mat, with just a few feet of empty space in which to move.

Myth 5: Yoga Is a Religion

Because of its ancient Indian roots and ties to Hinduism, yoga often gets misidentified as a religion. However, it is actually much more like a science (In India, yoga is often thought of as a science of Self-Realization). As such, yoga practice is likened to a laboratory in which you are both the subject and the object of your experiment, the goal of which is to awaken your own inner potential and the divinity within.

The archetypal concepts sometimes invoked through mantras, chants, or images of a specific deity are meant to awaken the dormant potential of those states of consciousness that reside within you. But those practices are not required to benefit from yoga practice, nor does their use carry a religious connotation. Yoga is not about outer worship; it’s about inner exploration.

Myth 6: Yoga Is Too Easy

Those who look at yoga through a purely physical lens may think it’s too gentle or mild to be of any benefit. The “No Pain, No Gain” mentality so common in the modern fitness culture paints a picture of results based on hard work and struggle. While yoga, especially restorative yoga practices such as The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, can focus on doing less to accomplish more, it doesn’t mean that yoga is easy or passive.

The mind-body coordination required during yoga practice is unlike many other forms of exercise because your full attention is engaged and present in each movement. Unlike running on a treadmill while watching television, yoga engages all aspects of your being, making it more challenging than it may appear on the surface. Yoga unifies your:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Emotions
  • Senses
  • Breathing
  • Environment

Myth 7: Yoga Is Too Hard

At the opposite end of the spectrum are those who shy away from yoga because they fear it will be too difficult. Fearing that their bodies “don’t go that way,” many will opt out of yoga and miss out on its countless benefits. Granted, some yoga poses can seem intimidating, but the beautiful thing about the practice is that it meets you where you are. The idea is not to force yourself into a yoga pose – it’s about adapting the pose to fit your body where it is today.

There are always alternatives to any given pose. Yoga encourages you to listen to your body’s signals of comfort and discomfort, and choose those poses that feel best for you. Then, as you become more comfortable with yourself in the practice, you can explore more challenging poses, and often, to your surprise, they end up being easier to attain than you once believed.

Myth 8: Yoga Will Make You Self-Conscious

Performing any new activity with people you don’t know can stir up self-doubt and self-consciousness, but potential yogis shouldn’t fear this. Remember that yoga is about deepening the conversation between your mind and body–it’s a personal journey. Worrying about what others think keeps your awareness stuck at the level of the ego and personality.

Yoga is about being fully present and aware of who you are in the moment. The practice encourages genuine authenticity and self-acceptance. The more you begin to accept yourself in the practice, the sooner you’ll notice a deeper bond forming between you and your fellow classmates. Everyone is a wave on the vast ocean of Spirit. Yoga allows you to express yourself with openness, kindness, and self-love.

Myth 9: Your Physical Condition Prevents You from Practicing Yoga

While there are some contraindications for doing yoga, it is on the whole a very accessible practice that nearly anyone, at any age or condition can practice. Once again, it’s important to think of yoga as malleable to your life and who you are. Take what you need, and allow yoga to give you its gifts.

There are numerous styles of yoga, each with a unique focus or interpretation of these ageless teachings, so if one yoga school or class doesn’t work for you, try another until you find the right fit. In addition, consider chair yoga or the use of yoga props such as blocks or straps to aid you in your practice. If you can’t go to a class, try a DVD or online video. The options are countless if you’re willing to try.

Myth 10: Yoga Is Just a Fad

Although yoga may appear to be just another trendy exercise program that will be replaced by the next gimmick to hit the scene, it’s actually far from being a new thing, and it’s not likely to fade out of popularity anytime soon. Yoga has been around for thousands of years. While modern books, classes, videos, and workshops are relatively new methods of communicating its timeless teachings, yoga has been an established and proven means to integrate all the layers of life and awaken human potential for countless generations.

The persistence of yoga’s appeal is quite simple—it works. Whether in the laboratory of scientific research on mind-body and consciousness research or in the subjective framework of an individual’s life, yoga has stood the test of time and will continue to do so.

Spend some time reflecting on these myths. If one or more of these misconceptions has been holding you back from trying yoga, embrace the truth behind them and fear no more. Hop off that fence and step onto the mat. You won’t be sorry.


Becca Chopra


Which Chakras Need Balancing to Meet your New Year’s Resolutions?


I agree with Dr. Abrams, but how do we become bodywise? Look to your chakras. They give you clues where stress is sabotaging your health resolutions (in the past and for the New Year), and where you need to nurture yourself.

To share the best stress-busting techniques I’ve learned over the last 20 years along with the best way to nurture each chakra, I’m offering you a FREE download of The Chakra Energy Diet: The Right Food, Relaxation, Yoga & Exercise To Look and Feel your Best! through Sunday, January 8.


You increase your energy when you eat food as close to its natural state as possible (not processed with additives you can’t even pronounce). So what should you eat?

First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight.

THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Do you need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your 1st or Root Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your family, friends and co-workers? Work on your Heart Chakra.

Afraid of public speaking? Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your Crown Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Using instant “stress-busting” techniques shared in the book, combined with eating more real food, will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll drop any excess weight, and feel and look better too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight – The Chakra Energy Diet Tells You How

The Chakra Energy Diet coverDid you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET , I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks…

Download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET to learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Do you need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Afraid of public speaking? Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

And please take a minute to leave a review when you’re done.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet