A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Weight Loss’ Category

Increase your Energy and Lose your Stress – Download a #Free Copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

Did you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. The pandemic has made our stressful lives worse – so take back control.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, FREE for download through August 9, I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, you’ll learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Did the pandemic pull the rug out from under you? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better, and increase your immunity too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet

#FreeKindle of The Chakra Energy Diet – Lose the Stress and Increase Your Wellbeing

Did you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. The pandemic has made our stressful lives worse – so take back control.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, FREE for download through Sunday, April 18, I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, you’ll learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Has the pandemic pulled the rug out from under you? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better, and increase your immunity too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet

Lower Your Stress Level by Balancing the Root Chakra

Root chakraLiving in the time of Coronavirus, it’s especially important to take care of your first chakra — the root chakra. This chakra is associated with basic survival and security in the world, trust and boundaries, and balancing this chakra will lower your stress level dramatically. It is rooted in our connections to our community, family, other support systems, and the earth.

The health of our immune system is part of the first chakra, so do all you can to strengthen it.

When we balance our chakras, we craft our lives the way we want them to be, rather than living in constant reaction to forces outside of us. These spirals of energy are wheels that heal, feeding the body good energy and profoundly affecting our metabolism, as well as emotions, sensations and behaviors. The way we handle stress depends on our chakra balance… and we can eat our way into balance with healthy whole foods (unhealthy processed foods just cause the body more stress).

Body weight issues are commonly associated with the Root Chakra. When the Root Chakra is balanced, you feel strong and supported, safe, grounded, and peaceful… no reason to reach for comfort food or to overdo on junk food when you’re not hungry.

Foods, especially that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras.

Root Chakra Healing Foods Carry the Vibration of the Color RED: Animal protein, root vegetables, edible and medicinal mushrooms, and red-colored foods (beets, apples, pomegranates, cranberries, raspberries, etc.) nourish the Root Chakra and will help balance it.

Root Chakra Healing Activities: Gardening is the #1 activity I recommend for Root Chakra grounding AND for weight loss. The University of Utah did a study that agreed, showing that burying your hands in the earth can help you bury excess pounds as well.

Plus, it gets you out in the sun, and we all know Vitamin D is good for the immune system. Lawns are a waste of energy and resources — plant an organic garden in its place.

Two of my favorite recipes for the Root Chakra are for Borscht (beet soup) and Beet Salad. In fact, if you grow your own root vegetables (like beets), the food will be extremely balancing. With the hot weather upon us now, try this scrumptious salad:

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Scrumptious Salad of Beets, Carrots, and Apples 

1 lb. beets, peeled and cut in matchsticks

2 large carrots, peeled and cut in matchsticks

1 red-skinned apple, cut in small bite-sized pieces

1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, cilantro or baby spinach leaves

3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 T. umeboshi plum or Balsamic red wine vinegar

Black pepper to taste

Toss all salad ingredients together right before serving.

Note: A food processor that has either a julienne blade or large shredding blade makes prep of this salad a breeze.

I hope you enjoy this scrumptious salad. Pay attention to the beauty of the colors and flavors provided by nature, stay in the moment, and notice how grounded and connected you feel.

Get a complete list of foods, recipes, yoga poses, and meditations for each chakra… in The Chakra Energy Diet, now on sale at Amazon.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet



Swim into your Sacral Chakra Power and #LoseWeight too!

Located at the lower abdomen, the second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, is the focal point of your emotions, governing how you relate to others and the flow of your feelings and creative expression. It vibrates with the energy of the color orange.

You may recognize some of these emotional or mental health issues commonly associated with the Sacral Chakra – sexual frigidity or promiscuity, confusion or addiction, co-dependency, being overly emotional or stoic, or feeling guilty.

Physical health issues include gynecological problems, urinary tract problems, stiffness or pain in the lower back.

Have food cravings? Body weight issues and sugar/carbohydrate cravings are commonly associated with this chakra. Cravings can result from unfelt or unexpressed emotions, as well as to the common condition candidiasis, better known as a yeast infection, also associated with this chakra. An overgrowth of yeast can often follow a course of antibiotics or birth control pills and can be centered just in the area of the Sacral Chakra (the female sex organs) or move systemically throughout the body. When you have this condition, you’ll feel like you have a gremlin inside that needs to be fed, you’ll feel tired, and lacking in passion for love and life in general.

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel confident in social interactions, free to process your emotions, feel creative, and able to enjoy sex and other pleasurable activities, like a holiday feast, without guilt.

