A forum for all of those open to balancing their Chakras, enhancing their yoga practice and ensuring optimum holistic health

Posts tagged ‘Hawaii’

How Can I Forgive When What I really Want is Revenge?

Dear Becca,

A friend of mine, or someone I used to consider to be a very close friend, was having sex in my bed with my boyfriend when I came home from work late, a few nights ago. Yes, I tossed them out on their ears (well, maybe not literally) but now I lonely, sad, frustrated and a few other things I won’t mention on here. I want to move on with my life and to put them both in my rear-view mirror, so please help me distance my heart from the hurt that is bruised and glowing there.
Jilted Juliet

Dear Juliet,
Heart chakra balancing can help you release your anger to let love and compassion live there. First, you have to realize that forgiveness, even of something unspeakable, is necessary for you to live a healthy, loving life. You don’t have to forget or condone an action or behavior, you just have to let go of its importance in your life. As the Buddha said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.”

Most of the characters in The Chakra Diaries had to deal with forgiveness, of themselves and others, to release the tension in their bodies and allow the healing power of love to flow. Put your present happiness first, and forgive past transgressions – drop the hot coal.

Lose Weight, Look More Youthful, Eliminate Pain-Use the 5 Tibetan Rites to Stimulate the Circulation of Your Essential Life Energy

Developed thousands of years ago by Tibetan monks to slow aging, increase energy, calm the mind and strengthen the body, the 5 Tibetan Rites are once-secret, ancient yoga-like poses .

The secret to the 5 Tibetan Rites was unveiled in the 1930’s when a retired British army officer discovered a remote Tibetan monastery where the monks were rumored to have discovered the legendary Fountain of Youth. The remarkably old, yet amazingly healthy monks claimed that the secret to reversing aging lay in the five special movements they performed daily. The officer learned these exercises from the monks and taught them to Peter Kelder, who documented them in the book “The Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth.”

Practitioners reported improvements in strength, endurance, and energy, relief from joint pain and headaches, better memory and vision, weight loss and even a more youthful appearance.

According to Jo Caron, a certified Kripalu yoga instructor in Hawaii, the 5 Rites were meant to stimulate the energy centers of the body, the chakras, by speeding up and coordinating their spin. She recommends focusing on each chakra during a repetition of the exercises for increased benefits. Activating the chakras stimulates all the glands of the endocrine system, so the 5 Rites in effect, benefit the body’s overall functioning and aging process. The man who brought these 5 Rites to the West, stated that, “Performing the 5 Rites stimulates the circulation of essential life energy throughout the body.”

Write and tell us about your progress. Namaste, Becca Chopra, http://www.TheChakras.org