A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Breathing’ Category

Gain Independence from Pain and Heartache ~ Learn How in your FREE copy of Chakra Secrets

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

I first learned an exciting, simple-yet-profound energy healing tool from Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., founder of the Huna group, Aloha International, and it has been my go-to healing technique for years now. My best-selling book, Chakra Secrets, not only tells the story of my bumpy road to chakra balancing (covering everything from past lives to kundalini yoga), but takes you step-by-step through how to free yourself from pain and imbalances with the Dynamind instant healing technique. And you can download it for free from July 1-3.

Dynamind is like a simplified version of the Energy Freedom Technique (EFT) and it has similarities to it. Dr. King said, “But in Huna, we try to make things as simple as possible, as effective as possible, so we’ve combined the power of words, breath, movement, and feeling into one mind-body healing technique.”

Dynamind can be used to heal a wide range of physical dis-ease. You simply state out loud what you want to change – the problem, pain, or discomfort – and tap, breathe and feel it go away.

Dr. King advises asking yourself what emotion is a problem, where you feel that emotion in the body, and then work on changing that physical sensation to let the healing energy of the body once again flow freely. All emotion manifests within the body with some physical ‘feeling.’ Just as chakra imbalances can manifest in uncomfortable physical and emotional problems.


If you’d like to watch Serge Kahili King and I balance and tone all seven chakras to KEEP your chakras and your life in balance, profoundly affecting your financial security, love life, self-esteem, relationships, self-expression, intuition, and inspiration, watch the free video Balance and Tone Your Chakras.

If you’d like to read the whole story of how I came to learn Dynamind, download your FREE COPY of Chakra Secrets. Then have a Happy Independence Day!

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Happy Thanksgiving! Stay Grateful with these #Stress-busting Techniques

Screen Shot 2019-11-26 at 8.11.10 AMHow can you get the most out of the holidays without stressing out?

The hectic holiday season can leave many people feeling exhausted and anxious instead of merry and bright. Stress is also the top cause of taxing all your chakras, your immune system and  your health. So, I’d like to share the stress-busting techniques I write about in The Chakra Energy Diet, now available in paperback in full-color as well as in B&W and on Kindle by the way.


Whether you look to modern science or ancient wisdom, stress is seen as the root of dis-ease. According to the ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy taught by Serge Kahili King, PhD, stress plays a part in all health problems. In fact, according to Dr. King, stress can cause tension at the physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level, leading to inhibited energy flow and, ultimately, illness.

There are many ways, such as yoga and meditation, that I use on a daily basis to relax my body and mind, as well as the following “instant healing” techniques taught by Dr. King.

What do I do first when feeling stressed out? I used to reach for a bag of potato chips until I was taught:

“Don’t eat when upset or angry.” Instead, I…

Take a Break and Breathe

Try this combination of breath and focused attention called Piko-piko breathing…

Piko-piko is a special Hawaiian breathing technique that simultaneously relaxes and energizes the body,” says Dr. King. Using shamanic techniques and chakra colors, imagine breathing in bright yellow energy from the sun into your Solar Plexus or navel area and breathing out your stress. Or pull in inspiration from the heavens, visualizing violet or white light coming in with the breath through the Crown Chakra, and exhale your stress by breathing it out with awareness at the bottom of your feet.

“I know, I know, this seems almost too simple,” says Dr. King. “But it does work.”

Relieve Mental Stress 

To relieve mental stress, pay more attention to what you like, rather than what you don’t. Criticism, whether of yourself or something else, creates mental stress and then tension in your body, explains Dr. King.

First of all, don’t knock your body. Praise it for every step it takes in the right direction. Try self-love, rather than self-criticism, when you look in the mirror, even after enjoying those holiday treats. Who would put up with a critical person barraging them all day with their negativity?

Push aside that critical voice in your head, and instead, focus on something you like about yourself – you’re a good person, with your own unique style and taste.

A good morning practice, when you first look in the mirror, is to spend a full minute focusing on everything you like about yourself…telling yourself out loud everything you like about yourself. This is a quick mental stress reliever I learned from Dr. King called “Saturation Praise.”

