A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

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Journaling Tells the Story of your Chakra Balance

Learn how with a FREE Kindle download of THE CHAKRA DIARIES

If your chakras are blocked or closed, your ability to give and receive love will also be blocked. Relationships will be rocky, and your ability to feel love and happiness will be locked away. And we all know that what we need more of in the world right now is LOVE.

The participants in my Chakra Workshops keep journals which clearly show how a blocked chakra can also block love in your life. And my book, based on these journals, The Chakra Diaries, shows how using meditations and the other tools described, can lead to happier endings.

While I finish my workbook so that YOU can write your own Chakra story with a happy ending, I’m offering a Free Kindle of The Chakra Diaries to show you how it can help.

The book is full of life’s struggles (yes, even money issues) that can be fixed with love. Every difficult relationship or situation can be remedied with love. Any chakra blockage may be healed and opened through love. The healing power of love can change things in an instant.

ROOT CHAKRA – When you feel grounded and safe, you feel like you belong and are able to be a more responsible partner.
SACRAL CHAKRA – When balanced, your creativity and sexuality are free-flowing, and you are able to be a more romantic partner.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – With your personal power chakra balanced and your self-love in place, you will feel the confidence necessary to find and win your soul mate.
HEART CHAKRA – Love and compassion, the keynotes of a balanced Heart Chakra, will help you retain your relationships, through better or worse.
THROAT CHAKRA – With the ability to speak your truth about your needs and wants, your relationships will be more harmonious and fulfilling.
THIRD EYE CHAKRA – As you increase your intuition, you will have a closer bond, not only to your higher self, but to your loved ones.
CROWN CHAKRA – As you channel the divine love of the universe, you will be better able to act from a place of love in all areas of your life.

I’m hoping you’ll download a copy of The Chakra Diaries and be inspired by the healing power of love as well.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Last Day to Download a FREE Copy of The Chakra Diaries

Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then listen to the CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Please share this giveaway with your friends – everyone can download it to any smart reading device.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


The Chakra Diaries by Becca #Chopra – #FreeKindle

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi
MP3 Cover
Through love all pain will turn to medicine. ~ Rumi

These are two of the quotes that appear throughout my first book, The Chakra Diaries. They give an idea of the theme woven throughout the novel life stories of ten people who find magic and miracles during a chakra healing workshop. Learn more about the healing power of love when you download the eBook, which is FREE through Thursday, Oct. 24th.

One reviewer wrote:
“The book is in the end a beautifully told love story, and we see the participants removing obstacles that block love and the expression of love. Interspersed within you will also find chakra visualization meditations, and insightful spiritual quotes. Reading this book brought me joy.”

You can listen to my guided chakra meditation, taken from The Chakra Diaries,, that takes you on a journey from the root chakra up to the crown chakra at www.theChakras.org. Listening to the guided meditation will result in greater balance of your chakra energies and well being of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

The guided visualization is accompanied by the harmonic, spiritual music of Aryeh David from his “Love’s Whispers” album. “Through all of life’s journey, love is actually the only thing there is,” says Aryeh. “May this music awaken the love within and remind you of who you truly are.”

I hope you enjoy the inspiring quotes, stories, and interwoven chakra information and balancing meditations – and feel full of love for yourself and others.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet




Improve your Love Life by Balancing your Chakras – #Free Kindle

Free TCDIf your chakras are blocked or closed, your ability to give and receive love will also be blocked. Relationships will be rocky, and your ability to feel love and happiness will be locked away.

The participants in my Chakra Workshops keep journals which clearly show how a blocked chakra can also block love in your life.

My first book, based on these journals, The Chakra Diaries, shows how using meditations and the other tools described, can lead to happier endings.

“The Chakra Diaries is full of passion, sensuality, humor and great teachings. In stories of rugged roads, hopes, pleasures and dreams, we see 10 people’s lives weave together in a work of art for the heart!” ~  Marya Mann, PhD, Brave New Viewsletter

Until Valentine’s Day,  you can download a Free Kindle of The Chakra Diaries.

The book is full of life’s struggles (yes, even money issues) that can be fixed with love. Every difficult relationship or situation can be remedied with love. Any chakra blockage may be healed and opened through love. The healing power of love can change things in an instant.

ROOT CHAKRA – When you feel grounded and safe, you feel like you belong and are able to be a more responsible partner.
SACRAL CHAKRA – When balanced, your creativity and sexuality are free-flowing, and you are able to be a more romantic partner.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – With your personal power chakra balanced and your self-love in place, you will feel the confidence necessary to find and win your soul mate.
HEART CHAKRA – Love and compassion, the keynotes of a balanced Heart Chakra, will help you retain your relationships, through better or worse.
THROAT CHAKRA – With the ability to speak your truth about your needs and wants, your relationships will be more harmonious and fulfilling.
THIRD EYE CHAKRA – As you increase your intuition, you will have a closer bond, not only to your higher self, but to your loved ones.
CROWN CHAKRA – As you channel the divine love of the universe, you will be better able to act from a place of love in all areas of your life.

I’m hoping you’ll download a copy of The Chakra Diaries and be inspired by the healing power of love as well.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet


Love can Heal the Chakras

FREE ON KINDLE at http://amzn.to/1JONPPkThrough love all pain will turn to medicine. ~ Rumi

Learn more about the healing power of love in my annual Valentine’s Day giveaway – my first book, The Chakra Diaries, free for download on Kindle through February 14th.

Please share this giveaway with your friends – everyone can download it to any smart reading device by downloading the free Amazon app… see http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771.

A recent reviewer wrote:
“The book is in the end a beautifully told love story, and we see the participants removing obstacles that block love and the expression of love. Interspersed within you will also find chakra visualization meditations, and insightful spiritual quotes. Reading this book brought me joy.”


MP3 CoverThe guided meditation, taken from The Chakra Diaries, takes you on a journey from the root chakra up to the crown chakra.. Listening to the guided meditation will result in greater balance of your chakra energies and well being of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

The guided visualization is accompanied by the harmonic, spiritual music of Aryeh David from his “Love’s Whispers” album. “Through all of life’s journey, love is actually the only thing there is,” says Aryeh. “May this music awaken the love within and remind you of who you truly are.”

Listen to the audio and sign up for the FREE CHAKRA MEDITATIONS at http://www.thechakras.org/meditations.html.

I hope you enjoy the inspiring quotes, stories, and interwoven chakra information and balancing meditations – and feel full of love for yourself and others.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


What’s Love Got to Do with Chakras?

Unlock your heartIf your chakras are blocked or closed, your ability to give and receive love will also be blocked. Relationships will be rocky, and your ability to feel love and happiness will be locked away.

The participants in my Chakra Workshops keep journals which clearly show how a blocked chakra can also block love in your life. And my book, based on these journals, The Chakra Diaries, shows how using meditations and the other tools described, can lead to happier endings.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to remind you that everything is all about love. Life’s struggles (yes, even money issues) can be fixed with love. Every difficult relationship or situation can be remedied with love. Any chakra blockage may be healed and opened through love. The healing power of love can change things in an instant.

ROOT CHAKRA – When you feel grounded and safe, you feel like you belong and are able to be a more responsible partner.
SACRAL CHAKRA – When balanced, your creativity and sexuality are free-flowing, and you are able to be a more romantic partner.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – With your personal power chakra balanced and your self-love in place, you will feel the confidence necessary to find and win your soul mate.
HEART CHAKRA – Love and compassion, the keynotes of a balanced Heart Chakra, will help you retain your relationships, through better or worse.
THROAT CHAKRA – With the ability to speak your truth about your needs and wants, your relationships will be more harmonious and fulfilling.
THIRD EYE CHAKRA – As you increase your intuition, you will have a closer bond, not only to your higher self, but to your loved ones.
CROWN CHAKRA – As you channel the divine love of the universe, you will be better able to act from a place of love in all areas of your life.

In The Chakra Diaries, 10 people in a chakra workshop journal about their lives, troubles and relationship problems, and how they regain their balance, their joy, through THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE.

Here’s to love!
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet


A Birthday Book Giveaway – The Chakra Diaries

Book coverI’m taking a long weekend break from writing my next book, The Chakra Diet, to celebrate my birthday. I hope you’ll accept a gift from me – my first book, The Chakra Diaries, free for download on Kindle this weekend.

You can download it to any smart reading device by downloading the free Amazon app… see http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771.

Here’s what one of my reviewers in the U.K. wrote:

“The first thing that grabbed me was the cover: all those swirls turning in one direction in harmony, it’s not something I’ve seen before. Only later did I realize there’s a hidden meaning in this cover, showing that, interwoven in the story are the lives of different characters as they attend a 12 week chakra workshop and experience a major shift in their lives. During this workshop, as characters come and leave, the reader’s taught how the energy of healing and different people can leave a mark on one. To be honest, when I started this book I expected a formal handbook with explanations what chakras are, how they work, and how blockages can be removed. However, I was wrong. The Chakra Diaries offers a unique way to teach the reader how energy impacts one’s life by giving peeks into the diary entries of the main characters and their lives, their experiences, disappointments and happy moments.”

I hope you enjoy the inspiring quotes, stories, and interwoven chakra information and balancing meditations when you download your copy of The Chakra Diaries.

Try this short SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA guided meditation from the book:

“Inhale deeply, hold your breath and then exhale. Feel a vortex of energy move up to your navel and turn bright yellow, right at your core. Breathe in and out of your core, building up the power of your center. Be open to the vitality, purpose and majesty of this bright yellow fire of life. Know that you can use this power to heal old pain and to remove old wounds. Breathe in and out of the flames of this inner sun and feel your body radiate with new purpose, wisdom and strength.”

If you’d like a preview of The Chakra Diet and would like to enter to win a free, personalized Chakra Diet Plan, please see www.thechakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life



Chakra Diaries Book CoverIn my novel life stories, The Chakra Diaries, each chakra is introduced with a quote and meditation, before the emotions associated with it are spilled on the page. These quotes helped inspired me to write and can inspire one to heal…


“The  ache  for  home  lives  in  all  of  us,  the  safe  place  where  we   can  go  as  we  are  and  not  be  questioned.”   ~  Maya Angelou


“Sex  is  emotion  in  motion.” ~ Mae West


“In  the  presence  of  grace,  forgiveness  is  a  recognition  that   for  every  wound  there  is  a  healing.” ~  Deepak  Chopra

“They  are  the  weakest,  however  strong,  who  have  no  faith in  themselves  or  their  own  powers.” ~ Christian Bovee


“Through  love  all  pain  will  turn  to  medicine.” ~ Rumi


“The  most  important  thing  in  communication  is   hearing  what  isn’t  being  said.” ~ Unknown


“… there  are  other  senses  -­  secret  senses,  sixth  senses,  if  you  will  -­  equally  vital,  but  unrecognized,  and  unlauded.” ~ Oliver Sacks


“God,  why  do  I  storm  heaven  for  answers  that  are  already  in   my  heart?  Every  grace  I  need  has  already  been  given  me.  Oh,  lead  me  to  the Beyond  within.”  ~ Macrina Wieherkehr

Read the full stories of healing, from Root to Crown, in The Chakra Diaries.

Namaste and Happy New Year!

Becca Chopra



Balance your Chakras, Balance your  Sex Life!

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate, graceful and creative? Unblocking your Sacral or 2nd Chakra may be the key. It is an especially important chakra for women to keep in balance, connecting you to your passion and to the Divine Feminine.

There are seven major chakras in our energy field that each affect our emotional and physical health in a different way. Two characters in The Chakra Diaries have unbalanced Sacral Chakras – one, a woman in her forties, Deborah has lost her libido, the other, Sarah, a young woman, is both unsure of her sexual orientation and promiscuous. Chakra balancing brings them back to a space of confidence and creativity where they are better able to trust their feminine intuition and make true love connections.

Here’s a short excerpt from Deborah’s diary, in which her libido comes alive:

Alright, I was frustrated with the new software package and didn’t want to buzz my assistant again for help. So I retreated to my emails. There it was. The type should have been in bright orange…

     “Bon Jour, Blonde Goddess” read the subject line. Delete or open, that was the decision at my fingertips. Liking “goddess” rather than “dried up old crone,” I decided to open, hoping it wasn’t another offer for penile enlargement drugs at a discount. 

     The text didn’t disappoint. It described how the sender, whose return address was TantricOne, had dreamt of me the night before and had awoken in a tangle of sweaty sheets, his body having made a promise that his mind must fulfill. He knew how to write a love scene, describing in luscious detail how he had started kissing the tip of my perfect nose, pausing for the briefest caress at my full, sensuous lips down the slope of my silky white throat, into that heart throb of deep cleavage awaiting him between my bountiful breasts, skating the circle of creation that formed my navel, then tracing the contours of each heavenly hip bone before licking the smooth-downed valley of my stomach…. and then, he woke up.

     OK, that was me paraphrasing a two-page dreamscape from a master writer. Me, the owner of the dead second chakra, now had small drops of sweat pooling in my deep cleavage, tingles in the area below my smooth, flat stomach, and a shortness of breath that could only mean I was turned on or having my first hot flash.

      My assistant came in, looking over my shoulder in her nosy way, to remind me of my 10 am meeting, and I pressed “delete” before her eyes could focus on the sultry text on the screen.
Located at the lower abdomen, right at the cervix, the Sacral Chakra governs how we relate to others and the flow of our feelings and expression in art, music, dance and living. It is the seat of our sexuality, the pleasure chakra that turns us on and is considered by many to be the doorway into creation itself.

When this chakra is balanced, you can embrace creativity with open arms, whether it is expressed through dance, yoga, swimming, sex, singing praises to the Divine, painting to celebrate self-awareness, or cooking for your inner goddess.


The Chakra Diaries, novel life stories of people encountering the emotional, physical and spiritual problems associated with chakra imbalances, moves from tragedy to triumph as they balance their lives. To share their stories and chakra wisdom, you can download The Chakra Diaries, free on Kindle today, July 5, at http://amzn.to/FPcLzQ.

For more information on chakras and a free MP3 download of Chakra Meditations from The Chakra Diaries, see http://www.thechakras.org.

Becca Chopra


Deep breathing is my favorite antidote to stress. I do two-part breathing – first into the belly and then into the lungs and out again – before meditation, during the day during stressful situations, and definitely when at the dentist’s office.

I am also a fan of Piko-piko breathing, used in the Hawaiian healing tradition. It is not only a stress reliever but a great aid in relieving pain as well.

Breathe in with your attention on your navel and breathe out with your attention on any part of your body that is in pain. Your imagination will help move healing energy along with your breath.

Make these deep breaths, moving your belly up and down (deep abdominal breathing oxygenates and relaxes your whole body). In another variation of Piko Piko, breathe in healing energy from the sky above and send any heavy energy with your breath out your feet to the center of the earth. You’ll be moving healing energy through the body, energizing your chakras and unblocking tension so your body can move into balance.

This is a perfect breathing exercise that takes less than a minute, can be done anytime, anywhere you need to relax, and is especially perfect before sitting down to meditate.

Deep breathing is one of the stress-releasing techniques used in the Dynamind Technique, which I learned in Hawaii from Serge Kahili King, PhD, a Hawaiian shaman and healer. It can be used to work on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dis-ease. Get a free preview at www.thechakras.org.

For your free MP3 of my complete 10-minute Chakra Meditation, breathing into each chakra center and energizing it, click here.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries
