A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Posts tagged ‘Serge Kahili King’

Learn #Instant Healing, #Self-Love, and more in a #FREE download of Chakra Secrets

In CHAKRA SECRETS: ON THE PATH TO LOVE AND HAPPINESS, FREE for download on Amazon Kindle through Monday, November 8, I show how each of my chakras was blocked and share how I was able to move forward through chakra healing techniques that anyone can use to find love and happiness.

What’s love got to do with the chakras? If you want to become more centered, creative, energized, forgiving, inspired, clear, and connected… then you’ll want to pay attention to the health of your seven major chakras, those oft-ignored energy centers whirling within the body that affect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. As a lovely and sexy consequence, balanced chakras lead to a more emotionally nurturing and physically fulfilling love life.

If you are feeling insecure, it’s hard to have a good foundation for a relationship, so you’ll want to strengthen your 1st or Root Chakra.

If you feel needy, crave touch and sex, and want to feel more passionate and creative, you should work on unblocking your 2nd or Sacral Chakra.

Strengthen your 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra if you want to feel more self-confident and attract a great partner.

Past hurts can be salved and your heart opened to love by working on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Feeling weak, shy, and want to hide, or are you often caught up in a rage or flooded by a torrent of feelings? Balancing and healing your 5th or Throat Chakra can enable you to express your truth and be understood for who you really are.

For inspiration far beyond ordinary awareness and a profoundly deeper understanding of which path you should take or who would be your ideal partner, open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

If you want to feel at one with all there is and see divine love in everyone, open your 7th or Crown Chakra.

Can you be happy without love? To me, the answer to any problem is always the healing power of love.

How does chakra balancing help you overcome health issues?

Each chakra corresponds to different organs/functions of the body. My Sacral Chakra was so far out of balance (as was my love and sex life), that I developed an ovarian cyst. Not one to sit back and just accept allopathic medicine as the only option, I adopted a macrobiotic detox diet and followed Sacral Chakra balancing techniques, and soon the cyst was gone. And I still practice what I preach. When my lower back hurts, I work on my Root Chakra. A headache? I know that’s my cue to work on my Third Eye Chakra. There are so many ways to approach holistic healing – chakra balancing, for me, is just a great starting point.


In addition to the description in the book, you can watch a FREE VIDEO of the mind/body healing technique I share in CHAKRA SECRETS: Dynamind. Serge Kahili King of Aloha International taught me that Dynamind can get to the root of chakra imbalances. This amazing energy healing technique allows you to tell your subconscious mind what patterns are no longer working and what you want instead. Its use of tapping and breathing aid instant relaxation, and thus a free-flowing of the body’s innate healing energy.



Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet



Screen Shot 2017-11-28 at 11.34.28 AMHow can you get the most out of the holidays without stressing out?

The hectic holiday season can leave many people feeling exhausted and anxious instead of merry and bright. Stress is also the top cause of taxing all your chakras, your immune system and  your health. So, I’d like to share the stress-busting techniques I write about in The Chakra Energy Diet, now available in paperback by the way.


Whether you look to modern science or ancient wisdom, stress is seen as the root of dis-ease. According to the ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy taught by Serge Kahili King, PhD, stress plays a part in all health problems. In fact, according to Dr. King, stress can cause tension at the physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level, leading to inhibited energy flow and, ultimately, illness.

There are many ways, such as yoga and meditation, that I use on a daily basis to relax my body and mind, as well as the following “instant healing” techniques taught by Dr. King.

What do I do first when feeling stressed out? I used to reach for a bag of potato chips until I was taught:

“Don’t eat when upset or angry.” Instead, I…

Take a Break and Breathe

Try this combination of breath and focused attention called Piko-piko breathing…

Piko-piko is a special Hawaiian breathing technique that simultaneously relaxes and energizes the body,” says Dr. King. Using shamanic techniques and chakra colors, imagine breathing in bright yellow energy from the sun into your Solar Plexus or navel area and breathing out your stress. Or pull in inspiration from the heavens, visualizing violet or white light coming in with the breath through the Crown Chakra, and exhale your stress by breathing it out with awareness at the bottom of your feet.

“I know, I know, this seems almost too simple,” says Dr. King. “But it does work.”

Relieve Mental Stress 

To relieve mental stress, pay more attention to what you like, rather than what you don’t. Criticism, whether of yourself or something else, creates mental stress and then tension in your body, explains Dr. King.

First of all, don’t knock your body. Praise it for every step it takes in the right direction. Try self-love, rather than self-criticism, when you look in the mirror, even after enjoying those holiday treats. Who would put up with a critical person barraging them all day with their negativity?

Push aside that critical voice in your head, and instead, focus on something you like about yourself – you’re a good person, with your own unique style and taste.

A good morning practice, when you first look in the mirror, is to spend a full minute focusing on everything you like about yourself…telling yourself out loud everything you like about yourself. This is a quick mental stress reliever I learned from Dr. King called “Saturation Praise.”

Don’t Push Down Uncomfortable Emotions

On the emotional level, anger is often tied to inflammatory processes which damage the body, one of only many reasons to practice forgiveness. If something is gnawing at you, rather than trying to calm yourself with food, decide to let it go.

Dr. King taught me a simple anger-release technique: Place one hand on an area of your body where you feel tension or inflammation, and point the other hand toward the earth, which can absorb your angst, and say, “Whatever this is related to, I release it and let it go forever” until the tension and pain eases.

Undigested emotions can lead to your body holding on to weight as well as anger or fear. Release your emotions and stop what’s eating you. There are many reasons to forgive (even if you can’t forget) transgressions – because anger only hurts YOU.

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~ Buddha

You’re Already Complete and Connected

On the spiritual level, tension can come from feeling isolated or separate, and the antidote can be as easy as meditating. Dr. King suggests trying a nalu meditation, focusing for a minute on something beautiful. You will soon feel a sense of relaxation come over you and a greater connection to spirit, your higher self, or God (work with your own beliefs about this).

Once you’re in that relaxed state, it’s a good time to express gratitude for the good in your life or to ask for inspiration. When you have ideal health or reach your perfect weight, what would you like to achieve and share with the world?

Embracing the “Relaxation Response”

As you address your stress, and practice relaxation responses, your metabolism will improve, it will be easier to make nourishing food choices vs. struggling with willpower, and your body will look and feel better.

Relaxing your stress responses will allow you to better digest your food, helping you keep your waistline even during the holidays.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog





An Open Heart Chakra is a Necessary Bridge between the Physical and Spiritual Worlds

Infographic by Yeurik Eldr

As you can see in the above infographic, the Heart Chakra glows with green energy, and it connects the lower chakras that deal with the physical world with the higher chakras that deal with the spiritual. As these energies meet, as matter and spirit unite, the force released is love.

When our heart chakra is closed, we lose loving contact with others and cut off the flow of energy within ourselves.

Love is a powerful, life-giving energy that can heal the broken heart and the agitated soul, move mountains, and sustain us when we face hardship or disaster. A balanced heart chakra steadies us when we fall in love, the lower chakras keeping us rooted so we don’t lose our grounding. And it is only through love that we can attain communion with God too, wrote Albert Schweitzer.

Love has strong healing power, in fact, it is the most therapeutic commodity known, a powerful antidote to all troubles.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

So, how can you balance your heart chakra? There are many ways to balance the chakras, but today I’d like to share the Dynamind technique, a powerful healing tool I learned from Huna Healer/Shaman Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.

It can be used to quickly and simply resolve tension that is blocking chakras, creating physical, emotional and spiritual dis-ase. Dynamind is similar to EFT, but uses just four simple tapping movements, in concert with breath and words, to release blocked energy flow.

Using Dynamind to balance the Heart Chakra can bring forth more love and compassion in your life while healing physical and emotional pain….

Physical health issues commonly associated with the Heart Chakra include cardiovascular problems including hypertension, stroke, respiratory ailments, upper back and shoulder pain.

Emotional or mental health issues include anger or resentment, jealousy, suspicion, possessiveness, fear of commitment, lasting grief, sorrow, depression.

You can work with Dynamind to relieve these symptoms and, at the same time, balance your Heart Chakra.


1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g,

“I feel sad and depressed and I know that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

“I have tightness and pain in my chest and I know that can change. I want that pain to go away.”

If you have no symptoms to release, you can use Dynamind to strengthen the Heart Chakra, with a declaration such as:

“I’m not as caring as I want to be. I want to nurture and reach out to others like the wind blowing through the leaves of a tree.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

While simple to use, Dynamind has been found effective at releasing painful physical, emotional and mental problems. Serge Kahili King documents the use of Dyamind in his book, Healing for the Millions, available at Huna.org.