Don’t Push Down Uncomfortable Emotions

On the emotional level, anger is often tied to inflammatory processes which damage the body, one of only many reasons to practice forgiveness. If something is gnawing at you, rather than trying to calm yourself with food, decide to let it go.

Dr. King taught me a simple anger-release technique: Place one hand on an area of your body where you feel tension or inflammation, and point the other hand toward the earth, which can absorb your angst, and say, “Whatever this is related to, I release it and let it go forever” until the tension and pain eases.

Undigested emotions can lead to your body holding on to weight as well as anger or fear. Release your emotions and stop what’s eating you. There are many reasons to forgive (even if you can’t forget) transgressions – because anger only hurts YOU.

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~ Buddha

You’re Already Complete and Connected

On the spiritual level, tension can come from feeling isolated or separate, and the antidote can be as easy as meditating. Dr. King suggests trying a nalu meditation, focusing for a minute on something beautiful. You will soon feel a sense of relaxation come over you and a greater connection to spirit, your higher self, or God (work with your own beliefs about this).

Once you’re in that relaxed state, it’s a good time to express gratitude for the good in your life or to ask for inspiration. When you have ideal health or reach your perfect weight, what would you like to achieve and share with the world?

Embracing the “Relaxation Response”

As you address your stress, and practice relaxation responses, your metabolism will improve, it will be easier to make nourishing food choices vs. struggling with willpower, and your body will look and feel better.

Relaxing your stress responses will allow you to better digest your food, helping you keep your waistline even during the holidays.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

#Yoga Pose to Re-engage with #Joy

The Circle of Joy Breath Integrates Body, Mind and Spirit:

This sequence opens the heart chakra, which is the bridge between our lower chakras and physical self, and our higher chakras that tune into our mind and spirit. As the bridge from the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that are associated with the physical body, to the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, associated with mind and spirit, the Heart Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness.

The Heart Chakra needs to be nourished if we are to remain physically strong, capable of giving and receiving love and able to develop spirituality. The Circle of Joy Breath will calm your emotions and prepare you for deeper visualization and meditation.

This can be done either standing or sitting. First, place your palms together at your heart.

Circle 2

Inhale, interlacing your fingers.

Exhale, press your palms forward and outward, stretching through your shoulders.




Inhale, and circle your hands upward, extending your palms up to the sky and lengthening your spine.

Affirmation: “I am encircled with joy and light to share with the world.”



Circle 3

Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them down behind your back.

Inhale, interlace your fingers again and raise the arms backward and upward, opening your chest.



Circle 2


Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them back in front, clasping the palms and stretching them forward.



CIRCLE 1 and 6


Inhale, bringing your palms back together at the heart.



Now relax in the seated lotus position or lie down in Savasana. This is a good time to do a Chakra meditation or guided visualization. Listen to my FREE guided meditation at TheChakras.org.

For more ways to nourish all the chakras, download The Chakra Energy Diet, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


Ancient Techniques to Conquer Stress and Associated Weight Gain

DietToday, I spent the day with a friend from California with whom I studied macrobiotics many years ago. He’s now a doctor of Chinese medicine, and when we shared books, it seems like our conclusions were similar… no amount of “dieting” will work if you’re stressed out.

Whether you look to modern science or ancient wisdom, stress is seen as the root of dis-ease. According to the ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy taught by Serge Kahili King, PhD, stress plays a part in all health problems. In fact, according to Dr. King, stress can cause tension at the physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level, leading to inhibited energy flow and, ultimately, illness. In my book, THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, I explain how stress hormones can cause your body to not only crave food, but to store more fat.

Of course, we are always going to have spikes of stress in our jobs and our lives, but we don’t want it to be chronic, and you don’t want to suppress it with addictions – whether to food, alcohol or drugs. My mother is very ill and I found myself caring for her 24/7 until I was so stressed and exhausted that I was reaching for chocolate after chocolate – until I remembered to practice what I preach in my new book to relax. I’ve also gotten more health services to come to my Mom’s house to give me some break time and rest… very important for caregivers to ask for help too!

For nearly twenty years, I’ve used yoga and meditation on a daily basis to relax my body and mind (and now that I have caregivers coming to help my mother, I have time for full sessions again), but I was excited to add in these “instant healing” techniques to keep me sane during this trying time. Please try them out and see how they work for you too!

What do I do first when feeling stressed out? I used to reach for a bag of potato chips or chocolate until I was taught:

“Don’t eat when upset or angry.” Instead, I…

Take a Break and Breathe

Put your hands on your tummy, below your navel, and feel it rise and fall with your breath. We often breathe very shallowly or even hold our breath when we’re stressed. Simple deep belly breathing can both calm the release of stress chemicals in the body and oxygenate your cells.

Try this combination of breath and focused attention called Piko-piko breathing…

Piko-piko is a special Hawaiian breathing technique that simultaneously relaxes and energizes the body,” says Dr. King. Using shamanic techniques and chakra colors, imagine breathing in bright yellow energy from the sun into your Solar Plexus or navel area and breathing out your stress. Or pull in inspiration from the heavens, visualizing violet or white light coming in with the breath through the Crown Chakra, and exhale your stress by breathing it out with awareness at the bottom of your feet.

“I know, I know, this seems almost too simple,” says Dr. King. “But it does work.”

How to Stop Physical Food Cravings

How can you stop a physical craving for a certain food? Dr. King recommends a technique called TFR – THINK, FEEL and RELAX. If you aren’t actually hungry, but feel a strong craving for a certain food, try these steps…

  • THINK about the food you’re craving.
  • FEEL where the craving is in your body.
  • RELAX, breathing in and out of that spot.

For instance, perhaps you’re upset and craving some ice cream to cool off. THINK about the ice cream, FEEL the churning in the pit of your stomach, then RELAX by breathing in and out of your stomach area. Repeat until the craving evaporates.

If you can’t satisfy your craving, notice if it is for a food that may contain essential vitamins or minerals that you may be missing – for example, chocolate, nuts and seeds are all high in zinc and magnesium. For an antioxidant- and vitamin-rich snack, reach for a naturally sweet and fiber-filled apple.

“Think” Yourself Thin

To relieve mental stress, pay more attention to what you like, rather than what you don’t. Criticism, whether of yourself or something else, creates mental stress and then tension in your body, explains Dr. King.

So, first of all, don’t knock your body. Praise it for every step it takes in the right direction. Try self-love, rather than self-criticism, when you look in the mirror. Who would put up with a critical person barraging them all day with their negativity?

Push aside that critical voice in your head, and instead, focus on something you like about yourself – you’re a good person, with your own unique style and taste.

A good morning practice, when you first look in the mirror, is to spend a full minute focusing on everything you like about yourself…telling yourself out loud everything you like about yourself. This is a quick mental stress reliever I learned from Dr. King called “Saturation Praise.”

Also praise everyone and everything else that represents your goal – if you want to be thinner, praise thin people, telephone poles, etc. If you want more curves, praise Sophia Vergara, fluffy clouds, and pillows.

Don’t Push Down Uncomfortable Emotions

On the emotional level, anger is often tied to inflammatory processes which damage the body, one of only many reasons to practice forgiveness. If something is gnawing at you, rather than trying to calm yourself with food, decide to let it go.

Dr. King taught me a simple anger-release technique: Place one hand on an area of your body where you feel tension or inflammation, and point the other hand toward the earth, which can absorb your angst, and say, “Whatever this is related to, I release it and let it go forever” until the tension and pain eases.

Undigested emotions can lead to your body holding on to weight as well as anger or fear. Release your emotions and stop what’s eating you. There are many reasons to forgive (even if you can’t forget) transgressions – because anger only hurts YOU.

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~ Buddha

You’re Already Complete and Connected

On the spiritual level, tension can come from feeling isolated or separate, and the antidote can be as easy as meditating. Dr. King suggests trying a nalu meditation, focusing for a minute on something beautiful. You will soon feel a sense of relaxation come over you and a greater connection to spirit, your higher self, or God (work with your own beliefs about this).

Once you’re in that relaxed state, it’s a good time to express gratitude for the good in your life or to ask for inspiration. When you have ideal health or reach your perfect weight, what would you like to achieve and share with the world?

Embracing the “Relaxation Response”

As you address your stress, and practice relaxation responses, your metabolism will improve, it will be easier to make nourishing food choices vs. struggling with willpower, and your body will look and feel better.

I hope you’ve seen how relaxing your stress responses allows you to better digest your food, helping you achieve your perfect body. All of these tools shared here, plus all the info in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, will assist you in balancing your digestive and hormonal systems, your mind, your emotions, your spirit, and yes, your chakras.


Becca Chopra


Calling All Lightworkers To Help Heal #StandingRock, the #Environment and Ourselves

Healing Energy Still Needed at Standing Rock and Around the World

Although many consider December 5 a day of victory for the protesters at Standing Rock with the easement denial of the Dakota Access Pipeline, protectors and natives warn that this is only the beginning. The same day the easement was denied, Energy Transfer Partners released a statement basically disregarding everything Obama said.

Gene Stone, a 70-year-old environmentalist, a descendent of a Cheyenne grandmother, and a veteran, is still at Standing Rock, according to a report in OCWEEKLY. He says he is mostly concerned about the President-elect’s impact because, “Now that someone is taking over the presidency who’s built a group … who don’t believe in climate change, it’s very crucial to be aware of the oneness with all parts of creation. That is why this movement is so important. We are supposed to be the caretakers of this planet.”

My last several posts have offered advice on how to send prayers and healing energy to Standing Rock and other situations and people who need love and assistance. Now this…

Harriette Knight, a Master Healer, Psychic Medium and Author, reminds us all how to be Lightworkers:


Right now, all Lightworkers are working overtime to hold the space for an easy transition into this new way of being. Who are the Lightworkers? If you are reading this, then you are, of course.

Every Being on the planet has been called to do what they came here to do. You are present at this time to fulfill an agreement, and you must not shirk your responsibilities.

Yes, it is daunting. Yes, you are tired. Yes, you thought you were done being a revolutionary, but alas, your work is not done. You have been called to action, called to wake up, and called to join together to fight the good fight. The fight for love.

Who would believe the fight for love could be so challenging?

You must first remember that you are not alone. You are never alone. You must know it, you must believe it, you must live it, and you must breathe it. You are never, ever alone.

Secondly, you can truly help all those you are connected to. Who are you connected to? EVERYONE! We are all connected. We are ONE.

Do you have to quit your job? No. Do you have to join a club? No. Do you have to change who you are? No. You simply need to continue to be your true authentic self. Practice self-care. Nurture yourself. Take time for yourself. You are harnessing your energy to stand strong. You are a Lightworker, after all. You’ve got this!

How can we help each other and the planet?

Take a deep breath. This is a breath for you. Acknowledge that you matter. Acknowledge that your voice is important. Acknowledge that you are being heard.

Next, take a deep breath for everyone else. For those who feel they cannot breathe right now. Take a breath and acknowledge that you are helping them breathe. We are in this together.

Now, in your mind’s eye, acknowledge that love is everywhere. It is in your breath, your friends, your family, your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country, your planet.

As you picture this blanket of love, fully embrace that it warms your heart, your soul, your purpose, and it is spreading out and comforting all of us on the planet and the planet itself.

We are ONE. And we are powerful. We are an energy source like no other and when plugged in, the vibration can be raised.

It starts with YOU. You have the power.

Breathe in love for yourself. Breathe out peace, calm, and security. Breathe in love for everyone. Breathe out a blanket of love keeping us safe and protected.

You are not alone.

You are a Lightworker.

Harriette Knight is featured in 2016’s Top 50 Psychics in the U.S. She is a master healer, psychic medium, author, and has recorded over 200 radio broadcasts. Her books, CHAKRA POWER! and GEMSTONE POWER!, along with her guided meditation CD’s, have become a staple for those on a spiritual and metaphysical path. She is available for psychic readings and healing sessions by visiting www.HarrietteKnight.com.