Foods, especially those that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras.

Sacral Chakra Healing Foods:

If you want to balance your Sacral Chakra, and reduce cravings that lead to overeating, replace processed foods and snacks that tend to be addictive, especially as most are loaded with sugar, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics and pesticides.  Instead, focus on filling, nutritious yet naturally sweet orange-colored snacks and organic whole foods, ranging from raw carrots and peppers (use them to dip in hummus or plain tahini) to yams. Foods that are high in protein and essential fatty acids and help balance the Sacral Chakra include flax, hemp and sesame seeds, wild-caught salmon, tuna and shellfish. Fruits include oranges, peaches, apricots, mangoes and papayas.

Foods that are orange usually contain phytonutrients and Vitamin A, helping release toxins from the body, supporting the reproductive system and encouraging flow (creativity) on all levels.

Sacral Chakra Healing Activities: Swimming, dancing and healthy home cooking are all activities I recommend for Sacral Chakra balancing AND getting you back in the flow and to your ideal weight.

happy woman standing on a sunset in ocean wavesThe Sacral Chakra is connected to the element of water and its flowing state. While the Root Chakra is all about grounding to Mother Earth, the Sacral Chakra is about reaching out to others in physical movement. Let go and let yourself splash around in the pool/ocean or move on the dance floor to your favorite music or with your favorite person. Let go and engage in pleasure and passion.

Cooking whole foods can also increase your creativity – plan a colorful meal made with loving attention to healthy ingredients. Appreciate the beauty of the dishes you have created, breathe in their aroma, and chew them fully to savor their natural sweetness and assist in digestion. In truth, this is more satisfying than mindlessly stuffing down food to quench your pleasure center.

For more ways to nourish all the chakras, download The Chakra Energy Diet, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life



Ancient Techniques to Conquer Stress and Associated Weight Gain

DietToday, I spent the day with a friend from California with whom I studied macrobiotics many years ago. He’s now a doctor of Chinese medicine, and when we shared books, it seems like our conclusions were similar… no amount of “dieting” will work if you’re stressed out.

Whether you look to modern science or ancient wisdom, stress is seen as the root of dis-ease. According to the ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy taught by Serge Kahili King, PhD, stress plays a part in all health problems. In fact, according to Dr. King, stress can cause tension at the physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level, leading to inhibited energy flow and, ultimately, illness. In my book, THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, I explain how stress hormones can cause your body to not only crave food, but to store more fat.

Of course, we are always going to have spikes of stress in our jobs and our lives, but we don’t want it to be chronic, and you don’t want to suppress it with addictions – whether to food, alcohol or drugs. My mother is very ill and I found myself caring for her 24/7 until I was so stressed and exhausted that I was reaching for chocolate after chocolate – until I remembered to practice what I preach in my new book to relax. I’ve also gotten more health services to come to my Mom’s house to give me some break time and rest… very important for caregivers to ask for help too!

For nearly twenty years, I’ve used yoga and meditation on a daily basis to relax my body and mind (and now that I have caregivers coming to help my mother, I have time for full sessions again), but I was excited to add in these “instant healing” techniques to keep me sane during this trying time. Please try them out and see how they work for you too!

What do I do first when feeling stressed out? I used to reach for a bag of potato chips or chocolate until I was taught:

“Don’t eat when upset or angry.” Instead, I…

Take a Break and Breathe

Put your hands on your tummy, below your navel, and feel it rise and fall with your breath. We often breathe very shallowly or even hold our breath when we’re stressed. Simple deep belly breathing can both calm the release of stress chemicals in the body and oxygenate your cells.

Try this combination of breath and focused attention called Piko-piko breathing…

Piko-piko is a special Hawaiian breathing technique that simultaneously relaxes and energizes the body,” says Dr. King. Using shamanic techniques and chakra colors, imagine breathing in bright yellow energy from the sun into your Solar Plexus or navel area and breathing out your stress. Or pull in inspiration from the heavens, visualizing violet or white light coming in with the breath through the Crown Chakra, and exhale your stress by breathing it out with awareness at the bottom of your feet.

“I know, I know, this seems almost too simple,” says Dr. King. “But it does work.”

How to Stop Physical Food Cravings

How can you stop a physical craving for a certain food? Dr. King recommends a technique called TFR – THINK, FEEL and RELAX. If you aren’t actually hungry, but feel a strong craving for a certain food, try these steps…

  • THINK about the food you’re craving.
  • FEEL where the craving is in your body.
  • RELAX, breathing in and out of that spot.

For instance, perhaps you’re upset and craving some ice cream to cool off. THINK about the ice cream, FEEL the churning in the pit of your stomach, then RELAX by breathing in and out of your stomach area. Repeat until the craving evaporates.

If you can’t satisfy your craving, notice if it is for a food that may contain essential vitamins or minerals that you may be missing – for example, chocolate, nuts and seeds are all high in zinc and magnesium. For an antioxidant- and vitamin-rich snack, reach for a naturally sweet and fiber-filled apple.

“Think” Yourself Thin

To relieve mental stress, pay more attention to what you like, rather than what you don’t. Criticism, whether of yourself or something else, creates mental stress and then tension in your body, explains Dr. King.

So, first of all, don’t knock your body. Praise it for every step it takes in the right direction. Try self-love, rather than self-criticism, when you look in the mirror. Who would put up with a critical person barraging them all day with their negativity?

Push aside that critical voice in your head, and instead, focus on something you like about yourself – you’re a good person, with your own unique style and taste.

A good morning practice, when you first look in the mirror, is to spend a full minute focusing on everything you like about yourself…telling yourself out loud everything you like about yourself. This is a quick mental stress reliever I learned from Dr. King called “Saturation Praise.”

Also praise everyone and everything else that represents your goal – if you want to be thinner, praise thin people, telephone poles, etc. If you want more curves, praise Sophia Vergara, fluffy clouds, and pillows.

Don’t Push Down Uncomfortable Emotions

On the emotional level, anger is often tied to inflammatory processes which damage the body, one of only many reasons to practice forgiveness. If something is gnawing at you, rather than trying to calm yourself with food, decide to let it go.

Dr. King taught me a simple anger-release technique: Place one hand on an area of your body where you feel tension or inflammation, and point the other hand toward the earth, which can absorb your angst, and say, “Whatever this is related to, I release it and let it go forever” until the tension and pain eases.

Undigested emotions can lead to your body holding on to weight as well as anger or fear. Release your emotions and stop what’s eating you. There are many reasons to forgive (even if you can’t forget) transgressions – because anger only hurts YOU.

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~ Buddha

You’re Already Complete and Connected

On the spiritual level, tension can come from feeling isolated or separate, and the antidote can be as easy as meditating. Dr. King suggests trying a nalu meditation, focusing for a minute on something beautiful. You will soon feel a sense of relaxation come over you and a greater connection to spirit, your higher self, or God (work with your own beliefs about this).

Once you’re in that relaxed state, it’s a good time to express gratitude for the good in your life or to ask for inspiration. When you have ideal health or reach your perfect weight, what would you like to achieve and share with the world?

Embracing the “Relaxation Response”

As you address your stress, and practice relaxation responses, your metabolism will improve, it will be easier to make nourishing food choices vs. struggling with willpower, and your body will look and feel better.

I hope you’ve seen how relaxing your stress responses allows you to better digest your food, helping you achieve your perfect body. All of these tools shared here, plus all the info in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, will assist you in balancing your digestive and hormonal systems, your mind, your emotions, your spirit, and yes, your chakras.


Becca Chopra


Holidays Stressful for You? Download the Free Solution…

The Chakra Energy Diet cover

Download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET FREE through Wednesday.

For Thanksgiving, I went to a pot-luck party where some of my friends ate Paleo or ketogenic diets, others were vegetarians or vegan, and others were concerned with allergies to gluten or dairy. But the colorful roasted veggies I brought were embraced by all, and added needed balance to all their plates.

How can you stay in balance during the stressful holiday season? By adding color to your plate and your lifestyle, and feeding and nurturing your chakras. 

First of all, if you’re blaming yourself for overeating or for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is knowing how to stop the stress reactions… and which of your chakras needs to be calmed or strengthened to deal with the extra stresses put on all of us at this time of year.

This information and more is in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, free for download on Amazon through Wednesday, November 28.

THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET explains how stress affects weight both physiologically and psychologically. 

When you’re under stress, your digestion is impaired and you can’t receive the nourishment from the food you eat. Once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” stimulates your appetite to replenish your food stores.

Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

The disruption of cortisol secretion during the “fight or flight” response may not only lead to weight gain, but it can also put that weight exactly where you don’t want it – in your belly. Studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is strongly related to Syndrome X, the cluster of risk factors associated with heart disease.

Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.49.21 AMTake the quiz for each chakra in your FREE COPY of  THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, and learn exactly what you need to do to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight… so you don’t have to crash diet come January 1st.

You’ll find out which of your chakras is under stress, and learn the best foods, relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise to balance your chakras and have a vibrant and healthy life.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

A New Year – A New You: Download a FREE copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

The Chakra Energy Diet coverHappy New Year! Celebrate starting your best year ever by getting tips on how to stay in balance and keep stress at bay. This information and more is in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, free for download on Amazon throughout the world this week.

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

Stress affects weight both physiologically and psychologically. 

When you’re under stress, your digestion is impaired and you can’t receive the nourishment from the food you eat. Once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” stimulates your appetite to replenish your food stores.

Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

The disruption of cortisol secretion during the “fight or flight” response may not only lead to weight gain, but it can also put that weight exactly where you don’t want it – in your belly. Studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is strongly related to Syndrome X, the cluster of risk factors associated with heart disease.

When under stress, doesn’t your willpower go out the window? Most people are driven to eat comfort foods when stressed out, even if they’re not hungry. And comfort foods are usually high-fat, sugary or salty foods. You may be eating whatever is within reach to fill an emotional need, or cruising to the closest fast food window because you have no time to shop and cook a healthy meal.

Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.49.21 AMSo what should you eat? Take the quiz for each chakra in your FREE COPY of  THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, and learn exactly what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight.

You’ll find out which of your chakras is under stress, and learn the best foods, relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise to balance your chakras and have a vibrant, healthy and beautiful New Year and New You.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


#Gardening for the #RootChakra – Be Sure to Kill the Roots of Weeds without Killing Yourself – Try a #NatureZap

Root ChakraIn my book, The Chakra Energy Diet, I not only recommend foods to balance each chakra, but also activities.

Root Chakra Healing Activities: Gardening is the #1 activity I recommend for Root Chakra grounding AND for weight loss. The University of Utah did a study that agreed, showing that burying your hands in the earth can help you bury excess pounds as well. The researchers found that the average body mass index (BMI) of female gardeners was 1.84 lower than that of their non-gardening neighbors, or approximately 10 pounds less for a woman 5’ 5” tall. For men, the difference was even greater, so bend down and dig in the soil, guys. Male gardeners had an average BMI difference of 2.36, which translates to 16 lbs. less for a 5’ 10” physique.

These research results, reported in the American Journal of Public Health, showed that spouses of the gardeners also had lower BMIs, which was attributed to eating more fresh produce and possibly helping with pulling weeds and other gardening activities.

What About Weeds? If hand pulling weeds isn’t an option, there are many alternatives that can help you, without resorting to toxic herbicides. Protect your own health, the health of your children and pets, plus Mother Earth, by eschewing Roundup. In addition to now being classed a “probably carcinogen,” independent researchers have long known the many side effects of being exposed to Roundup whether in your GMO food or your yard.

A short excerpt: “Here’s everything we know that is being linked to the chemicals, all of the chemicals in Roundup, ADHD, because these chemicals act as neurological inhibitors, both in children and in fetuses, which means that it affects the way the brain develops. The neurons do not myelinate as they’re supposed to. That also causes autism. It’s been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, birth defects, brain cancer, breast cancer, other forms of cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, chronic kidney disease, colitis, depression, diabetes, heart disease, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and unfortunately I’m out of room to continue the rest of the list here. Those are all things that have been linked by studies to all of the chemicals in Monsanto’s Roundup.”
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So, what do I use in my yard? Mostly, we mow our lawn with the weeds in it – they’re green and blend in with grass and it’s healthier for myself, my husband, my dog and most importantly, my child.

But because we have flower and vegetable beds that often get choked with weeds, I was excited to try the new tool being used by the American Air Force – the cordless NatureZap DE. It uses ultraviolet light to kill weeds without toxic chemicals, is battery operated so you don’t need smelly propane, you just point and several seconds and the weed is gone, all while being safe for people, places and pets.

I can grab the NatureZap DE anytime and zap any weeds that have popped up. It actually zaps down to the roots of the weed for permanent removal!

If you have good alternatives to using Roundup and other herbicides please share them in the comments, and if you’re looking for another solution, try the NatureZap DE available for sale on Amazon.

Here’s to the your health and the health of Mother Earth!


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog

Which Chakras Need Balancing to Meet your New Year’s Resolutions?


I agree with Dr. Abrams, but how do we become bodywise? Look to your chakras. They give you clues where stress is sabotaging your health resolutions (in the past and for the New Year), and where you need to nurture yourself.

To share the best stress-busting techniques I’ve learned over the last 20 years along with the best way to nurture each chakra, I’m offering you a FREE download of The Chakra Energy Diet: The Right Food, Relaxation, Yoga & Exercise To Look and Feel your Best! through Sunday, January 8.


You increase your energy when you eat food as close to its natural state as possible (not processed with additives you can’t even pronounce). So what should you eat?

First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight.

THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Do you need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your 1st or Root Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your family, friends and co-workers? Work on your Heart Chakra.

Afraid of public speaking? Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your Crown Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Using instant “stress-busting” techniques shared in the book, combined with eating more real food, will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll drop any excess weight, and feel and look better too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Six Tips to Add Color & Balance to your Diet

diet-photo-2-1There is one thing that almost all scientists, nutritionists, and health experts agree on: eating more fruits and vegetables is a good thing, reducing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive decline, and even body weight and inflammation! I explain how to include the different colors of vegetables to balance your chakras in The Chakra Energy Diet.

But, what is keeping you from “eating more fruits and vegetables?” We often fall short of the recommended 9-13 servings per day. It could be lack of motivation, or an inability to find creative ways to include fruits and vegetables in our meals.

Whatever the reasons may be, my colleague, Dr. Deanna Minich, author of Whole Detox, offers these six easy ways to boost your intake of fruits and vegetables and reap the amazing health benefits:

Vote for variety: Eating different fruits and vegetables on a regular basis will provide a broad array of different phytonutrients for a spectrum of functions in the body. Every three days, make sure you are rotating your plant foods. Doing so will also help to reduce food intolerances and allergies, prevent food ruts, and allow you to get the full complement of many nutrients.

Choose plants to save your money and health: A recent study found that older adults who spent their money on fruits and vegetables had significantly fewer hospital days and total medical costs, whereas those who spent their money on animal-derived foods had a higher number of hospital days and costs, as well as total medical costs. When shopping in your local grocery store or market, give yourself time to enjoy and explore the fruit and vegetable section. Engage your senses, and allow yourself to indulge in the beauty of the spectrum of fruits and vegetables in your cart. Allow your meals to be inspired by the rainbow of plant-based food, instead of plastic-wrapped meats or neon-colored junk food.

Go beyond fruits and vegetables to fill the gap: Phytonutrients, the compounds that give plants their colors and provide many health benefits, are found in more than fruits and veggies. If you can, broaden your horizon to other plant foods like nuts, seeds, non-gluten whole grains, sprouted legumes, herbs, and spices.

Eat wisely: Choose your fruits and vegetables wisely! Some foods are chock-full of health-boosting phytonutrients, which have multiple effects and functions in the body. For example, turmeric has been documented to have dozens of healing actions! Try including some of the following phytonutrient superstars in your meal:

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Start your day with a smoothie for weight-loss benefits: If you are concerned with getting or staying slender, you’ll want to be sure you are eating enough plant foods. In one study, it was demonstrated that overweight adults eat less phytonutrients, and in a recent study from this month, phytochemical-rich foods were shown to be associated with lower body mass index, waist circumference, and adiposity (fatness).

One great way to pack in the fruits and vegetables (and keep the weight off!) is to start your day with a rainbow smoothie! Here’s one of my favorite recipes:

Sunrise Smoothie:

– 1 small red apple, sliced (leave peel on)
– 1 small carrot, scrubbed and diced (with peel)
– 4 pink grapefruit sections
– 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
– ½-inch piece fresh ginger, chopped
– 6 red raspberries
– ½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
– 1 tablespoon flaxseed meal
– 1 scoop protein powder of your choice
– Water and ice as needed

Put all the liquid and whole food ingredients into a high-speed blender first, followed by the dry ingredients, then blend everything until a fluid consistency is reached. Add more water if needed. Drink immediately.

Harness happiness in your meals: There are now a handful of studies suggesting that eating fruits and vegetables is associated with one’s mood and behavior. One recent study found that eating fruits and vegetables led to increased happiness, life satisfaction, and well-being. To add an extra serving of happiness to your meals, practice gratitude while eating fruits and vegetables. Keep yourself aware of your food as you eat, and thankful for the chain of nature and people that brought the beautiful fruits and vegetables to your plate.


Dr. Deanna Minich’s next 21-day Whole Detox will run Oct. 1 – 28, 2016 – a great chance to reach your optimal level of health.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Energy Diet, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Diaries