You can download a free video of Serge Kahili King and me using Dynamind to balance all seven chakras at www.theChakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog


Energy Healing – Pray for Standing Rock

aThe fight at Standing Rock continues, for our water, our environment, our native people. You can join in today’s prayer effort… here’s how.


Do you get discouraged if your prayers aren’t immediately answered? The problem may be that we are praying for God or a higher being to do something which it is not in its nature to do… take direct action vs. inspire and guide us to make the right choices.

Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., teacher of the Hawaiian Huna Philosophy and head of Aloha International wrote On Prayer at www.Huna.org:

In prayer we are trying to do something or to get something done, either for ourselves or for someone else. We pray to get an effect, and since an effect is involved, energy has to be involved, and all prayer involves the transmission of energy, [in this case toward the people and situation at Standing Rock].

In the prayer form known as the Lord’s Prayer that is found in the Christian Bible, Jesus states that we should ask for energy (“our daily bread”), cleansing (forgiveness), and guidance. A little further on in the chapter of Luke (11), Jesus makes the famous statement about, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you….” This has been taken to mean that you can ask God for anything you like and you will get it, although in practice it obviously doesn’t work out that way. The reason is revealed only a few lines further. What is to be given is the Holy Spirit. In other words, energy, ideas, and inspiration. We find this same idea in the Old Testament, in Sufi, Hindu, and Chinese writings, as well as in Hawaiian – namely that what we receive from above is the wisdom and the power to act. But it is we who must do the acting.

This brings us to the point of fact that there are essentially two types of prayer: vertical and horizontal. By vertical prayer, I mean that which is directed toward God or the Higher Self or toward someone in spirit. From this type of prayer we can only get inspiration, knowledge, understanding, and energy. Note carefully that the guidance we may get is in the form of ideas and inspiration. We do not actually get the kind of guidance that tells us exactly what to do and how to do it. That kind of guidance implies the making of choices, and that is our sole prerogative.

Horizontal prayer is that directed toward our everyday life, either to heal or help ourselves or others, or to change the future. This type of prayer is accomplished by us, and its effectiveness is determined by our beliefs and by the amount of energy we put into it. We each create our own experience of reality, the circumstances we find ourselves in, and through prayer properly understood we can change those circumstances. But it is the individual who changes the circumstances, not God and not the High Self. From them we only get the tools; they will not do the work for us.

Please join in prayer for Standing Rock so that all involved get the guidance to resolve the situation in a peaceful, environmentally-conscious manner. And please invite your friends to help positively impact the momentum of Standing Rock.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Healing, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Join the Global Healing Prayer for #StandingRock Sunday, Dec 4

Many people would agree that prayer alone will not solve all of our problems, but to the water protectors at Standing Rock, direct action is considered sacred and prayer can be action, taking a stand for protecting what is sacred, together.


To help achieve a peaceful solution to the situation at Standing Rock, please join the second globally synchronized prayer which will be Sunday, December 4. Learn more at www.praywithstandingrock.com

The first Global Synchronized Prayer was Nov 26th where thousands gathered worldwide at community events to pray and meditate together or from their own homes. Click here to listen to the November 26th prayer led by indigenous leader Ivan Looking Horse.

How can prayer help such a dire situation where peaceful protesters are being violently assaulted by local, state and federal agents?


Do you get discouraged if your prayers aren’t immediately answered? The problem may be that we are praying for God or a higher being to do something which it is not in its nature to do… take direct action vs. inspire and guide us to make the right choices.

Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., teacher of the Hawaiian Huna Philosophy and head of Aloha International wrote On Prayer at www.Huna.org:

In prayer we are trying to do something or to get something done, either for ourselves or for someone else. We pray to get an effect, and since an effect is involved, energy has to be involved, and all prayer involves the transmission of energy, [in this case toward the people and situation at Standing Rock].

In the prayer form known as the Lord’s Prayer that is found in the Christian Bible, Jesus states that we should ask for energy (“our daily bread”), cleansing (forgiveness), and guidance. A little further on in the chapter of Luke (11), Jesus makes the famous statement about, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you….” This has been taken to mean that you can ask God for anything you like and you will get it, although in practice it obviously doesn’t work out that way. The reason is revealed only a few lines further. What is to be given is the Holy Spirit. In other words, energy, ideas, and inspiration. We find this same idea in the Old Testament, in Sufi, Hindu, and Chinese writings, as well as in Hawaiian – namely that what we receive from above is the wisdom and the power to act. But it is we who must do the acting.