Many thanks to Harriette for this healing visualization. I offer an invitation to all healers to comment or share their method of distant healing for Standing Rock, and for the many people and situations in the world that need help.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet
Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog







Increase Your Own Energy to Heal Others

On Sunday afternoon, after the Global Prayer Effort, we received the good news that the Army Corps of Engineers said they would stop construction of the North Dakota Pipeline through Sioux land and do an environmental impact report for rerouting it.  However, the peaceful protesters are staying in camp because Energy Transfer Partners stated that they “are fully committed to ensuring that this vital project is brought to completion and fully expect to complete construction of the pipeline without any additional rerouting in and around Lake Oahe. Nothing this Administration has done today changes that in any way.”

As we did a healing circle to send energy to the protesters and the situation at Standing Rock, Susan Pa’iniu Floyd, a Hawaiian Shaman and teacher of Kino Mana bodywork with Aloha International, shared her method of distant healing.

Distant Healing Technique from Susan Floyd*:

First, I’ve learned I need to practice releasing tension within myself first, with happy woman standing on a sunset in ocean wavestechniques I’ve learned from Serge Kahili King, usually Piko Piko breathing (visualize breathing in energy from the top of your head and releasing it through the bottom of your feet, like bringing in energy through the crown chakra and releasing all tension through the root chakra), and self-massage.

My mission is to get myself into a high state of energy by releasing my own tension, so then I can focus on healing for who and where I want to help on the planet.

The focus on others has as much energy as you have to share. If we don’t have a lot of energy vibrations here, we’ll have less to send them.

In the case of Standing Rock, I’m thinking of everyone there in a state of absolute harmony, relaxation on all sides, because there’s so many people with different points of view. We have a lot of good people there but we’re not finding the right way to communicate yet.

In sending healing energy, we’re sending the thought, the focus. (The Hawaiian Huna principle of Makia applies here: Energy flows were attention goes. So focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.)

We need to focus on the goodness we have and the goodness we want. I’m sending energy waves with a lot of good thoughts to help all involved get back into a state of relaxation, remembering who they are. We have to see a higher vision.

This is my commitment to the world now – to release my own tension so that I’m able to give more.

*Comments in italics are made by Becca Chopra

Many thanks to Susan Floyd. For more information on her Kino Mana classes, see http://www.huna.org/html/kinotrng.html. I offer an invitation to all healers to comment or share their method of distant healing for Standing Rock, and for the many people and situations in the world that need help.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Simple Breath Technique to Erase Stress and Lose Weight

Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 10.48.51 AMDid you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight? I’m pretty sure that once you read how stress can sabotage your hormones (all linked to chakra centers), it will amaze you. And the deep breathing solution I’m going to share is so simple, it will amaze you too.

Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

Cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” starts signaling the body to replenish your food stores. Plus, it stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, and stimulates the release of insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. So, when stress causes your cortisol to surge, your appetite will be stimulated while your metabolism is slowed down, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

So how can you tame the tension?

Take a Break and Breathe

Put your hands on your tummy, below your navel, and feel it rise and fall with your breath. We often breathe very shallowly or even hold our breath when we’re stressed. Simple deep belly breathing can both calm the release of stress chemicals in the body and oxygenate your cells.

Try this combination of breath and focused attention called Piko-piko breathing…

Piko-piko is a special Hawaiian breathing technique that simultaneously relaxes and energizes the body,” says Dr. Serge Kahili King, a Hawaiian shaman. Using shamanic techniques and chakra colors, imagine breathing in bright yellow energy from the sun into your Solar Plexus or navel area and breathing out your stress. Or pull in inspiration from the heavens, visualizing violet or white light coming in with the breath through the Crown Chakra, and exhale your stress by breathing it out with awareness at the bottom of your feet.

“I know, I know, this seems almost too simple,” says Dr. King. “But it does work.”

Learn more about the stress-weight connection in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, available on Amazon Kindle to download to any reading device.


Becca Chopra






The Simple Secret To Balancing Your Chakras and Reaching Your Optimal Weight At the Same Time

DayHere’s the big secret… stress is screwing with your chakras as well as your physical health and body weight. I’m pretty sure that once you read how stress can sabotage your hormones (all linked to chakra centers), it will amaze you. And the solution I’m going to share is so simple, it will amaze you too.

