A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Posts tagged ‘Chakra Balancing’


Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then listen to the CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Please share this giveaway with your friends – everyone can download it to any smart reading device.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Learn #Instant Healing, #Self-Love, and more in a #FREE download of Chakra Secrets

In CHAKRA SECRETS: ON THE PATH TO LOVE AND HAPPINESS, FREE for download on Amazon Kindle through Monday, November 8, I show how each of my chakras was blocked and share how I was able to move forward through chakra healing techniques that anyone can use to find love and happiness.

What’s love got to do with the chakras? If you want to become more centered, creative, energized, forgiving, inspired, clear, and connected… then you’ll want to pay attention to the health of your seven major chakras, those oft-ignored energy centers whirling within the body that affect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. As a lovely and sexy consequence, balanced chakras lead to a more emotionally nurturing and physically fulfilling love life.

If you are feeling insecure, it’s hard to have a good foundation for a relationship, so you’ll want to strengthen your 1st or Root Chakra.

If you feel needy, crave touch and sex, and want to feel more passionate and creative, you should work on unblocking your 2nd or Sacral Chakra.

Strengthen your 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra if you want to feel more self-confident and attract a great partner.

Past hurts can be salved and your heart opened to love by working on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Feeling weak, shy, and want to hide, or are you often caught up in a rage or flooded by a torrent of feelings? Balancing and healing your 5th or Throat Chakra can enable you to express your truth and be understood for who you really are.

For inspiration far beyond ordinary awareness and a profoundly deeper understanding of which path you should take or who would be your ideal partner, open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

If you want to feel at one with all there is and see divine love in everyone, open your 7th or Crown Chakra.

Can you be happy without love? To me, the answer to any problem is always the healing power of love.

How does chakra balancing help you overcome health issues?

Each chakra corresponds to different organs/functions of the body. My Sacral Chakra was so far out of balance (as was my love and sex life), that I developed an ovarian cyst. Not one to sit back and just accept allopathic medicine as the only option, I adopted a macrobiotic detox diet and followed Sacral Chakra balancing techniques, and soon the cyst was gone. And I still practice what I preach. When my lower back hurts, I work on my Root Chakra. A headache? I know that’s my cue to work on my Third Eye Chakra. There are so many ways to approach holistic healing – chakra balancing, for me, is just a great starting point.


In addition to the description in the book, you can watch a FREE VIDEO of the mind/body healing technique I share in CHAKRA SECRETS: Dynamind. Serge Kahili King of Aloha International taught me that Dynamind can get to the root of chakra imbalances. This amazing energy healing technique allows you to tell your subconscious mind what patterns are no longer working and what you want instead. Its use of tapping and breathing aid instant relaxation, and thus a free-flowing of the body’s innate healing energy.



Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


The Chakra Diaries Takes You on Journeys into Balance

FREE ON KINDLE at http://amzn.to/1JONPPkIn The Chakra Diaries, my first book, I shared how to balance your own chakras as you learn how these “energy centers” affect love and loss, health and happiness, life and death for the participants in a chakra workshop.

Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then download the FREE MP3 CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


10-Minute Meditation to Silence Stress and Open Your Heart Chakra

MeditateMetta or Loving-Kindness Meditation

This meditation is a method for developing compassion and is a great one to use when you’re in a place of feeling challenged by, or frustrated with yourself and/or another person. Loving-kindness, or Metta, as it’s called in the Pali language, is unconditional, inclusive love—a love with wisdom. It has no conditions. It does not depend on whether someone “deserves” it or not. It is not restricted to friends and family, rather extends out from the personal to include all living beings.


  1. Wherever you are, take a seat, close your eyes, and bring awareness to your breath.
  2. Breathing in and out from the heart center, begin by generating a kind, loving feeling toward yourself.
  3. Feel any areas of mental blockage or numbness, self-judgment or self-hatred.
  4. Then drop beneath that to the place where you care for yourself, where you want strength and health and safety for yourself. Choose one of the following phrases (or make one up for yourself) and silently say …
    • May I be filled with loving kindness
    • May I be well
    • May I be peaceful and at ease
    • May I be truly happy
  5. Next, choose someone that you care for deeply or, on the contrary, who you feel most challenged by, and repeat the phrase, exchanging “I” with “you.”
    • May you be filled with loving kindness
    • May you be well
    • May you be peaceful and at ease
    • May you be truly happy
  6. Then expand your awareness to the entire planet and radiate the loving kindness to all living beings.
    • May all beings be filled with loving kindness
    • May all beings be well
    • May all beings be peaceful and at ease
    • May all beings be truly happy
  7. At the end, slowly open your eyes, take a couple moments to center yourself, and continue on with your day.

Thank you to the Chopra Center for this perfect way to recharge your day and your chakra balance.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras – Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Chakra Diaries Book CoverIn my novel life stories, The Chakra Diaries, each chakra is introduced with a quote and meditation, before the emotions associated with it are spilled on the page. These quotes helped inspired me to write and can inspire one to heal…


“The  ache  for  home  lives  in  all  of  us,  the  safe  place  where  we   can  go  as  we  are  and  not  be  questioned.”   ~  Maya Angelou


“Sex  is  emotion  in  motion.” ~ Mae West


“In  the  presence  of  grace,  forgiveness  is  a  recognition  that   for  every  wound  there  is  a  healing.” ~  Deepak  Chopra

“They  are  the  weakest,  however  strong,  who  have  no  faith in  themselves  or  their  own  powers.” ~ Christian Bovee


“Through  love  all  pain  will  turn  to  medicine.” ~ Rumi


“The  most  important  thing  in  communication  is   hearing  what  isn’t  being  said.” ~ Unknown


“… there  are  other  senses  -­  secret  senses,  sixth  senses,  if  you  will  -­  equally  vital,  but  unrecognized,  and  unlauded.” ~ Oliver Sacks


“God,  why  do  I  storm  heaven  for  answers  that  are  already  in   my  heart?  Every  grace  I  need  has  already  been  given  me.  Oh,  lead  me  to  the Beyond  within.”  ~ Macrina Wieherkehr

Read the full stories of healing, from Root to Crown, in The Chakra Diaries.

Namaste and Happy New Year!

Becca Chopra


FREE TODAY – Chakra Secrets to Love and Happiness

I invite you to download a FREE copy of my memoir, Chakra Secrets, a sizzling story that also offers chakra information and insight…

It’s absolutely FREE for download, today only, Friday, Oct. 19, on Kindle at http://amzn.to/RgxgS3. Even if you DO NOT have a Kindle, you can easily download an app to read Kindle books on your computer, iPad or smartphone: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311.

All I ask is that you try the simple yet powerful chakra healing tool mentioned in Part II and send me your feedback or questions, or leave a customer review on Amazon.com. So far, I’ve heard it helped one woman relieve physical pain for the first time in 2 years!

“I have had some exposure to chakras, yoga and past life experiences. Chakras seemed a little too ‘woo woo’ to me. And yoga so slow and boring. I see now that I did not a have a teacher like Becca. I simply did not understand it. In this case, it is woven into an autobiography that is as thrilling a story as a novel.” ~ Corinne Edwards, Amazon Reviewer

Why should you care about chakras anyway?

Chakras are our energy centers that affect directly influence everything from our financial security, our sex life and self esteem to how we give and receive love, express ourselves and practice spirituality.

How do you know if your chakras are in balance?

For example, if you are feeling insecure, it’s hard to have a good foundation for a relationship or profitable career, so you’ll want to strengthen your first or Root Chakra. If you feel needy, crave touch and sex and want to feel more passionate and creative, you should work on unblocking your second or Sacral Chakra.

All seven of the chakras have an impact on our lives. In CHAKRA SECRETS, I show how each of my chakras was blocked and share how I was able to move forward through chakra healing techniques that anyone can use to find love and happiness.


I hope you read and enjoy CHAKRA SECRETS. Download your FREE copy today at http://amzn.to/RgxgS3.


Becca Chopra

P.S. If you enjoy CHAKRA SECRETS, please post a review on Amazon.com; it helps authors so much! And if you would like the companion video on how to perform the chakra healing technique I share, simply email me for a FREE link: Becca@thechakras.org.

Learn How You Can Balance and Tone Your Chakras

With the holidays coming, the stress quotient increases for us all. Dynamind (also called acutapping) has worked dramatically well for me and many of my friends and family. To celebrate the holidays with you, I’m offering a free copy of my memoir, Chakra Secrets, and a DVD to Balance & Tone Your Chakras using Dynamind.

How can you relieve pain, emotional distress, problems, and strengthen your chakras for increased financial security, improved sex life, self-esteem, relationships, communications, intuition and inspiration? In the video, I take you step-by-step in how to use the simple yet profound Dynamind technique to relieve pain and problems, and then to do Dynamind Toners to keep your chakras balanced.

Enter to win my special holiday giveaway at http://www.theChakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of Chakra Secrets, The Chakra Diaries, Balance Your Chakras – Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet


Crystals and Their Effect on the Chakras


I’ve been asked about the chakra bracelet that I wear in the photos in my new book, CHAKRA SECRETS, as I demonstrate the Dynamind process for relieving pain and dis-ease, and balancing and toning the chakras.

The chakra bracelet I’m wearing contains 7 spheres each representing one of the 7 chakras, and enhancing its attributes:

ROOT CHAKRA: Red Jasper: Courage, protection, survival, justice, stamina, endurance.

SACRAL CHAKRA: Carnelian: Energy booster, speeds metabolism, passion, confidence, relieves depression, insomnia, infertility, menstrual cramps, impotence, asthma, kidneys.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Golden Quartz: Relieves anxiety, panic, laziness, depression, aligns all the chakras, amplify and transform energy, personal power, self esteem.

HEART CHAKRA: Green Aventurine: A multi-purpose healer used to bring more money into your life, make decisions, reduce anxiety and depression, bring career success, dissolve blockages, protects against negativity, asthma, lung problems, inflammation, fever, helps the nervous system, adrenal glands, heart, excellent for the skin, acne, allergies, cleanses the body of toxins, germs and bacteria, hormonal imbalances, headaches.

THROAT CHAKRA: Lapis Lazuli: is a stone of truth, bringing truth to a situation when needed. If you have trouble organizing your life, carry or wear a lapis stone as it helps one get organized. It increases your channeling abilities so you can receive the answers you need. Helps with bone marrow, broken bones, fractures, throat issues, vertigo, dizziness, ear problems, learning problems, menstrual problems, the thyroid, fever, asthma, insomnia, It helps the body detox and stimulates the immune system, helps repair muscles, reduces blood pressure, and assists with depression.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA: Sodalite: Brings peace and harmony, allows you to meditate more effectively as it helps calm the thoughts, eases fears, assists in healing weight issues, high blood pressure, throat problems, digestive issues, thyroid, diabetes, metabolism. colds, offers protection from electromagnetic smog.

CROWN CHAKRA: Amethyst: Increases intuition, focuses energy to where it is needed, protects against addictions, negative energies, nightmares, insomnia, back pain, digestive problems, arthritis, skin problems; blisters, itching, dermatitis, sunburn, acne, migraines, high blood pressure, neck and muscle tension, stimulates the immune system.

All ten winners in our CHAKRA SECRETS GIVEAWAY will receive a Chakra Bracelet as well as a signed, first-edition copy of Chakra Secrets. Enter to win by Wednesday, September 12th, at www.thechakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries and Chakra Secrets


Do you want to learn special yoga poses and mind-body exercises that can be used to balance each of the seven chakras? In CHAKRA SECRETS, you can follow Rebecca, the workshop leader from The Chakra Diaries, as she tells her side of the story, including explosions of past lives, betrayals, loss, grief and guilt, on her path to becoming a yoga teacher and chakra healer.


I learned an exciting, simple-yet-profound energy healing tool from Serge Kahili King, PhD, founder of the Huna group, Aloha International. Dynamind was like a simplified version of the Energy Freedom Technique (EFT) and it did have similarities to it, Dr. King said. “But in Huna, we try to make things as simple as possible, as effective as possible, so we’ve combined the power of words, breath, movement and feeling into one mind-body healing technique.”

Dynamind can be used to heal a wide range of physical dis-ease, it was explained. You simply stated out loud what you wanted to change – the  problem, pain or discomfort – and tapped, breathed and felt it go away.

Dr. King advised asking yourself what emotion was a problem, where you felt that emotion in the body, and then work on changing that physical sensation to let the healing energy of the body once again flow freely. All emotion manifests within the body with some physical ‘feeling.’ Just as chakra imbalances can manifest in uncomfortable physical and emotional problems.

IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEARN HOW TO USE DYNAMIND, GO TO http://www.thechakras.org/chakra-secrets.html

The Chakra Diaries – FREE KINDLE on Mar 17

Save some “green” this St. Patrick’s Day – download The Chakra Diaries for FREE on Kindle, all day March 17.

It’s a perfect day to share our book, The Chakra Diaries, novel life stories exploring the healing power of love. Green is also the color frequency associated with the Heart Chakra, the center of love and compassion. We love to share the dramatic diaries of those who have overcome insecurities, illness and tragedy through chakra healing.

Here’s the last quote in the book… it says it all:

“After we have mastered the wind, the tides and the gravity, we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, humans will have discovered fire.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Becca Chopra
