A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Chakra Yoga’ Category

Gain Independence from Pain and Heartache ~ Learn How in your FREE copy of Chakra Secrets

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

I first learned an exciting, simple-yet-profound energy healing tool from Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., founder of the Huna group, Aloha International, and it has been my go-to healing technique for years now. My best-selling book, Chakra Secrets, not only tells the story of my bumpy road to chakra balancing (covering everything from past lives to kundalini yoga), but takes you step-by-step through how to free yourself from pain and imbalances with the Dynamind instant healing technique. And you can download it for free from July 1-3.

Dynamind is like a simplified version of the Energy Freedom Technique (EFT) and it has similarities to it. Dr. King said, “But in Huna, we try to make things as simple as possible, as effective as possible, so we’ve combined the power of words, breath, movement, and feeling into one mind-body healing technique.”

Dynamind can be used to heal a wide range of physical dis-ease. You simply state out loud what you want to change – the problem, pain, or discomfort – and tap, breathe and feel it go away.

Dr. King advises asking yourself what emotion is a problem, where you feel that emotion in the body, and then work on changing that physical sensation to let the healing energy of the body once again flow freely. All emotion manifests within the body with some physical ‘feeling.’ Just as chakra imbalances can manifest in uncomfortable physical and emotional problems.


If you’d like to watch Serge Kahili King and I balance and tone all seven chakras to KEEP your chakras and your life in balance, profoundly affecting your financial security, love life, self-esteem, relationships, self-expression, intuition, and inspiration, watch the free video Balance and Tone Your Chakras.

If you’d like to read the whole story of how I came to learn Dynamind, download your FREE COPY of Chakra Secrets. Then have a Happy Independence Day!

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


#Yoga Pose to Re-engage with #Joy

The Circle of Joy Breath Integrates Body, Mind and Spirit:

This sequence opens the heart chakra, which is the bridge between our lower chakras and physical self, and our higher chakras that tune into our mind and spirit. As the bridge from the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that are associated with the physical body, to the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, associated with mind and spirit, the Heart Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness.

The Heart Chakra needs to be nourished if we are to remain physically strong, capable of giving and receiving love and able to develop spirituality. The Circle of Joy Breath will calm your emotions and prepare you for deeper visualization and meditation.

This can be done either standing or sitting. First, place your palms together at your heart.

Circle 2

Inhale, interlacing your fingers.

Exhale, press your palms forward and outward, stretching through your shoulders.




Inhale, and circle your hands upward, extending your palms up to the sky and lengthening your spine.

Affirmation: “I am encircled with joy and light to share with the world.”



Circle 3

Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them down behind your back.

Inhale, interlace your fingers again and raise the arms backward and upward, opening your chest.



Circle 2


Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them back in front, clasping the palms and stretching them forward.



CIRCLE 1 and 6


Inhale, bringing your palms back together at the heart.



Now relax in the seated lotus position or lie down in Savasana. This is a good time to do a Chakra meditation or guided visualization. Listen to my FREE guided meditation at TheChakras.org.

For more ways to nourish all the chakras, download The Chakra Energy Diet, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


A New Year – A New You: Download a FREE copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

The Chakra Energy Diet coverHappy New Year! Celebrate starting your best year ever by getting tips on how to stay in balance and keep stress at bay. This information and more is in THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, free for download on Amazon throughout the world this week.

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

Stress affects weight both physiologically and psychologically. 

When you’re under stress, your digestion is impaired and you can’t receive the nourishment from the food you eat. Once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” stimulates your appetite to replenish your food stores.

Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

The disruption of cortisol secretion during the “fight or flight” response may not only lead to weight gain, but it can also put that weight exactly where you don’t want it – in your belly. Studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is strongly related to Syndrome X, the cluster of risk factors associated with heart disease.

When under stress, doesn’t your willpower go out the window? Most people are driven to eat comfort foods when stressed out, even if they’re not hungry. And comfort foods are usually high-fat, sugary or salty foods. You may be eating whatever is within reach to fill an emotional need, or cruising to the closest fast food window because you have no time to shop and cook a healthy meal.

Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 7.49.21 AMSo what should you eat? Take the quiz for each chakra in your FREE COPY of  THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, and learn exactly what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight.

You’ll find out which of your chakras is under stress, and learn the best foods, relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise to balance your chakras and have a vibrant, healthy and beautiful New Year and New You.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight – The Chakra Energy Diet Tells You How

The Chakra Energy Diet coverDid you know that stress is screwing with your physical health and body weight?

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem.

In THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET , I cover what’s stressing you out and affecting your chakra balance that you may not even realize – processed foods and GMOs – and show you how to stop this stress in its tracks…

Download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET to learn a special Hawaiian breathing technique called Piko-Piko, using shamanic techniques and chakra color visualizations to instantly stop stress.

Once you’re relaxed, choose the foods that will help you reach your perfect body weight, not sabotage your goals.


Chakra Foods

So what should you eat? First, see where stress is impacting your body and which chakra center needs to be strengthened. Learning more about the chakra system can help you determine what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight. THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET helps you determine where you are lacking balance and how to regain it by adding in colorful, health-promoting whole foods.

Are your finances in trouble? Are you feeling insecure? Do you need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your Root or 1st Chakra.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate and creative? Unblock your Sacral or 2nd Chakra.

Want to feel more self-confident and powerful in achieving your goals? Strengthen your Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra.

Want to feel more love, be able to forgive past grievances, and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th or Heart Chakra.

Afraid of public speaking? Want to be able to express your truth and be understood? Balance your 5th or Throat Chakra.

Want more inspiration on which path you should take in life? Want to increase your intuition and psychic abilities? Open your 6th or Third Eye Chakra.

Want to feel at one with all there is? More peace, harmony and connection to spirit? Work on your 7th or Crown Chakra.

The Chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different color, so eating foods in the color of the chakra you would like to balance, is an easy way to start. For example, a red beet and strawberry drink to ground your Root Chakra, or salmon and orange vegetables or fruit to help balance your Sacral Chakra.

You can balance all your chakras by eating a rainbow of colors… THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET contains full-color photos of my favorite recipes.

Deep breathing when you’re stressed, combined with eating more real food (not processed or packaged foodstuff), will help you feel both more calm and more energized. And when you drop the excess stress, and make more conscious food choices, you’ll feel and look better too.

Don’t wait to improve the health of yourself and your family – download THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET today.

And please take a minute to leave a review when you’re done.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet






Memoirs of a Chakra Healer: Chakra Secrets – Free for Download

Chakra Secrets coverThere’s no better way to open your Throat Chakra then to tell your own story and to share the many ways others can also use to balance their chakras and balance their lives. I invite you to learn more about the chakras, yoga, and mind-body healing by downloading a copy of CHAKRA SECRETS, free on Kindle through Friday, July 15.

Here’s a review of the book by a reader on Amazon.com:

 Chakra Balancing, Past Lives, Yoga and More!

“Began this book at Midnight, read straight through until 4 a.m. and waited until the light of day to review.

All of the cliches fit: cliff hanger, couldn’t put it down, fast-paced, brilliant writing…yes, all that with an important message: life is the same for everyone, we hurt, we grieve, we suffer, we have moments of joy and passion, and we are all subject to the same feelings.

We are born and re-born both physically, as in reincarnation, and spiritually, as in evolution of the soul…and there are very real modalities that we can employ to overcome our private agonies and move along our spiritual path to fuse with the light. That’s the simplistic version.

Author Becca Chopra put herself out on a limb with this autobiographical novel in which she introduces powerful, spiritual healing modalities in a very earthy way. She covers yogis gone wild, drugs, passion, longing, as she takes you on a breathless journey from actress to respected yoga teacher, an amazing roller coaster ride that introduces yoga, rainbow tantra, tantric gurus, macrobiotic diet, past life regression, acro-yoga, Ho’opono’pono and a very effective Huna Dynamind technique which can be practiced at home.

The storyline is complex yet unfolds simply and easily, propelling the reader right to the happy ending. And after all the twists and turns, one is certainly ready for that relaxing out breath and release.”

I look forward to sharing my story with YOU also – I invite you to download CHAKRA SECRETS.

And please take a minute to leave a review when you’re done.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet



International Yoga Day – What’s Your Favorite Pose?

Mine is “The Circle of Joy Breath,” which integrates body, mind and spirit:

CIRCLE 1 and 6This sequence opens the heart chakra, which is the bridge between our lower chakras and physical self, and our higher chakras that tune into our mind and spirit. As the bridge from the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that are associated with the physical body, to the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, associated with mind and spirit, the Heart Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness.

The Heart Chakra needs to be nourished if we are to remain physically strong, capable of giving and receiving love and able to develop spirituality. The Circle of Joy Breath will calm your emotions and prepare you for deeper visualization and meditation. Perfect for when you’ve been sitting too long at work, something has upset you, or as part of your regular yoga practice.

This can be done either standing or sitting. First, place your palms together at your heart.

Circle 2

Inhale, interlacing your fingers.

Exhale, press your palms forward and outward, stretching through your shoulders.



Inhale, and circle your hands upward, extending your palms up to the sky and lengthening your spine.

Affirmation: “I am encircled with joy and light to share with the world.”


Circle 3

Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them down behind your back.

Inhale, interlace your fingers again and raise the arms backward and upward, opening your chest.


Circle 2


Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them back in front, clasping the palms and stretching them forward.


CIRCLE 1 and 6


Inhale, bringing your palms back together at the heart.


Now relax in the seated lotus position or lie down in Savasana. This is a good time to do a Chakra meditation or guided visualization.

For more ways to nourish all the chakras, download The Chakra Energy Diet, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


Stop Stress from Sabotaging your Health – Download a FREE Copy of The Chakra Energy Diet

Weebly photoAs we start the holiday season, take a moment to reflect on how you’re going to celebrate – and get tips on how to stay in balance and keep stress at bay, by reading THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, free for download on Amazon throughout the world this weekend.

If you’re blaming yourself for not being your “perfect weight,” stop. It’s not your fault. Rather, the way our bodies are programmed to handle stress is the problem. Stress is a double whammy for weight – it increases our appetites and leads to overeating or poor food choices, then makes our bodies hold on to the fat. The solution is not extreme dieting, which causes more stress, but knowing how to stop the stress reactions.

Stress affects weight both physiologically and psychologically. We’ve all experienced our stomachs do a flip-flop when we’re anxious. Ann Doherty, RN, MS, CDE (certified diabetes educator), explains during her “Art of Stress Management” workshops, just what stress can do to your stomach and the rest of your body.

Physiologically, when you’re under stress, your digestion is impaired and you can’t receive the nourishment from the food you eat. Once the effects of adrenaline wear off, cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” starts signaling the body to replenish your food stores.

Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, and stimulates the release of insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. So, when stress causes your cortisol to surge, your appetite will be stimulated as well. Excess cortisol also slows down your metabolism, because your body wants to maintain an adequate supply of glucose to deal with the next “threat.”

The disruption of cortisol secretion during the “fight or flight” response may not only lead to weight gain, but it can also put that weight exactly where you don’t want it – in your belly. Studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is strongly related to Syndrome X, the cluster of risk factors associated with heart disease.

Over millennia, our bodies have also been programmed to store up against famine… we’re biologically adapted to want more sugar and fat, which meant survival for our ancestors. But today, there’s no longer feast or famine like the hunter/gatherers encountered. And when they found food, it usually contained a high amount of nutrition and was low in calories. Our modern-day processed foods are often high in empty calories and low in nutrients, so we keep craving more and more.

When under stress, doesn’t your willpower go out the window? Most people are driven to eat comfort foods when stressed out, even if they’re not hungry. And comfort foods are usually high-fat, sugary or salty foods. You may be eating whatever is within reach to fill an emotional need, or cruising to the closest fast food window because you have no time to shop and cook a healthy meal.

Chakra FoodsSo what should you eat? Take the quiz for each chakra in your FREE COPY of  THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, and learn exactly what foods YOU personally need to ADD to nourish yourself, banish stress, and help you achieve your optimal weight.

You’ll find out which of your chakras is under stress, and learn the best foods, relaxation techniques, yoga and exercise to balance your chakras and have a vibrant, healthy and beautiful holiday season.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


Interview with Michelle Hastie on “The Chakra Energy Diet”

The following post is from Michelle Hastie’s totalbodyhealthsolutions.com:

The Chakra Energy Diet coverI was pleased to find a fellow Chakra writer out there in Becca Chopra and was honored to read her book, “The Chakra Energy Diet.” I highly recommend you give it a read! Meanwhile, here is a short interview from Becca herself:

1) What inspired you to write The Chakra Energy Diet?

Becca: Too many of my students and friends blame themselves for weight issues – and I wanted to get across the message that “It’s not your fault!” I feel America’s weight issues primarily stem from the physical stress put on our bodies by the fast food, junk food and GMO’s in most people’s diets, and the mental and emotional stress we encounter in our daily lives.

I too have suffered from emotional eating, food cravings, unwanted pounds, aches and pains and other symptoms of an imbalance in my life. I knew that these symptoms were a gift – showing me that I needed to pay attention and change something – and I wanted to share the lessons I had learned. For instance, how to eliminate the harmful stress in our lives, which equals health and weight issues. Through years of applying Macrobiotics, Ayurveda and Chakra balancing in my life and the lives of my students, I wanted to share the changes people could make to achieve balance in their lives too. My previous books focused more on meditation, guided visualization, yoga and other chakra balancing techniques. The missing piece I felt to my message was diet – which, when out of balance, throws the body, mind and spirit out of balance as well.

2) What is the best way to avoid overwhelm while navigating through all the different chakras?

Becca: The easiest way to approach chakra healing is to start at the beginning, with the Root Chakra. Follow the balancing techniques for each chakra and you will learn what works best for you. You can become your own best counselor, recognizing a symptom before it becomes a chronic pain or disease and make necessary adjustments in your lifestyle.

3) How do you recommend readers begin a yoga practice for optimal healing?

Becca: For those who have never done yoga before, I recommend finding a local teacher with a beginner class. Talk to the teacher and tell him/her of any physical issues you may have so they can help adjust the poses for you. It’s hard to make adjustments yourself without someone to guide you. Even if you only have time to go to class one day per week, you can still do a short yoga routine that you’ve learned each morning to move from sleep to stretching into an energy-filled day. Be sure to hold your yoga poses and breathe into them for the recommended time to get the full stress-relieving benefits they provide to both the mind and the body.

4) You talk about the importance of nutrition and cooking; how do you recommend a newbie gets started in the kitchen?

Becca: If you’re used to eating in restaurants or getting take-out every day, approach cooking as a great new hobby that will reap huge rewards for yourself and your family. I offer very simple recipes for each chakra in my book. Start with these easy dishes with just a few ingredients, for instance, organic whole grains and vegetables, salads, or even just a smoothie, and see how much better you feel when you eat food without unnecessary sugar, salt, pesticides or chemical additives. You can sign up for free Chakra Balancing menus at www.theChakras.org.

5) Many people complain of low energy; how do you see balancing the chakras as a way to increase energy?

Becca: The chakras ARE our energy centers. If one or more are blocked or closed, your physical energy will be affected. And one of the biggest energy robbers is poor quality food that leads to intestinal dysbiosis, a compromised immune system and hormone imbalances that correlate to imbalanced chakras. Many people rely on stimulants like caffeine and sugary snacks to make it through the day, and then rely on alcohol or drugs to try to conquer insomnia – a seesaw that leads to chronic exhaustion. I recommend nourishing yourself with fresh, organic food and drink that is literally alive with vibrant colors, as well as specific exercises, yoga postures, affirmations and meditations to balance the chakras. These lifestyle ideas can help you to look and feel better, lose weight, reduce stress, and have sustained energy. To learn more about the seven major chakras and how they function in your energy system, please download my free 10-minute Chakra Meditation at www.theChakras.org/meditations.html.

This is just a tidbit of her brilliance and much more can be found in her book, “The Chakra Energy Diet“.

– See more at: http://totalbodyhealthsolutions.com/book-interview-the-chakra-energy-diet/#sthash.YnEJ1ZS1.dpuf