We’re Always Searching For The “Magic Pill” For Weight Loss

But let’s face it; you can’t lose weight when you’re stressed out! If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

When stressed, your body tries to protect itself as part of the “fight or flight” response, so your blood flows to your muscles and away from your internal organs. However, once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” starts signaling the body to replenish your food stores.

Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, and stimulates the release of insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. So, when stress causes your cortisol to surge, your appetite will be stimulated as well. Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

So how can you tame the tension? In my book BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE, I showed how to use Dynamind to balance your chakras. It’s an instant healing technique that works because it releases the tension from your body. Here’s how…

Try Dynamind To Release Tension, Ease Pain, and Reduce Food Cravings…

Becca Chopra performing Dynamind.The next time you’re upset, stressed, in pain, reaching for junk food instead of “chakra healing natural foods,” try the simple Dynamind technique, developed by Serge Kahili King, PhD, a Hawaiian Healer and Shaman.

The technique can be used to reprogram the unconscious mind, to remove tension and resulting food cravings and tell your body-mind what you’d like to experience – and it will follow your instructions. This works well to heal the imbalances of chakra energy.

1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g.,

“I feel anxiety and a craving for potato chips in the pit of my stomach and that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

If you’d like a free video download with complete instructions on using Dynamind, go to http://www.thechakras.org/free-chakra-video.html.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Energy Diet, The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life



Deep breathing is my favorite antidote to stress. I do two-part breathing – first into the belly and then into the lungs and out again – before meditation, during the day during stressful situations, and definitely when at the dentist’s office.

I am also a fan of Piko-piko breathing, used in the Hawaiian healing tradition. It is not only a stress reliever but a great aid in relieving pain as well.

Breathe in with your attention on your navel and breathe out with your attention on any part of your body that is in pain. Your imagination will help move healing energy along with your breath.

Make these deep breaths, moving your belly up and down (deep abdominal breathing oxygenates and relaxes your whole body). In another variation of Piko Piko, breathe in healing energy from the sky above and send any heavy energy with your breath out your feet to the center of the earth. You’ll be moving healing energy through the body, energizing your chakras and unblocking tension so your body can move into balance.

This is a perfect breathing exercise that takes less than a minute, can be done anytime, anywhere you need to relax, and is especially perfect before sitting down to meditate.

Deep breathing is one of the stress-releasing techniques used in the Dynamind Technique, which I learned in Hawaii from Serge Kahili King, PhD, a Hawaiian shaman and healer. It can be used to work on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dis-ease. Get a free preview at www.thechakras.org.

For your free MP3 of my complete 10-minute Chakra Meditation, breathing into each chakra center and energizing it, click here.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries


Man in Tibet Melts Snow with his Body Heat!

A recent story chronicled an amazing feat by a Tibetan man. An observer noted that the man’s mental concentration was so acute that he could sit outdoors in deep snow, nude and melt the snow around his body.

At the Hindu monastery on Kauai, we were visited by a guru from India who could breathe through his eyes.

These extreme results of the practice of meditation can result in what may look like miracles. But we can all achieve miracles in our lives through meditation, more useful ones than melting snow or breathing through eyeballs. For example, meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance motor reflexes, increase motor control, increase exercise tolerance, sharpen perceptions, increase awareness, improve concentration, maintain health, provide a general positive outlook on life, and foster the development of a sense of personal meaning in the world.

Scientific studies reveal that meditation produces a specific physiological response pattern that involves various biological systems: metabolic, autonomic, endocrine, neurological, and psychological. Studies on how these mechanisms are involved in producing the final pattern of responses continue. The answers are so complex, the physiological response to meditation probably occurs on a multidimensional, interactive basis.

But why wait? We know the benefits of meditation, if not all the hows and whys. You can experience the benefits through simple sitting meditation, clearing of the mind with a focus on your breath. Or quiet your busy “chattering mind” with a guided visualization. To try a guided visualization that you can listen to lying down, try this Chakra Meditation.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaires
