A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Posts tagged ‘love’


Rather than a non-fiction encyclopedia of chakra attributes and signs of imbalance, the stories in The Chakra Diaries show the miracles that can happen through forgiveness, love and energy healing.

Download it and you’ll learn about:

  • Chakra Meditation
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Affirmations for Chakra Cleansing
  • Crystal Chakra Healing
  • Mind-Body Healing

This is not a how-to book. As one reader said, “It’s what happens when you put ancient teachings and modern lives into the same kitchen and raise the heat while cooking up great emotion. The Chakra Diaries is a literary romance, but with emotional, intellectual and spiritual nuances that would appeal to anyone interested in love, especially enlightened love. The villains in The Chakra Diaries are ones we all try to avoid: cancer, lost love, false beliefs, but it is these very perilous obstacles that drive the stories and finally lift the characters into their higher spiritual states through chakra healing and balancing.”

“The best way to learn about the chakras is through fascinating real-world stories, tense with melancholy and wild with humor, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book.” ~ Honolulu Weekly

Whether you just love good storytelling, or want to be inspired, download The Chakra Diaries, and then listen to the CHAKRA MEDITATIONS from the book, so you can lie down and be guided to a place of relaxation and balance. I play these 10-minute guided meditation at the end of every yoga class, during Savasana.

Please share this giveaway with your friends – everyone can download it to any smart reading device.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


An Open Heart Chakra is a Necessary Bridge between the Physical and Spiritual Worlds

Infographic by Yeurik Eldr

As you can see in the above infographic, the Heart Chakra glows with green energy, and it connects the lower chakras that deal with the physical world with the higher chakras that deal with the spiritual. As these energies meet, as matter and spirit unite, the force released is love.

When our heart chakra is closed, we lose loving contact with others and cut off the flow of energy within ourselves.

Love is a powerful, life-giving energy that can heal the broken heart and the agitated soul, move mountains, and sustain us when we face hardship or disaster. A balanced heart chakra steadies us when we fall in love, the lower chakras keeping us rooted so we don’t lose our grounding. And it is only through love that we can attain communion with God too, wrote Albert Schweitzer.

Love has strong healing power, in fact, it is the most therapeutic commodity known, a powerful antidote to all troubles.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

So, how can you balance your heart chakra? There are many ways to balance the chakras, but today I’d like to share the Dynamind technique, a powerful healing tool I learned from Huna Healer/Shaman Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.

It can be used to quickly and simply resolve tension that is blocking chakras, creating physical, emotional and spiritual dis-ase. Dynamind is similar to EFT, but uses just four simple tapping movements, in concert with breath and words, to release blocked energy flow.

Using Dynamind to balance the Heart Chakra can bring forth more love and compassion in your life while healing physical and emotional pain….

Physical health issues commonly associated with the Heart Chakra include cardiovascular problems including hypertension, stroke, respiratory ailments, upper back and shoulder pain.

Emotional or mental health issues include anger or resentment, jealousy, suspicion, possessiveness, fear of commitment, lasting grief, sorrow, depression.

You can work with Dynamind to relieve these symptoms and, at the same time, balance your Heart Chakra.


1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g,

“I feel sad and depressed and I know that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

“I have tightness and pain in my chest and I know that can change. I want that pain to go away.”

If you have no symptoms to release, you can use Dynamind to strengthen the Heart Chakra, with a declaration such as:

“I’m not as caring as I want to be. I want to nurture and reach out to others like the wind blowing through the leaves of a tree.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

While simple to use, Dynamind has been found effective at releasing painful physical, emotional and mental problems. Serge Kahili King documents the use of Dyamind in his book, Healing for the Millions, available at Huna.org.

You can download a free video of Serge Kahili King and me using Dynamind to balance all seven chakras at www.theChakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog


Love, Sex and Balance – Enter to Win Dynamind Video


Located at the lower abdomen, the second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, is the focal point of your emotions, sexuality and creativity. This chakra governs how you relate to others and the flow of your feelings and creative expression. It vibrates with the energy of the color deep orange.

You may recognize some of these emotional or mental health issues commonly associated with the Sacral Chakra – sexual frigidity, promiscuity, confusion or addiction, co-dependency, being overly emotional or stoic, feeling guilty.

Physical health issues include gynecological problems, urinary tract problems, and stiffness or pain in the lower back.

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you feel more confident in your relationships, free to process your emotions, feel creative, and able to enjoy sex and other pleasurable activities without guilt. The Dynamind technique from Serge Kahili King, PhD, the Hawaiian shaman who taught me the technique and helped me adapt it specifically to chakra balancing.


1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, for example:

“I’m doubled over with cramps and that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”


“I’m feeling anger in my lower back and that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet. Repeat until you feel or notice a change.


Use this quick toner whenever you want to strengthen the Sacral Chakra.

1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud how you’d like to feel, e.g.,

“I’m not as easy-going as I want to be. I want to go with the flow, like a mountain stream.”

Imagine your Sacral Chakra spinning clockwise, a wheel of bright ORANGE energy in your abdomen.

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine. You can hum instead of tap, toning the sound “VAM” as you place your fingers over each spot.

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet. Repeat as needed.

You can follow along with me doing Dynamind Toners for all 7 chakras in my book, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life and the accompanying DVD, Balance & Tone Your Chakras, both available on Amazon.com. Let me know how it works for you….

All those who leave a comment below or email me at Becca@thechakras.org with feedback on using Dynamind by May 3rd will be entered to win a copy of my DVD.

For more information on chakras and balancing techniques, see my website, www.thechakras.org.


Becca Chopra


In this time of global financial insecurity, many are feeling unsafe and frightened. But it’s possible to get to a place of gratitude for what we have that will attract more and more abundance of all kinds into our lives.

Earth energies are also in a period of change and affecting our chakra systems or energy centers. And it’s time to move our thoughts regarding abundance from the Root Chakra’s “survival” mode around money and connect it to the Heart Chakra’s mode of love and gratitude. The more we receive and appreciate abundance (whether in the form of money, love or health), the more we can contribute back to the world.

Open your Heart Chakra to abundance with this quick visualization — after centering yourself with several deep breaths, visualize the energy of the universe pouring into your heart as you open your arms to receive it. See that energy travel down to the 1st Chakra, where there are roots grounding you into Mother Earth.

At this time of shifting earth energies, it’s also a good daily exercise to balance all your chakras with a short healing meditation – see my free Chakra Meditation at http:www.thechakras.org .

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries


“Through love all pain will turn to medicine.” ~ Rumi

All healers work their magic through the power of love. And we can all heal ourselves – by releasing the tension that stops our healing energy from flowing. How? Through love. Open your heart chakra, and feel the love and compassion flow through yourself and out to the world.

The 4th or Heart Chakra is located at your heart center. It represents selfless love, kindness, compassion, and is where we store emotional experiences.

Signs of an unbalanced Heart Chakra include anger, insensitivity, depression, grief, despair, jealousy and sadness. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to give and receive love, be compassionate and feel true connection with others. We can enjoy our feelings. This is also where we begin to experience the power of pray and meditation, which emanate from this center.

The Spinal Twist opens and expands the heart center. The Head of Cow, where you reach your arms behind you to meet in the middle of your back, also opens the chest and relieves tension in the back and shoulders.

Feel the yellow sacral chakra light from the navel area travel up to the center of your chest, turning into a bright green, as it enters the home of the heart chakra. Breathe in and out the beautiful emerald green mist surrounding you with love, joy and compassion for yourself and others. Feel any tension blocking the flow of this love. Any anger is passed. Any fear is in the future. Heal these emotions in the now. When you let go of negative emotions, you’ll relax the tension they create and feel your true essence of love and healing power flow. Send forgiveness to those who may have caused pain, wrapping them in the bright green light, cleansing and healing the situation. Release yourself and them from any negative connections, only keeping the good. Now, wrap yourself and your whole life experience in healing green light.

Several of the characters in The Chakra Diaries learn forgiveness in the course of chakra balancing, and their lives are freed from the restraints of negativity. They are free to love and be loved, to spread their love to the world. Read more in The Chakra Diaries ~ on special sale now at Amazon.com.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries

Man in Tibet Melts Snow with his Body Heat!

A recent story chronicled an amazing feat by a Tibetan man. An observer noted that the man’s mental concentration was so acute that he could sit outdoors in deep snow, nude and melt the snow around his body.

At the Hindu monastery on Kauai, we were visited by a guru from India who could breathe through his eyes.

These extreme results of the practice of meditation can result in what may look like miracles. But we can all achieve miracles in our lives through meditation, more useful ones than melting snow or breathing through eyeballs. For example, meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance motor reflexes, increase motor control, increase exercise tolerance, sharpen perceptions, increase awareness, improve concentration, maintain health, provide a general positive outlook on life, and foster the development of a sense of personal meaning in the world.

Scientific studies reveal that meditation produces a specific physiological response pattern that involves various biological systems: metabolic, autonomic, endocrine, neurological, and psychological. Studies on how these mechanisms are involved in producing the final pattern of responses continue. The answers are so complex, the physiological response to meditation probably occurs on a multidimensional, interactive basis.

But why wait? We know the benefits of meditation, if not all the hows and whys. You can experience the benefits through simple sitting meditation, clearing of the mind with a focus on your breath. Or quiet your busy “chattering mind” with a guided visualization. To try a guided visualization that you can listen to lying down, try this Chakra Meditation.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaires


Breathing to Ecstasy – Use your Inner Flute to Empower you and your Partner

Proper breathing can help open channels in your body that will fuel and cleanse. By cycling this renewing energy into your partner, you may empower his or her as well as your union.

When you practice the following, picture your breath whirring past your spinning chakras, much like puffs of March wind power a child’s pin wheel.

If you have had one of those proverbial “hard days” or maybe would just like to prepare your body for lovemaking (either solitary or alone); sit or lie comfortably and inhale into your lower belly until it pooches out like Buddha’s. Do not worry how it may look – do it in the nude after your bubble bath, in your favorite nightie, with your sweetie at your side or painted in rainbow technicolor in your mind’s eye. To deeply connect to deep relaxation and to set your chakras whirring. press your inflated belly against your partner’s, squirm and mold yourself together or do it back to back. WARNING: the effects of this exercise can be profound, addictive and worthy of diary entry.

Namaste! Becca
Visit me here

Love the Life you are Living by Healing your Heart Chakra

To be physically strong, capable of giving and receiving love and to be poised to develop spiritually, our Heart Chakras must be nourished and stroked – literally paid attention to like the plaintive cry of your child or the insistent mewing of your cat.

So, just as Barry, one of the characters in The Chakra Diaries did, we can start by surrounding that person in the mirror with green light, color therapy for the Heart Chakra. Like a rags-to-riches infomercial, results may vary, but just give it a try.

Another technique to boost your feelings of self-love is to re-visit those times in your childhood when you felt most loved, appreciated and supported and transport those feelings to the present, to right now! You CAN revel in those feelings again and carry them with you regardless of which purse you are packing. Feel them pump you up when you are down. Tweak and tune them, brand them as your own.

Now that we have you started on your merry way, how about some loving first aid for the other people in your life…

When someone else in your life is sad, try this warm and fuzzy exercise. Sit next to them and caress the tips of their hands. Notice the feelings that pop into your head. Stroke the back of their hand and then the palm. Which touch does your friend or lover respond most to?

When you have reached an end, shake off any unhappy energy toward the ground and ask your friend to repeat the process with you as the recipient.

Tomorrow, we will learn about ways to feed our heart when we are alone – sorry, no chocolate involved in this one. Please visit again.
Namaste! Becca

Undercover Romance – A Great Love Life Starts Here

Dear Becca,

I feel odd writing you on this subject but I noticed that you were taking a journey to meaningful love, so here goes…

My fiancee (let’s call him Rhett) and I need to buy a new bed as the old one is as lumpy as yesterday’s mashed potatoes. Not sleeping well causes us to growl at each other from shower to cereal to parting kiss. Add to the mix the fact that we go to sleep at different times. Rhett is usually asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow while I read and re-read the fascinating tales in The Chakra Diaries. Many times I get hot under the covers in more ways than one and squirm around a bit (well, sometimes a lot), which wakes up Rhett, who then wants to watch SportsCenter to see if Atlanta will rise from the ashes. Becca, I want to be the only one scoring in my bedroom and so far I am batting zero, I have got to cure these “bad bed” hangovers.

I know the current rage is to buy a bed the size of Texas yet I am a romantic who feasts on Austen as well as Sparks and Crusie and I want my love to flourish in a small bed, hell, even because of a small bed. I want Rhett to carry me up those long, winding stairs (okay so we live in a brownstone and not on the set of Tara but a girl can dream can’t she?), and to give a damn about painting my cheeks with a blush of come hither and night-blooming satisfaction.

I read a quote “When love is strong, a man and woman can make their bed on the edge of a sword.”

Please help me Becca. I want to live on the edge of that sword, to know that love can cut very deeply but that it also can salve ills you didn’t even know you had. I know Rhett (secretly) reads your blog everyday on his Droid (he loved your book after I twisted his arm to give it a try), so sign me Frustrated but Hopeful in Soho.

Dear Frustrated:
Watch for my suggestions tomorrow along with advice from my other readers….

Dreams Confused with Reality?

“The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.” ~ James Michener

Dreams bolster and enable our vision, imagination and insight, revealing that which has been hidden, out of focus or not understand. Just as Deborah, a wondrous character in The Chakra Diaries saw herself in a different light when an anonymous admirer wrote of her anointing his dreams and igniting his imagination, dreams can communicate to us from the inside out. Deborah was living almost entirely in the past, isolated from her spouse’s physical affections and questioning her self worth until her new friend’s verbiage and focus enabled her to reopen her heart to love and all of its many splendors.

Will Deborah end up in the arms of love? Will her husband realize his mistake at leaving her and beg for her in forgiveness? Will Deborah’s new friend enrich her life as she had hoped and dreamed?

Read the whole story in The Chakra Diaries to find out more about reigniting the sacral chakra, passion and love. Namaste.