A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Heart Chakra’ Category

The Chakra Diaries by Becca #Chopra – #FreeKindle

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi
MP3 Cover
Through love all pain will turn to medicine. ~ Rumi

These are two of the quotes that appear throughout my first book, The Chakra Diaries. They give an idea of the theme woven throughout the novel life stories of ten people who find magic and miracles during a chakra healing workshop. Learn more about the healing power of love when you download the eBook, which is FREE through Thursday, Oct. 24th.

One reviewer wrote:
“The book is in the end a beautifully told love story, and we see the participants removing obstacles that block love and the expression of love. Interspersed within you will also find chakra visualization meditations, and insightful spiritual quotes. Reading this book brought me joy.”

You can listen to my guided chakra meditation, taken from The Chakra Diaries,, that takes you on a journey from the root chakra up to the crown chakra at www.theChakras.org. Listening to the guided meditation will result in greater balance of your chakra energies and well being of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

The guided visualization is accompanied by the harmonic, spiritual music of Aryeh David from his “Love’s Whispers” album. “Through all of life’s journey, love is actually the only thing there is,” says Aryeh. “May this music awaken the love within and remind you of who you truly are.”

I hope you enjoy the inspiring quotes, stories, and interwoven chakra information and balancing meditations – and feel full of love for yourself and others.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet




#Yoga Pose to Re-engage with #Joy

The Circle of Joy Breath Integrates Body, Mind and Spirit:

This sequence opens the heart chakra, which is the bridge between our lower chakras and physical self, and our higher chakras that tune into our mind and spirit. As the bridge from the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras that are associated with the physical body, to the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, associated with mind and spirit, the Heart Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness.

The Heart Chakra needs to be nourished if we are to remain physically strong, capable of giving and receiving love and able to develop spirituality. The Circle of Joy Breath will calm your emotions and prepare you for deeper visualization and meditation.

This can be done either standing or sitting. First, place your palms together at your heart.

Circle 2

Inhale, interlacing your fingers.

Exhale, press your palms forward and outward, stretching through your shoulders.




Inhale, and circle your hands upward, extending your palms up to the sky and lengthening your spine.

Affirmation: “I am encircled with joy and light to share with the world.”



Circle 3

Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them down behind your back.

Inhale, interlace your fingers again and raise the arms backward and upward, opening your chest.



Circle 2


Exhale, releasing your hands and circle them back in front, clasping the palms and stretching them forward.



CIRCLE 1 and 6


Inhale, bringing your palms back together at the heart.



Now relax in the seated lotus position or lie down in Savasana. This is a good time to do a Chakra meditation or guided visualization. Listen to my FREE guided meditation at TheChakras.org.

For more ways to nourish all the chakras, download The Chakra Energy Diet, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life


DO YOU FEEL ENOUGH LOVE IN OUR WORLD? Balancing the #HeartChakra

LOVEI think we can all agree what the world needs now is love. You feel love when you give love. And you need an open, balanced Heart Chakra to be the compassionate, loving person that is the real you. Following is an excerpt from The Chakra Energy Diet: The Right Food, Relaxation, Yoga & Exercise to Look and Feel your Best! on the Heart Chakra:


If you agree with more than 3 or 4 of the following statements, you may want to look at ways to heal your Heart Chakra…

  1. I’m tired from putting others ahead of myself.
  2. I find it hard to forgive or let go of hurt feelings.
  3. I’m very empathic – feeling other’s feelings.
  4. My heart has been broken in the past.
  5. I have heart and/or lung problems.
  6. I feel numb and a loss of passion.
  7. Connecting with friends or family helps relieve my stress.
  8. I don’t get enough hugs, kisses or massages.
  9. I often get heartburn after eating.
  10. I don’t really like vegetables.
  11. Relationship problems cause me to overeat.

All healing is achieved through the magic of love. We can all benefit by releasing the tension that blocks our healing energy from flowing. Start with self-love, accepting and praising your body and mind for being – yes, just for being here for you, allowing you to be part of life. Go from there, and do Saturation Praise (telling yourself out loud what you love about yourself) for a minute every day – the more you learn to love yourself, the more you will be able to do what’s best for your body, and to show love and compassion to others.

The Fourth Chakra: Located at the center of your chest, the Heart Chakra is associated with the heart and lungs. If your Heart Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, you may experience physical issues with these organs, such as hypertension or respiratory ailments, or feel pain in the upper back and shoulders. You may feel emotional insensitivity, sorrow, depression, and resentment, and develop a dependency on smoking cigarettes or marijuana.

