A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Archive for the ‘Root Chakra’ Category

Recharge Your #Crystals During the Strawberry Full Moon

Energize your Root Chakra and your Crystals during the Strawberry Full Moon.

The full Strawberry moon tonight will usher in the energy of expansion and good luck. The highly charged energy from this full moon will enhance your power to release the past and amplify your intentions.

The full moon is said to offer a powerful effect on your meditations and affirmations, helping you to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s also a great time to cleanse your crystals.

If you want to cleanse and charge up your crystals, take the opportunity to charge them to match your intentions, before you place them on your windowsill or porch. For instance, rub a crystal lightly between your fingers, then place it on the center of your forehead over your Third Eye Chakra while offering your affirmation or visualizing what you’d like to manifest in your life. As the Strawberry Moon is associated with the color red, choose a red crystal and use an affirmation to strengthen your Root Chakra, connecting your body’s intuition with the intuition offered by your higher knowing through the Third Eye Chakra.

Energy flows where attention goes, so focus on a goal. Take several deep breaths as you visualize how you’ll feel and act as you achieve this goal. Breathe in the security, the strength and the comfort of being in your chosen place.

Crystal healing works because the stones interact with your body’s own natural subtle energies. Each crystal holds a vibration, much like chakras hold a vibration of color and energy. Crystals used to heal each chakra usually vibrate with the same color associated with that chakra.



When the Root Chakra is balanced, you are confident, grounded and secure in your place in the world.

For sound mantras and affirmations associated with all seven of the major chakras, see my book, BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS, BALANCE YOUR LIFE.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet.


Full Moon and the Root Chakra

Many of my friends and clients have experienced conflict and emotional outbursts the last few days.

According to astrologers, this can be due to the Full Moon, and other cosmic events that may fatigue you, but also offer you a chance to start an exciting new chapter of your life.

But to stay on track, be sure to stay grounded in your Root Chakra.

Root Chakra: Get Grounded

When the Root Chakra, Muladhara, is balanced, you feel safe, secure, and at home in your own skin. Physically located at the toes, feet, legs and lower pelvis, the root chakra connects you to the element of earth. So, if you’re feeling tired or emotional, try to:

Root Chakra energy

Connect with nature

  • Go for a hike in the woods
  • Walk on the beach
  • Plant a garden

Make your home a place you like to be

  • Set up a sacred corner/altar space
  • Make your bedroom more comfy
  • Do a deep clean of your house

Discover what “grounds” you (and do more of it)

  • Play soothing music
  • Call a good friend
  • Sit in meditation

Eat a Root Chakra-Balancing Diet (from The Chakra Energy Diet)

  • Root vegetables
  • Edible and medicinal mushrooms
  • Red-colored foods (beets, apples, pomegranates, cranberries, raspberries, tomatoes, red peppers, and red meat if you’re an omnivore) nourish the Root Chakra, and will help balance it.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet




Scrumptious Summer Salad for Balancing the Root Chakra

Screen Shot 2017-06-18 at 12.20.46 PMHealing The Root Chakra – the All-Important First Step to Balance

If your Root Chakra is out of balance, you may feel all alone in the world, or like you don’t have solid ground to stand on.

Connection is key in healing the Root Chakra… connection with family, friends, nature, and your higher self.

What kind of “connecting” do you need to heal? Those with Root Chakra imbalances often feel estranged from their family or society in general, unrooted, and ungrounded.

I often recommend gardening to ground oneself, and planting root vegetables is probably the ultimate healing activity for the Root Chakra.

How are your connections with others? If you love helping others, practice the act of receiving for a change, and this will help heal this chakra.

If you usually let others take care of you, share some wisdom, some kind words, be someone else’s sounding board, or make a meal for a friend to build a stronger connection.

It’s a sizzling hot summer day at my house today, so I’m making this light lunch for a few friends. Let me know if you think this should be included in my upcoming CHAKRA COOKBOOK.

This can be a green-free salad (except for the parsley) or you can add chopped raw spinach or other greens as well. If you want added protein, feel free to add walnuts or some crumbled goat cheese. The main ingredients are still organically-grown root veggies – beets and carrots, and red in color – beets, apples and umeboshi vinegar (found in the Asian section of health food stores), all healing to the Root Chakra:

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Scrumptious Summer Salad of Beets, Carrots and Apples 

1 lb. beets, peeled and cut in matchsticks

2 large carrots, peeled and cut in matchsticks

1 red-skinned apple, cut in small bite-sized pieces

1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, cilantro or baby spinach leaves

3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 T. umeboshi plum vinegar

Black pepper to taste

Toss all salad ingredients together right before serving.

Note: A food processor that has either a julienne blade or large shredding blade makes prep of this salad a breeze.

I hope you enjoy this scrumptious salad and share it with your family or friends – as a main course or side dish. Pay attention to the beauty of the colors and flavors provided by nature, stay in the moment, and notice how grounded and connected you feel.

When balancing your chakras, it’s all-important to start with a focus on the Root Chakra – it will generate great results for you.

Learn more about which foods and activities can balance each of your chakras – download The Chakra Energy Diet FREE today on Amazon Kindle, readable on all smart devices.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet



Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog




How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Thanks to guest blogger, Ana Blanche, jewelry enthusiast and founder of Fabbeat.com – a store that educates about the healing powers of natural crystals and offers a selection of handmade chakra balancing items, meditation malas and more. She’s also offering  a 10% discount on her products for the readers of Chakra Blog.

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Natural Stone Tree of Life Charm Bracelet

Crystals are used by many to help the body balance its vital strength. But can you really balance your chakra with crystals? The answer is yes, and in this post, we will tell you how these crystals work.

Crystals and Chakras

Healing crystals and stones in chakra bracelets and necklaces are not just pieces of jewelry. Even if a person just wears them as an eye candy, these crystals do much, much more. The patterns of healing crystals and stones work to help cleanse, align and balance your energy centers.

Crystals and Chakras go hand in hand when talking about our body. Our body has seven chakras or energy centers. Chakras play vital roles and maintain a constant flow of strength in the body. They are also linked to each other and work in sync to strike an overall body energy balance.

Here are the 7 Chakras, with their colors and features:

  1. Root Chakra (Red) – this chakra is about how we feel safe and secure, and controls our basic needs as human beings.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Orange) – this chakra is linked with being creative. It is also our sexual center.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) – this chakra stands for our sense of power and self-esteem. This is the area between your belly button and breastbone.
  4. Heart Chakra (Green) – the heart chakra is about love and kindness. It also unites the upper and lower chakras. It also shows how we relate to ourselves and others.
  5. Throat Chakra (Blue) – this chakra is connected to our ability to speak the truth, and how creative we are in expressing ourselves. It helps unlock our deepest feelings.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) – also known as the “Ajna.” This chakra relates to our intuition and helps us listen to our gut instinct.
  7.  Crown Chakra (Violet) – the crown chakra stands for our conscious self, spiritual health and how we connect with the universe. It helps us feel aware and gives us a sense of love and light.

But what if there’s an imbalance in your chakras? Here’s where healing crystals come in. Like the chakras, they stand for certain colors and support your energy centers.

How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Chakras need to be open and aligned for energy balance. If your powers are not balanced, you’ll find it hard to keep them open. One way to do this is to balance your chakras with crystals.

Chakra crystals help open, balance, or support the energy of the chakras. This is based on the belief that such stones or crystals have a natural healing frequency.

In short, energy is harnessed and channeled through the crystal. It then resonates with the vibration of the chakra you’re focusing on. And the easiest way to utilize this healing energy is by wearing jewelry containing natural stones. Stones used in a particular healing piece may vary as each crystal has its own properties and resonates the most with a specific chakra.

List of Healing Crystals

Here’s a list of commonly used stones and crystals that heal our chakras:

  • Root Chakra: Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Fire Agate, Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline
  • Sacral Chakra: Moonstone, Coral, Citrine, Carnelian
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Topaz, Malachite, Calcite
  • Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Tourmaline, Green Calcite
  • Throat Chakra: Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine
  • Third Eye Chakra: Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian, Amethyst
  • Crown Chakra: Selenite, Diamond, Clear Quartz

First, you can check the set of crystals that are related to your chakras. Bear in mind that the chakras can be linked to many crystals and you will need to find out which one works best for you.

You may also use your intuition to choose your healing crystal. Observe the glow of the crystals and see which ones are most suitable. You may also feel the energy of the crystal by placing it in your hand. You will feel a tingling or heating sensation.

Benefits of Chakra Crystals

Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 6.04.37 PM.pngWearing a bracelet, such as the one shown here – the Chakra Healing Amethyst Buddha Bracelet, is beneficial for your body and mind in many ways. For instance, in this bracelet, the Amethyst meaning is to purify, heal, and protect; Tigers Eye is included to maintain harmony and balance and help to relieve fear and anxiety; Lapis Lazuli to stimulate the desire for knowledge and truth, etc. Wearing this bracelet, you’ll notice:

  • It balances our energy centers and grounds us.
  • It calms us and relieves anxiety.
  • It clears our thoughts.
  • We feel more stable and secure.
  • It cleanses our body and mind of negative energy. It also removes blockages to promote the smooth flow of positive energy.
  • It helps us focus on things that really matter in our life.
  • It helps us seek enlightenment and awakens our spirit.

The benefits of wearing a bracelet or a necklace with healing crystals are endless and it’s indeed a very powerful item to keep up with our hectic lives.

Fabbeat.com has a great selection of chakra balancing and chakra healing items. If you’d like to give their healing crystals a try, you can enjoy a 10% discount offered exclusively for the readers of Chakra Blog. Just use the code chakradiaries at the checkout.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog



#Gardening for the #RootChakra – Be Sure to Kill the Roots of Weeds without Killing Yourself – Try a #NatureZap

Root ChakraIn my book, The Chakra Energy Diet, I not only recommend foods to balance each chakra, but also activities.

Root Chakra Healing Activities: Gardening is the #1 activity I recommend for Root Chakra grounding AND for weight loss. The University of Utah did a study that agreed, showing that burying your hands in the earth can help you bury excess pounds as well. The researchers found that the average body mass index (BMI) of female gardeners was 1.84 lower than that of their non-gardening neighbors, or approximately 10 pounds less for a woman 5’ 5” tall. For men, the difference was even greater, so bend down and dig in the soil, guys. Male gardeners had an average BMI difference of 2.36, which translates to 16 lbs. less for a 5’ 10” physique.

These research results, reported in the American Journal of Public Health, showed that spouses of the gardeners also had lower BMIs, which was attributed to eating more fresh produce and possibly helping with pulling weeds and other gardening activities.

What About Weeds? If hand pulling weeds isn’t an option, there are many alternatives that can help you, without resorting to toxic herbicides. Protect your own health, the health of your children and pets, plus Mother Earth, by eschewing Roundup. In addition to now being classed a “probably carcinogen,” independent researchers have long known the many side effects of being exposed to Roundup whether in your GMO food or your yard.

A short excerpt: “Here’s everything we know that is being linked to the chemicals, all of the chemicals in Roundup, ADHD, because these chemicals act as neurological inhibitors, both in children and in fetuses, which means that it affects the way the brain develops. The neurons do not myelinate as they’re supposed to. That also causes autism. It’s been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, birth defects, brain cancer, breast cancer, other forms of cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, chronic kidney disease, colitis, depression, diabetes, heart disease, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and unfortunately I’m out of room to continue the rest of the list here. Those are all things that have been linked by studies to all of the chemicals in Monsanto’s Roundup.”
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So, what do I use in my yard? Mostly, we mow our lawn with the weeds in it – they’re green and blend in with grass and it’s healthier for myself, my husband, my dog and most importantly, my child.

But because we have flower and vegetable beds that often get choked with weeds, I was excited to try the new tool being used by the American Air Force – the cordless NatureZap DE. It uses ultraviolet light to kill weeds without toxic chemicals, is battery operated so you don’t need smelly propane, you just point and several seconds and the weed is gone, all while being safe for people, places and pets.

I can grab the NatureZap DE anytime and zap any weeds that have popped up. It actually zaps down to the roots of the weed for permanent removal!

If you have good alternatives to using Roundup and other herbicides please share them in the comments, and if you’re looking for another solution, try the NatureZap DE available for sale on Amazon.

Here’s to the your health and the health of Mother Earth!


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra DiariesChakra SecretsBalance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog

Color Therapy for the Chakras

colorsMany years ago, when I first started studying the chakras, I bought a DVD on Chakra Balancing, and found it was simply slides of different colors corresponding to the different chakras. Can color therapy really balance the chakras? Well, I kept testing the theory and did find that often the colors we like best are the colors we most need in our lives and they provide us with subtle vibrational help.

The colors in the world around us are manifestations of light and, as such, each possesses a unique frequency… frequencies that do relate to the colors of the chakras. It’s been said that we experience the beneficial affects of color even while blindfolded. We are naturally drawn to those colors that lift our mood, expand our consciousness, and help restore wellbeing.

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Color therapy allows us to harness the power of individual color frequencies to heal the body, positively influence our emotions, and achieve a renewed sense of harmony. Colors alter the vibrational characteristics of diverse elements of the self so that each resonates at its proper healthy frequency.

red-crystalThe colors we like best are often those that we need most in our lives, and there are many ways we can utilize them. Wearing clothes or crystals of a certain color or gazing at an area of color in a painting or nature scene can stimulate or calm us depending on the color we yellow-crystalchoose. For example, red stimulates the root chakra, grounding us, while yellow strengthens the solar plexus chakra, increasing our energy, and blue acts on the throat chakra, soothing the body and mind and helping us clarify our thoughts.

blue-crystalWhite light, which is an amalgamation of all the colors of the visible spectrum is a cleansing color, one that can purify us on many levels, often associated with the crown chakra.

In my Kindle book, Balance the Chakras, Balance Your Life, I have pictures of a clear crystal lighted with different colors. Try meditating on the colored crystals for just a minute, breathing in the color and breathing out any stress or pain, and see which color works best for you at this moment in time.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance the Chakras, Balance Your Lifeand The Chakra Energy Diet


Becca’s Inspirational Book Blog



What you have for breakfast can make or break your day.

Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 3.25.17 PMIf you’re like me and most people, a junk food breakfast (say a sweet pastry and mocha coffee) is what I’d most like to grab at Starbucks, but will no doubt put me in a tizzy for the rest of the day. I won’t think straight, I won’t be able to act calm and centered around my clients, or make the right decisions when problems arise… as I would if I had started off with the right breakfast for my Root Chakra.

In order to balance your chakras and promote optimal health and vitality, it’s important to cut out inflammatory foods, such as sugar, simple carbs (like bread and other flour products), and dairy products – which all play havoc with your blood sugar, especially for breakfast, just when you need to get your feet firmly planted on the ground.

The Root Chakra is all about feeling safe and secure – so ground yourself with lean protein sources (choose as many vegetarian options as possible) and lots and lots of root vegetables like beets, carrots and radishes… for breakfast, these are most palatable in vegetable smoothies.

Try this Sample Breakfast:

Detoxifying JuiceTry a smoothie or juice made of beets, carrots and kale followed by scrambled eggs or tofu mixed with veggies like red bell peppers, broccoli and red onion, seasoned with tumeric and Bragg Liquid Aminos (a wheat-free alternative to soy sauce). You’ll be ready to take on the day no matter what challenges come up!

Also, take time every day for at least a few minutes in nature to ground yourself. Do your morning yoga or Tai Chi outdoors or practice a Nalu Meditation (stare at something beautiful in nature for a minute or until you feel relaxed) or do the Circle of Joy Breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply to open your chest, heart and lungs.

For more suggestions, see THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET, available on Kindle to any reading device. Or download sample Chakra Energy Menus for FREE at www.theChakras.org.


Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet





What’s Love Got to Do with Chakras?

Unlock your heartIf your chakras are blocked or closed, your ability to give and receive love will also be blocked. Relationships will be rocky, and your ability to feel love and happiness will be locked away.

The participants in my Chakra Workshops keep journals which clearly show how a blocked chakra can also block love in your life. And my book, based on these journals, The Chakra Diaries, shows how using meditations and the other tools described, can lead to happier endings.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to remind you that everything is all about love. Life’s struggles (yes, even money issues) can be fixed with love. Every difficult relationship or situation can be remedied with love. Any chakra blockage may be healed and opened through love. The healing power of love can change things in an instant.

ROOT CHAKRA – When you feel grounded and safe, you feel like you belong and are able to be a more responsible partner.
SACRAL CHAKRA – When balanced, your creativity and sexuality are free-flowing, and you are able to be a more romantic partner.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – With your personal power chakra balanced and your self-love in place, you will feel the confidence necessary to find and win your soul mate.
HEART CHAKRA – Love and compassion, the keynotes of a balanced Heart Chakra, will help you retain your relationships, through better or worse.
THROAT CHAKRA – With the ability to speak your truth about your needs and wants, your relationships will be more harmonious and fulfilling.
THIRD EYE CHAKRA – As you increase your intuition, you will have a closer bond, not only to your higher self, but to your loved ones.
CROWN CHAKRA – As you channel the divine love of the universe, you will be better able to act from a place of love in all areas of your life.

In The Chakra Diaries, 10 people in a chakra workshop journal about their lives, troubles and relationship problems, and how they regain their balance, their joy, through THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE.

Here’s to love!
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet




I love to use lava rocks to ground my root chakra, placing them between my legs as I meditate, or placing them on my heart chakra to open myself to the healing power of love as I lie in Savasana. Many of my friends use lava rocks to make jewelry that encapsulates the tremendous energy of the earth.

Lava hearts may form as 2000-degree basalt flows from underneath the surface of the Big Island of Hawaii, spurts, ebbs and then cools. Once covered by the sea, marine creatures such as limpets or other snails may attach to the pieces of lava as well. Also, these as-found creations of Nature often contain the yellow-green Quartz crystals called citrine that is created as the lava cools. I imagine that these hearts are bursting with love to be shared.

For lava rock hearts that you can get in time for Valentine’s Day, see www.ETSY.com.

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries (watch for my Valentine’s Day giveaway starting February 12th!)