This brings us to the point of fact that there are essentially two types of prayer: vertical and horizontal. By vertical prayer, I mean that which is directed toward God or the Higher Self or toward someone in spirit. From this type of prayer we can only get inspiration, knowledge, understanding, and energy. Note carefully that the guidance we may get is in the form of ideas and inspiration. We do not actually get the kind of guidance that tells us exactly what to do and how to do it. That kind of guidance implies the making of choices, and that is our sole prerogative.

Horizontal prayer is that directed toward our everyday life, either to heal or help ourselves or others, or to change the future. This type of prayer is accomplished by us, and its effectiveness is determined by our beliefs and by the amount of energy we put into it. We each create our own experience of reality, the circumstances we find ourselves in, and through prayer properly understood we can change those circumstances. But it is the individual who changes the circumstances, not God and not the High Self. From them we only get the tools; they will not do the work for us.

Please join in prayer for Standing Rock so that all involved get the guidance to resolve the situation in a peaceful, environmentally-conscious manner. And please invite your friends to help positively impact the momentum of Standing Rock.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Healing, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Sending Healing to #StandingRock with Hawaiian Shaman Serge Kahili King

This is the second in a series of posts of how we can help the people and the situation at Standing Rock, where indigenous people from all over the world, along with supporters, are peacefully protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. These protesters have been brutally treated by local, state and national law enforcement fighters. But they continue to stand to protect the local tribe’s sacred land, as well as the cleanliness of their water for the next seven generations.


aloha-intlThis past weekend, there was a global prayer effort to support a peaceful resolution at Standing Rock. I met with a group of Hawaiian Huna (ancient healing philosphy) practitioners led by Hawaiian shaman, Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., of Aloha International, and discussed ways we can all use to send healing to this and other people and situations.

Dr. King shared the following technique for distant healing, similar to one he recently wrote about in his weekly post, Words from Serge, on Shamanic Healing in the Wake of a Disaster.


A technique I use often is to ask for a symbol of the problem and once something appears in my mind, I accept it in whatever form it takes and proceed to change it. I might improve it, change the shape, the color, the material, almost sculpt with it.

For instance, in doing it right now for Standing Rock, I’ve asked for a symbol and I get a bunch of rock spires all tumbled in a heap. You don’t have to know what the symbol means. In this case it is obvious, but it could be anything.

rocksI use whatever comes to mind to change the symbol of the problem – in this case, people, cranes, and bulldozers – to pull all those rocks upright and position them until I get a big sigh of relief or some pleasurable sensation. This tells me that my subconscious (or ku as we call it in Huna) has connected and something has happened.

The main thing is to take the symbol as it appears and change the symbol itself until you get a good feeling. I also trust that there will be change of some kind, but of course, probably not everything at once. All of these things are filled with tension in layers. You can work on each layer until you get the feeling that something has changed for the better… either between people, the situation or on a higher level.

This work is based on the idea that everything is connected, so that changing one thing changes every related thing, like the butterfly in Japan whose flight influences a storm in the Rocky Mountains.

For more information on Huna healing methods taught by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., please see http://www.huna.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Healing, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet



Start the New Year off with Instant Healing

My favorite healing technique is fast and effective – Dynamind. With the help of its inventor, Dr. Serge Kahili King, I applied it to balancing the chakras, which are all connected to our emotional, mental and physical health or dis-ease. As my New Year’s gift to you, I’m offering a FREE DOWNLOAD of a video done with Dr. King, in which we show you how to use Dynamind for each chakra.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

How Will Chakra Balancing Change My Life?

When you work on the chakras that are closed or weak, you’ll be directly influencing that particular area of your life, for example your career, finances, sex life, self-esteem and so on.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Do you need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Afraid of public speaking? Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

When I met Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., a Hawaiian-trained shaman and teacher of the Huna philosophy, he taught me the Dynamind Process. In Hawaiian, Huna means “secret” and Dynamind is the ultimate healing secret to balancing your life in just minutes a day.

Whether you experience pain, illness or stress, or just want to enhance your energy, you’ll want to learn and practice this simple-yet-profound technique. Dynamind can be used to heal a wide range of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual dis-ease.

You simply state out loud what you want to change – the problem or pain – and tap, breathe deeply and feel the tension causing your discomfort melt away.

I hope you enjoy the video download, and have a very Happy and Healthy New Year!


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet





Remove Stress and Pain with a One-Minute Tapping Technique

Becca Chopra performing "Dynamind" chakra healing.With the holidays coming, the stress quotient increases for us all. Dynamind (also called acutapping) has worked dramatically well for me and millions of other people to relieve stress, pain, and emotional distress, and to strengthen your chakras for increased financial security, creativity, self-esteem, relationships, communications, intuition and inspiration.

If you want to move into the new year with a simple “instant healing” technique in your arsenal for self-healing, check out Healing for the Millions: The Amazing Dynamind Technique by Serge Kahili King, PhD. Move over EFT, Dr. King developed a much easier, shorter version of tapping based on the same theories of health and healing.

Or see how Dr. King helped me apply Dynamind to chakra healing in Chakra Secrets, my memoir. I take you step-by-step in Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life on how to use this simple yet profound technique to relieve pain and problems, and then to do Dynamind Toners to keep your chakras balanced.

Wishing you Happy Holidays!
Becca Chopra, author of Chakra Secrets, The Chakra Diaries, Balance Your Chakras – Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet




I recently got a review for my first book, The Chakra Diaries, in which the reader said she had a hard time visualizing the chakra meditations provided at the beginning of each section. I’ve met many people who are not visually oriented, who would like to be better able to visualize what they want, and improve their intuition, imagination and psychic abilities.

So, let’s do some Dynamind tapping for the Third Eye Chakra.

Through this chakra center, you can tune in to the higher self in order to receive guidance and realistically perceive and visualize the future. It vibrates with the energy of the color indigo.

Emotional or mental health issues include confusion, brain fog, aimlessness and an inability to see the big picture or separate fact from fiction. Physical health issues commonly associated with the Third Eye Chakra include headaches, sinus problems, vision problems, learning disabilities and nightmares.

When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you have the ability to think clearly and the ability to trust your own inner wisdom, along with an increase in your intuitive, telepathic  and psychic abilities, including clairvoyance or clear seeing.


Prayer1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g.,

“I can’t concentrate and that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

“I have a sinus headache and that can change. I want that pain to go away.”

If you have no symptoms to release, you can use Dynamind to strengthen the Third Eye Chakra, with a declaration such as:

“I’m not as intuitive as I want to be. I want to live in the light, seeing and thinking clearly.”

Becca Chopra performing Dynamind.3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

For a complete set of Dynamind instructions for ALL the chakras, go to Amazon to download Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet


The Simple Secret To Balancing Your Chakras and Reaching Your Optimal Weight At the Same Time

DayHere’s the big secret… stress is screwing with your chakras as well as your physical health and body weight. I’m pretty sure that once you read how stress can sabotage your hormones (all linked to chakra centers), it will amaze you. And the solution I’m going to share is so simple, it will amaze you too.

We’re Always Searching For The “Magic Pill” For Weight Loss

But let’s face it; you can’t lose weight when you’re stressed out! If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

When stressed, your body tries to protect itself as part of the “fight or flight” response, so your blood flows to your muscles and away from your internal organs. However, once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” starts signaling the body to replenish your food stores.

Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, and stimulates the release of insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. So, when stress causes your cortisol to surge, your appetite will be stimulated as well. Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

So how can you tame the tension? In my book BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE, I showed how to use Dynamind to balance your chakras. It’s an instant healing technique that works because it releases the tension from your body. Here’s how…

Try Dynamind To Release Tension, Ease Pain, and Reduce Food Cravings…

Becca Chopra performing Dynamind.The next time you’re upset, stressed, in pain, reaching for junk food instead of “chakra healing natural foods,” try the simple Dynamind technique, developed by Serge Kahili King, PhD, a Hawaiian Healer and Shaman.

The technique can be used to reprogram the unconscious mind, to remove tension and resulting food cravings and tell your body-mind what you’d like to experience – and it will follow your instructions. This works well to heal the imbalances of chakra energy.

1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g.,

“I feel anxiety and a craving for potato chips in the pit of my stomach and that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

If you’d like a free video download with complete instructions on using Dynamind, go to http://www.thechakras.org/free-chakra-video.html.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Energy Diet, The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life