When the Heart Chakra is balanced, you are able to feel love, openly giving and receiving it. You are able to be compassionate without taking on other people’s feelings. You can let go of sadness, release old resentments, forgive yourselves and others, and move forward with emotional empowerment.

The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower three chakras – the Root Chakra which relates to our safety and security; the Sacral Chakra, which relates to our creativity and sexuality; the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the base of our personal power and identity; and the upper three chakras – the Throat Chakra, which is associated with speaking our truth; the Third Eye Chakra, which opens us to our higher knowing and intuition; and the Crown Chakra, our connection to spirit.

Leafy greensHeart Chakra Healing Foods

While the first three chakras are fed by protein, fats and carbohydrates, the Heart Chakra is balanced through phytochemicals or macronutrients, especially those in green vegetables. The rising energy imparted by leafy greens, for instance, feeds our expansion, growth and opening in all directions, like the feeling of love and a willingness to give of ourselves.

Foods, especially that share colors with the chakras, carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras. So, nourish your Heart Chakra with the many GREEN vegetables – from kale, spinach, chard, collard, dandelion and mustard greens, to lettuce and sprouts of all kinds, and nourishing and health-protective cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. There’s also bok choy, cabbage, arugula, green peas and peppers, leeks and green onions, watercress, zucchini, and celery.

Take a stroll through your local Farmer’s Market and appreciate the abundance of green veggies and choose your favorites, then open up and try some new ones. Ask how to best prepare them to savor their delicious flavors.

Also, include green fruit in your diet, from green apples, pears, grapes and kiwi, to that best salad ingredient of all – avocados.

Heart Chakra Healing Activities

Use this general affirmation or blessing while cooking and before eating for the Heart Chakra:

“May this food bless and nourish my body and make me more loving and compassionate.”

You can strengthen the healing effect of your food by adding in some green veggies at each meal, for instance, adding some leafy greens to your morning juice or smoothie, or green peppers in your omelet, having a large salad at lunch, and steaming broccoli or zucchini for your side dish at dinner. Make your meal with love and gratitude, for the people who grew your food, to the people you will share it with.

We often overeat to fill a feeling of emptiness or lack of love. If sharing food is one of the major ways your mother has expressed her love to you, or you to your family, think of other ways to feed the longing of your own heart, rather than with food. Instead, pamper yourself with a massage or social activity, or reach out to others through volunteer work.

Exercising with others is recommended for the Heart Chakra. Join in a team sport, an aerobics or spin class at the gym, take a walk with a friend or partner, play catch with your children, and be sure to take a yoga class.

Circle 3Heart Chakra Yoga Poses

I like to open up Heart Chakra energy in the chest by doing the Circle of Joy sequence; and also with the Cobra Pose.

The Heart Chakra will also be energized by the Fish Pose, the head-to-knee Forward Bend and the Head of Cow pose.

Heart Chakra Visualization

In your mind’s eye, see a person who may have hurt you and caused your heart to be blocked to the flow of love and compassion. Imagine sending them blessings as you throw them a ball in a game of catch. See if they throw it back. If not, surround the game of catch or relationship with a green glow, sending that person love and forgiveness, and through magical thinking, have them throw the ball back and forth with you. And then catch yourself smiling.

It’s not hard to let go and forgive someone…wrap that person who has caused you pain in bright green light, cleansing and healing the situation. Release yourself and them from any negative connections, only keeping the good. Let go of anger to have space for love to grow. Now, with love and compassion, envelop yourself and your whole life experience in healing green light.

The Chakra Energy Diet is available on Amazon Kindle for download to any device. Here’s to balance, health, and always, love.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog


An Open Heart Chakra is a Necessary Bridge between the Physical and Spiritual Worlds

Infographic by Yeurik Eldr

As you can see in the above infographic, the Heart Chakra glows with green energy, and it connects the lower chakras that deal with the physical world with the higher chakras that deal with the spiritual. As these energies meet, as matter and spirit unite, the force released is love.

When our heart chakra is closed, we lose loving contact with others and cut off the flow of energy within ourselves.

Love is a powerful, life-giving energy that can heal the broken heart and the agitated soul, move mountains, and sustain us when we face hardship or disaster. A balanced heart chakra steadies us when we fall in love, the lower chakras keeping us rooted so we don’t lose our grounding. And it is only through love that we can attain communion with God too, wrote Albert Schweitzer.

Love has strong healing power, in fact, it is the most therapeutic commodity known, a powerful antidote to all troubles.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

Serge Kahili King teaching the four easy steps to using Dynamind.

So, how can you balance your heart chakra? There are many ways to balance the chakras, but today I’d like to share the Dynamind technique, a powerful healing tool I learned from Huna Healer/Shaman Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.

It can be used to quickly and simply resolve tension that is blocking chakras, creating physical, emotional and spiritual dis-ase. Dynamind is similar to EFT, but uses just four simple tapping movements, in concert with breath and words, to release blocked energy flow.

Using Dynamind to balance the Heart Chakra can bring forth more love and compassion in your life while healing physical and emotional pain….

Physical health issues commonly associated with the Heart Chakra include cardiovascular problems including hypertension, stroke, respiratory ailments, upper back and shoulder pain.

Emotional or mental health issues include anger or resentment, jealousy, suspicion, possessiveness, fear of commitment, lasting grief, sorrow, depression.

You can work with Dynamind to relieve these symptoms and, at the same time, balance your Heart Chakra.


1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g,

“I feel sad and depressed and I know that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

“I have tightness and pain in my chest and I know that can change. I want that pain to go away.”

If you have no symptoms to release, you can use Dynamind to strengthen the Heart Chakra, with a declaration such as:

“I’m not as caring as I want to be. I want to nurture and reach out to others like the wind blowing through the leaves of a tree.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

While simple to use, Dynamind has been found effective at releasing painful physical, emotional and mental problems. Serge Kahili King documents the use of Dyamind in his book, Healing for the Millions, available at Huna.org.

You can download a free video of Serge Kahili King and me using Dynamind to balance all seven chakras at www.theChakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance Your Chakras-Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet

Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog


How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Thanks to guest blogger, Ana Blanche, jewelry enthusiast and founder of Fabbeat.com – a store that educates about the healing powers of natural crystals and offers a selection of handmade chakra balancing items, meditation malas and more. She’s also offering  a 10% discount on her products for the readers of Chakra Blog.

Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 6.47.24 PM

Natural Stone Tree of Life Charm Bracelet

Crystals are used by many to help the body balance its vital strength. But can you really balance your chakra with crystals? The answer is yes, and in this post, we will tell you how these crystals work.

Crystals and Chakras

Healing crystals and stones in chakra bracelets and necklaces are not just pieces of jewelry. Even if a person just wears them as an eye candy, these crystals do much, much more. The patterns of healing crystals and stones work to help cleanse, align and balance your energy centers.

Crystals and Chakras go hand in hand when talking about our body. Our body has seven chakras or energy centers. Chakras play vital roles and maintain a constant flow of strength in the body. They are also linked to each other and work in sync to strike an overall body energy balance.

Here are the 7 Chakras, with their colors and features:

  1. Root Chakra (Red) – this chakra is about how we feel safe and secure, and controls our basic needs as human beings.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Orange) – this chakra is linked with being creative. It is also our sexual center.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) – this chakra stands for our sense of power and self-esteem. This is the area between your belly button and breastbone.
  4. Heart Chakra (Green) – the heart chakra is about love and kindness. It also unites the upper and lower chakras. It also shows how we relate to ourselves and others.
  5. Throat Chakra (Blue) – this chakra is connected to our ability to speak the truth, and how creative we are in expressing ourselves. It helps unlock our deepest feelings.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) – also known as the “Ajna.” This chakra relates to our intuition and helps us listen to our gut instinct.
  7.  Crown Chakra (Violet) – the crown chakra stands for our conscious self, spiritual health and how we connect with the universe. It helps us feel aware and gives us a sense of love and light.

But what if there’s an imbalance in your chakras? Here’s where healing crystals come in. Like the chakras, they stand for certain colors and support your energy centers.

How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Chakras need to be open and aligned for energy balance. If your powers are not balanced, you’ll find it hard to keep them open. One way to do this is to balance your chakras with crystals.

Chakra crystals help open, balance, or support the energy of the chakras. This is based on the belief that such stones or crystals have a natural healing frequency.

In short, energy is harnessed and channeled through the crystal. It then resonates with the vibration of the chakra you’re focusing on. And the easiest way to utilize this healing energy is by wearing jewelry containing natural stones. Stones used in a particular healing piece may vary as each crystal has its own properties and resonates the most with a specific chakra.

List of Healing Crystals

Here’s a list of commonly used stones and crystals that heal our chakras:

  • Root Chakra: Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Fire Agate, Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline
  • Sacral Chakra: Moonstone, Coral, Citrine, Carnelian
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Topaz, Malachite, Calcite
  • Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Tourmaline, Green Calcite
  • Throat Chakra: Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine
  • Third Eye Chakra: Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian, Amethyst
  • Crown Chakra: Selenite, Diamond, Clear Quartz

First, you can check the set of crystals that are related to your chakras. Bear in mind that the chakras can be linked to many crystals and you will need to find out which one works best for you.

You may also use your intuition to choose your healing crystal. Observe the glow of the crystals and see which ones are most suitable. You may also feel the energy of the crystal by placing it in your hand. You will feel a tingling or heating sensation.

Benefits of Chakra Crystals

Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 6.04.37 PM.pngWearing a bracelet, such as the one shown here – the Chakra Healing Amethyst Buddha Bracelet, is beneficial for your body and mind in many ways. For instance, in this bracelet, the Amethyst meaning is to purify, heal, and protect; Tigers Eye is included to maintain harmony and balance and help to relieve fear and anxiety; Lapis Lazuli to stimulate the desire for knowledge and truth, etc. Wearing this bracelet, you’ll notice:

  • It balances our energy centers and grounds us.
  • It calms us and relieves anxiety.
  • It clears our thoughts.
  • We feel more stable and secure.
  • It cleanses our body and mind of negative energy. It also removes blockages to promote the smooth flow of positive energy.
  • It helps us focus on things that really matter in our life.
  • It helps us seek enlightenment and awakens our spirit.

The benefits of wearing a bracelet or a necklace with healing crystals are endless and it’s indeed a very powerful item to keep up with our hectic lives.

Fabbeat.com has a great selection of chakra balancing and chakra healing items. If you’d like to give their healing crystals a try, you can enjoy a 10% discount offered exclusively for the readers of Chakra Blog. Just use the code chakradiaries at the checkout.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog



Balancing the Heart Chakra to Manifest More Love on Valentine’s Day

Becca Chopra performing Dynamind.Balancing the Heart Chakra is key to manifesting success and happiness in your life. When your heart is full of love, it is easier to create whatever you want, break through blocks, and overcome fear and doubt. When you send out vibrations, thoughts or feelings of how much you love something, then it comes back to you in greater and greater abundance.

“Whatever you love with positive energy will manifest more abundantly.” ~ Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.

Serge Kahili King helped me apply his “instant” energy healing technique, Dynamind, to chakra healing. Now, on Valentine’s Day, during a year with the stress of political turmoil, yet the hope for love and peace in our lives and in our world, it’s the perfect time to apply the Dynamind Process to healing the Heart Chakra.

Using Dynamind to balance the Heart Chakra can bring forth more love and compassion in your life….

Located at the center of the chest, the fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra, represents selfless love and devotion, kindness, empathy and compassion. It vibrates with the energy of the color green. When the Heart Chakra is balanced, you feel free to give and receive love in all its expressions – passion, caring, rapport, understanding, empathy, compassion and forgiveness.


1) FOCUS – Hold your hands out in a loose prayer-like position.

2) DECLARE – Say aloud the condition you’re feeling that you would like to change, e.g,

“I feel sad and depressed and I know that can change. I want that feeling to go away.”

Dancing treeIf you have no symptoms to release, you can use Dynamind to strengthen the Heart Chakra, with a declaration such as:

“I’m not as caring as I want to be. I want to nurture and reach out to others like the wind blowing through the leaves of a tree.”

3) RELEASE – Tap 7 times on the center of your chest, then at the point between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and on the top bone of your spine (the 7th cervical vertebra).

4) BREATHE – Direct your breath, inhaling with your attention on the crown of your head, exhaling with your attention below your feet.

Repeat until you feel the desired result.

Follow along with me in using Dynamind to balance all seven chakras in my video, Balance & Tone Your Chakras, FREE to download this week at www.thechakras.org.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet



Help Yourself and Others with The Curious Mind Healing Technique

We know the STANDING ROCK protestors will need to continue their efforts through the cold winter since Energy Transfer Partners refuse to quit drilling. Do you feel they or others in the world are being treated unfairly and YOU WANT TO HELP? Look at your own emotions to practice this Healing Technique from Joseph Drumheller:the-curious-mind

Healing Technique – The Curious Mind

The following technique can be used on yourself and others, even if they are at a distance.

In over two decades in my walk as a healer, I’ve learned suppressed emotion from the past is one of the premier contributors to our suffering. Of the countless techniques effective in releasing suppressed emotion, none are as effective in their simplicity as The Curious Mind.

The Curious Mind naturally cultivates a certain level of necessary detachment between you and the emotion. All of a sudden it’s not your anger, hurt, or depression; it’s only an emotion you’re experiencing. In other words, your suppressed emotions are not you, they’re only something that’s happening to you. As you will experience, this creates a beneficial space between you and the emotion—a very helpful gap that enhances the release process.

Try This: Start with a clear-cut intention to heal a specific suppressed emotion completely. Sit or lie in a comfortable position and enter a deeply relaxed state. Next, feel the emotion in your body, as related to the area of life (or person) you’re trying to heal. It may be rage in your head (Crown Chakra), heaviness in your heart (Heart Chakra), tension in your stomach (Solar Plexus Chakra), etc. It should come readily. If it doesn’t, just pretend you can feel it (remember, the imagination is real, so pretending works). If you get bombarded with mind chatter or distracting thoughts, just let them come and go like watching clouds drifting by in the sky.

Next, simply pay attention to the emotion as you experience it. Be curious. Say to yourself, something like, “Oh, isn’t that interesting. I feel rage in my head, how curious.” As you focus on that experience, you’ll begin to feel a weakening, softening, or letting go of the emotion.

Now, here’s where everyone begins to differ, so you’ll need to develop you own method. You may feel the emotion as it begins to spin or swirl and move out of your body. It may start to dissolve or let go. It may create interesting sensations in your body like tingling, warmth, or deep peace. Whatever happens, keep your focus on what’s taking place. Don’t wallow in the emotion but stay with it, until it’s gone.

That’s it; the suppressed emotion is gone. If it returns, it will come back with less intensity and less frequency. Then go through the process again. It’s like lighting a log on a fire. Keep burning it, until it’s nothing but ash.

Many thanks to Joseph Drumheller for this great technique. Joseph is an award-winning author and energy healer from Washington State. He’s conducted over 2,000 sessions since 1991 and worked six years at a cancer treatment center in Bellingham, WA, honing his craft as a healer. His books include non-fiction, award-winning fiction, and now children’s books. See more at: www.josephdrumheller.com

With all the anger and divisiveness following the recent election, and many people needing peaceful resolution in their lives at this time, The Curious Mind can help us regain peace within ourselves first, then send it out to the world. DISTANT HEALING TECHNIQUES allow us to be of service from wherever we may be.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet






Sending Prayers and Healing Energy to #Standing Rock

screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-1-43-49-pmAlthough there’s been virtually no news coverage, I hope you are aware that indigenous people from all over the world, along with supporters, have encamped at Standing Rock in North Dakota and are being brutally treated by local, state and national law enforcement fighters. But the peaceful protesters continue to stand to protect the local tribe’s sacred land, as well as the cleanliness of their water for the next seven generations. Both are threatened by the Dakota Access Pipeline, which would transport oil derived from fracking beneath several rivers across North America.


Angel of Grace by Maya Sorensen

Many people would agree that prayer alone will not solve all of our problems, but to the water protectors at Standing Rock, direct action is considered sacred and prayer can be action. People from all over the globe joined together last Saturday to send prayers and healing energy to the protestors and the situation at Standing Rock.

As a chakra healer, I opened my heart chakra and visualized a green glow of love and harmony projected over all involved, to help them find a solution. For the protestors, I encased them in white light with green hearts to convert the energy coming toward them into love.

Distant Healing & Prayer – Proof that it Works

In Healing Words, Larry Dossey, M.D., reviewed over 100 experiments on the effects of prayer and visualization. More than half showed an effect on everything from seed germination to wound healing.

In several experiments, volunteers were able to stimulate or retard the growth of bacteria and fungi from 15 miles away.

In another study, volunteers were asked to visualize volunteers in another place become calmer or more agitated. Meanwhile, the “receivers” were hooked up to biofeedback-type equipment to gauge their reactions. The results showed that the “influencers” exerted a statistically significant effect on the receivers’ moods.

These experiments have shown that prayer can take many forms. Results occurred not only when people prayed for explicit outcomes. In fact, the experiments showed that just praying for the best outcome was even more powerful than when specific results were held in mind.

A simple attitude of empathy, caring, and compassion for the person, entity or situation, with mindfulness and intention to help, seemed to set the stage for healing.

Next Global Prayer Day: December 4

To help achieve a peaceful solution to the situation at Standing Rock, please join the second globally synchronized prayer which will be on December 4. Another will be held on United Nations Human Rights Day, December 10. According to the UN, the connection between sacred sites, water, cultural preservation, and the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, treaties, and national and international law, must be honored and respected as basic human rights. Learn more at www.praywithstandingrock.com

In the next several blogs, I will share other distant healing techniques used by shamans and energy healers that can be used for situations like Standing Rock and any others needing healing. If you’d like to share your technique(s), we welcome all input. Just email me at Becca@theChakras.org.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Healing, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet


How to Open your Heart Chakra After a Divisive Election

screen-shot-2016-11-11-at-1-47-08-pmI wanted to share these words of wisdom from Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on how we can move forward from the broken heart than many feel in the U.S. after our divisive election:

Nationally, we’ve just closed what has been a bitter, divisive campaign season that has left deep, open wounds for millions of Americans. There’s much that remains unknown about what we can expect in the months to come, but what I do know is that now more than ever our progressive movement requires focus and an “all hands on deck” approach.

Beyond the results of one election, however, the deeper tragedy is that as Americans we have become alienated from each other. Beneath the anger, distrust and divisiveness is a pervasive anxiety that we are becoming unglued instead of coming together as a nation.

If we want to preserve the foundation of our democracy, it’s vital that we find common ground that allows us to work for the greater good of this nation. This does not mean giving up our values. This does not mean swallowing a bitter compromise. Finding common ground means reaching out with respect and aloha, despite the issues that divide us, despite the hurt, despite the fear, and recognize what unites us as human beings.

If you believe the angry box in your living room, you might conclude that America is so deeply divided that finding common ground is impossible. But I don’t believe that for a second. When I walk around my neighborhood, the grocery store, or the farmers market, I don’t see Democrats or Republicans, Progressives or Conservatives. I see my brothers and sisters – living, breathing human beings, with diverse and complicated stories, views and desires that can’t be packaged neatly in a box. I see their fear and anxiety. I see their frustration with a government they don’t feel is listening to them. And I see that there are vast tracts of unexplored, common ground between us. With virtually no exceptions, we want our children to thrive and to feel safe in their home and in their neighborhood. We want peace, justice and the natural prosperity that results from hard work and innovation.

As I look at the way forward, I acknowledge there are challenges, and I choose to see opportunity. We have an opportunity to articulate a vision for peace by ending counterproductive regime-change wars. We have an opportunity to stand firm in our resolve to stop destructive trade deals. We must continue to illustrate the impacts that climate change is already having on communities around the world—especially our islands—and move forward on the issues that matter to us.

I hope you will join me as we start down this path toward real reform and progress. And as always, continue to fight for equality and respect for all people, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other external difference.


Becca Chopra, www.theChakras.org

Love can Heal the Chakras

FREE ON KINDLE at http://amzn.to/1JONPPkThrough love all pain will turn to medicine. ~ Rumi

Learn more about the healing power of love in my annual Valentine’s Day giveaway – my first book, The Chakra Diaries, free for download on Kindle through February 14th.

Please share this giveaway with your friends – everyone can download it to any smart reading device by downloading the free Amazon app… see http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771.

A recent reviewer wrote:
“The book is in the end a beautifully told love story, and we see the participants removing obstacles that block love and the expression of love. Interspersed within you will also find chakra visualization meditations, and insightful spiritual quotes. Reading this book brought me joy.”


MP3 CoverThe guided meditation, taken from The Chakra Diaries, takes you on a journey from the root chakra up to the crown chakra.. Listening to the guided meditation will result in greater balance of your chakra energies and well being of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

The guided visualization is accompanied by the harmonic, spiritual music of Aryeh David from his “Love’s Whispers” album. “Through all of life’s journey, love is actually the only thing there is,” says Aryeh. “May this music awaken the love within and remind you of who you truly are.”

Listen to the audio and sign up for the FREE CHAKRA MEDITATIONS at http://www.thechakras.org/meditations.html.

I hope you enjoy the inspiring quotes, stories, and interwoven chakra information and balancing meditations – and feel full of love for yourself and others.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet
